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Balancing Soma


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You guys, read through all my posts in the thread. 


@sushidubya Well then who the heck are you? And what are your qualifications to judge my role as a tester? Why so serious? This is a public weapon feedback thread, I have every right to post what I want if it's on topic.

Who am I? A fellow Tenno that read your original post demanding something to be changed to whatever values you see fit, yet without explaining why. I'm tired of nerf threads where a fellow user, and not game industry expert gets on an says "change xyz to abc" without even a just because, but rather a just because I said so. The gun hasn't even been in our hands for longer than 5 days. Again it takes a whole clip to take down high level heavies, because it's not armor ignore.

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Acrid is broken, soma not. Acrid and despair are godlike even without mods but you need to heavy mod the soma to be viable.


Show me why the first decent rifle in the game is broken.


The problem with the Soma mainly revolves around the combination of 35% critical chance with the 300% critical damage. Are the critical stats even supposed to be that high? 87.5% critical with 840% critical damage seems to be a bit much, especially when the Strun Wraith was nerfed from a 50% critical chance with 200% critical damage. Combine that with the huge clip size and above average fire rate, and well...


Okay, another way to think about this: are the current AR's in Warframe (outside innate armor ignoring weapons and clantech) that bad? Or heck, toss in the cost:power ratio. The Soma literally blows every single AR out of the water with a relatively low Mastery requirement.


Personally, a decent AR would be nerfing the Soma to 20% critical with 200-250% critical damage with a reduction in clip size. From what I see, the current Soma has the second highest DPS in the game, just behind the Acrid. That's broken.

Edited by ChaoticVice777
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The problem with the Soma mainly revolves around the combination of 35% critical chance with the 300% critical damage. Are the critical stats even supposed to be that high? 87.5% critical with 840% critical damage seems to be a bit much, especially when the Strun Wraith was nerfed from a 50% critical chance with 200% critical damage. Combine that with the huge clip size and above average fire rate, and well...


Okay, another way to think about this: are the current AR's in Warframe (outside innate armor ignoring weapons and clantech) that bad?


Base damage 10.. Remember when grakata was a crap weapon but a monster well moded ? same thing here but this grakata 2.0


also i dont see a reson to nerf it yet.


Who am I? A fellow Tenno that read your original post demanding something to be changed to whatever values you see fit, yet without explaining why. I'm tired of nerf threads where a fellow user, and not game industry expert gets on an says "change xyz to abc" without even a just because, but rather a just because I said so. The gun hasn't even been in our hands for longer than 5 days. Again it takes a whole clip to take down high level heavies, because it's not armor ignore.


Also this pretty much people who ask for nerfs never used this weapon in T3 defence void.

Edited by Dasmir
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Base damage 10.. Remember when grakata was a crap weapon but a monster well moded ? same thing here but this grakata 2.0


also i dont see a reson to nerf it yet.



Also this pretty much people never used this weapon in T3 defence void.


Like how the Hind is the Burston 2.0? Just added this on:


Or heck, toss in the cost:power ratio. The Soma literally blows every single AR out of the water with a relatively low Mastery requirement.


Personally, a decent AR would be nerfing the Soma to 20% critical with 200-250% critical damage with a reduction in clip size. From what I see, the current Soma has the second highest DPS in the game, just behind the Acrid. That's broken.


EDIT: And to add even more, the Soma should be considered Grakata 2.0, but its currents stats suggest Grakata 3.0.

Edited by ChaoticVice777
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Like how the Hind is the Burston 2.0? Just added this on:



EDIT: And to add even more, the Soma should be considered Grakata 2.0, but its currents stats suggest Grakata 3.0.


I love theorical DPS is just so correct  its like all the bullets are going to hit the enemy and no getting reduced by the armor and obviusly hitting always the spot where isnt get recuded even more ! *cought*

Edited by Dasmir
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I love theorical DPS is just so correct  its like all the bullets are going to hit the enemy and no getting reduced by the armor and obviusly hitting always the spot where isnt get recuded even more ! *cought*


We both know current armor scaling is beyond broken. Armor 2.0 is supposed to remedy this. Your thoughts?

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We both know current armor scaling is beyond broken. Armor 2.0 is supposed to remedy this. Your thoughts?


My thoughts you are bashing a new weapon with the new mentality of DE, where DE will be working for making weapons tiers and balancing every weapon to acrid levels.


Where mods are event get changed yet and theres a lot of Old stuff getting rot in every update.

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Welp, just tried to solo that 91-93 Grineer Defense Alert on Naiad and failed miserably.  My Soma was max crit and my conclave is 844 atm.  Rhino max iron skin, no focus tho ;/


It took more than 1 mag to take down a heavy gunner even with roar on.


My bad, I forgot to put hammer shot on =/

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Who am I? A fellow Tenno that read your original post demanding something to be changed to whatever values you see fit, yet without explaining why. I'm tired of nerf threads where a fellow user, and not game industry expert gets on an says "change xyz to abc" without even a just because, but rather a just because I said so. The gun hasn't even been in our hands for longer than 5 days. Again it takes a whole clip to take down high level heavies, because it's not armor ignore.


The objective of this thread was to draw out all the points why soma shouldn't be nerfed. Why else would I start the rage with a ridiculous fire rate?

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The objective of this thread was to draw out all the points why soma shouldn't be nerfed. Why else would I start the rage with a ridiculous fire rate?


Reduce the base critical rate to 20% and lower the fire rate to 6.3 (same as MK1-Braton).




Also lets continue the chain



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My thoughts you are bashing a new weapon with the new mentality of DE, where DE will be working for making weapons tiers and balancing every weapon to acrid levels.


Where mods are event get changed yet and theres a lot of Old stuff getting rot in every update.


Yeah, there's no way I can't take you seriously in this matter.

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Why are people complaining about the Soma?


It's Too Powerful!


A silly argument, seeing its pitiful base damage and Bullet damage type. This argument only becomes actually relevant when it's specified “it's too powerful with the right mods”. However, this addition to the argument is a significant one. What are the right mods?

+Damage, +Multishot, +Crit, +Crit damage, +Elemental damage, and so on....


Now it is clear that as early as the Soma can be acquired now, having all (or most) of these mods at the time that a player acquires Soma is highly unlikely. This leads to a much less effective Soma early on, and a Soma viable for end-game after these mods have been acquired.


So the Soma is decent when players first acquire it, and much more powerful after putting numerous Rare and Uncommon mods on it. Since I view this is how weapons should be in Warframe, I fail to see how this argument holds any merit.


Therefore, I believe the Soma should not be nerfed due to concerns of its damage or power.



Its Mastery Rank Should Be Higher!


This argument holds more merit than the last, but not by much.


We already know that, without the right mods, the Soma will only range from “decent” to “strong”.

Therefore, the true strength of a player's Soma will be determined by which mods they have applied to it, which is regulated by which mods they currently have.


It is unlikely for characters at a low Mastery Rank to have the rare mods necessary to turn the Soma into the DPS machine people believe it to be.


Even if a person with a low Mastery Rank did have the mods required, all it would mean is that they have progressed far enough in the game to get those mods without grinding numerous weapons and warframes to max level.


Requiring a high Mastery Rank for the Soma even seems silly at a certain point: “You can't have that weapon that requires rare mods to be powerful until you are a high enough level to have those rare mods.” This isn't balance; it's simply making the player wait until they can use the Soma at its fullest potential. Getting players earlier access to it will hardly make the gun any more 'powerful' or 'OP'. (Note that this differs from weapons with superior killing potential from the start, such as the Acrid. The Acrid – by design – can lay waste to enemies with horrifying efficiency; hence it's clan research requirement and high Mastery Rank.)


So, ultimately the Soma is a weapon that's weaker in the hands of lower-level players, and much stronger in the hands of higher-level players. A weapon that 'grows with you', so to speak, sounds like a fine addition to Warframe if you ask me.


Therefore, I believe the Soma should not be nerfed due to its Mastery Rank.

(If it absolutely must be nerfed in this fashion – which I strongly disagree with – then pushing it back to Mastery Rank 4 should suffice.)



Its Critical Chance Is Too High!


The Soma is a weapon built for critical hits, from its low base damage to its high critical chance. I might agree on this point if it was 50% or more; however, the Soma – like most other weapons currently in Warframe – requires +Crit chance mods to be able to crit consistently with its current crit chance. This being the case, it's hard for me to see the merit in lowering its current crit chance.


Therefore, I believe the Soma should not be nerfed due to its crit chance.



It Shouldn't have 2 Polarity Slots!


The first argument that I actually agree with. While I certainly enjoy multiple Polarity Slots on my Soma, two Polarity Slots is incredibly powerful, and much more than I was expecting when I received my Soma from the foundry. I believe 1 Polarity Slot would suffice; it gives the user options and efficiency, without being too giving. In addition, players who desire more Polarity Slots can still get them – they just require more Forma.


Therefore, I believe that one option for 'balancing' the Soma is to reduce the number of starting Polarity Slots it has by one.


It Should Require More Materials To Build!


The second argument that I agree with. I was quite surprised at how easy it was to build my Soma.


The only real barriers between a newer player and a Soma are:

- the 50,000 credit blueprint

- the fact that they need to get past Earth to get all the materials


Neither is too bad, considering the quality of the Soma. In this case, an increase in material and/or credit cost seems the most viable (and reasonable) option for 'balancing' the Soma.


Therefore, I believe that one option for 'balancing' the Soma is to increase the material and/or credit cost of building the Soma.

This could take the form of the following increased building costs:

Morphics required increases to 10

Plastids required increases to 1,200

Rubedo required increases to 2,000

Salvage required increases to 10,000

Credits required increases to 50,000



tl;dr  The Soma is fine in terms of damage, crit chance, and Mastery Rank.  If the Soma needs a balance, it should take the form of eliminating one of its Polarity Slots and/or increasing the credit/material costs required to build it.

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I'm seeing quite a bit of the "It's only powerful because you modded it" argument. I agree with this, and the fact that it does indeed suck without mods, but you guys have to take into account the fact that it's one of the few weapons with which a crit build is viable-- meaning that there are three extra mods out there that will buff its damage like crazy on top of the other mods that make other weapons as powerful as they are.

So it's not just that this weapon is powerful while modded that's the issue here, it's more so that the mods that this weapon is compatible with give it far more damage potential than virtually any other primary weapon.

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I'm seeing quite a bit of the "It's only powerful because you modded it" argument. I agree with this, and the fact that it does indeed suck without mods, but you guys have to take into account the fact that it's one of the few weapons with which a crit build is viable-- meaning that there are three extra mods out there that will buff its damage like crazy on top of the other mods that make other weapons as powerful as they are.

So it's not just that this weapon is powerful while modded that's the issue here, it's more so that the mods that this weapon is compatible with give it far more damage potential than virtually any other primary weapon.


Nerf Critical rifle mods = congratz you just ruined snipers and bows.

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So it's not just that this weapon is powerful while modded that's the issue here, it's more so that the mods that this weapon is compatible with give it far more damage potential than virtually any other primary weapon.

I would rather DE just give ALL rifles the ability to use critical builds(buff all rifles critical chance to 15%-20%, but leave the higher X damage to grakata, soma and sniper rifles/bows), this way hammer shot, point strike and vital sense would be a universally sought after mod for rifles. This would also make rainbow builds less dominate and would encourage people to use all 4 load out possibilities so they can incorporated the right elemental damage. 


There are three unusable mods that give a significant power boost that only a few primary weapons(non shotguns) can make use of. Latron prime's critical chance is pathetic and is at the bare minimum for it to be viable. It wouldn't hurt to give 15% critical chance to: Braton prime, Braton, Vandal Braton, Latron, Supra, Gorgon, Dera. Not one of the afore mention weapons would be overpowered if they could use critical mods and would eliminated a huge discrepancy comparing pistols and rifles.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I would rather DE just give ALL rifles the ability to use critical builds(buff all rifles critical chance to 15%-20%, but leave the higher X damage to grakata, soma and sniper rifles/bows), this way hammer shot, point strike and vital sense would be a universally sought after mod for rifles. This would also make rainbow builds less dominate and would encourage people to use all 4 load out possibilities so they can incorporated the right elemental damage. 


There are three unusable mods that give a significant power boost that only a few primary weapons(non shotguns) can make use off. Latron prime's critical chance is pathetic and is at the bare minimum for it to be viable. It wouldn't hurt to give 15% critical chance to: Braton prime, Braton, Vandal Braton, Latron, Supra, Gorgon, Dera. Not one of the afore mention weapons would be overpower if they could use critical mods and would eliminated a huge discrepancy comparing pistols and rifles.


This and pretty much buffing all the rifles with extra 5% critical will be gorgeus (i dont mind having 87% critical chance with my lanka anyway is less RNG for snipers YAY !)

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