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Coming Soon: Livestream #14!


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Where is the beastiary that will help players to be able to look at particular enemies and bosses for mods?





Sure, I have lots of different mods on my main account with 500 hours played, but for my alternate account, I am seriously lacking a lot of different mods. I am at a total loss as to where to find them. I use the wiki's for information, but their info has been out of date for nearing 2 months now, and it is very frustrating with out some info on loot table 2.0

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Can we possibly get a checkbox on the individual melee elemental mods in the weapon configuration UI screen that allows you to disable the elemental graphic for your melee weapon for that type of mod so you can hide fire/electrical/frost animations on your melee from showing. With all the effects active on some weapons, it feels like too much graphics and I'd like the option to tone it down and just display the effects I want to see on my melee weapon while still benefiting from the damage.

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Can we get confirmation on whether or not all Orokin weapons will have prime versions? Or at least let us know when a weapon comes out if it will get a prime version.

Also why didn't you guys put Orokin Derelicts on the star map where they are supposed to be? I'm not opposed to special ones being available by key, but not having them in the star map at all is kind of ridiculous.

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Will there be a city set for each factions?

Can we interact with the AI/ npc s on the worlds? i.e. we build our disguise and explore more of the lore/ world for the people who want to?

My last question Will there be any intermediate new enemy for the faction like newly christened corpus, factions turning into infested or taking down cloning factory where we fight geernir children and their "mothers" ( maybe something of not fighting children but something similar or close to it)?



ps Will you guys put in old orkin derelicts for Mercury or something like that?

Edited by Dewsitine
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Capture mission targets are often described, in briefings as a multitude of diferent things, they are sometimes fugitives, other times assassins or something else. there is a fairly large variety of descriptions to what the targets are, but when we get to them we always find the corpus tech without the helmet, and all he does is run and get invisible. Are you guys thinking of reworking this aspect of capture missions in order to differentiate capture targets, giving them different abilities and fighting power, as well as different looks depending on what they are?

Edited by knightinflames
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1.) How are you going to make things right for people who bought keypacks in the marketplace but got no T3 Survival?


2.) What was the thought process for the Embolist? Why make it so lackluster and so expensive? Can you explain why you thought this would go over well with the community? And if you thought it wasn't going to go over well, why not just scrap it until it was in a better state?


3.) Are you going to continue to make large changes like the stamina changes to the game without first floating the idea with the community then hastily backtracking after everyone is furious?

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Q1: When can we expect a patch to fix Loki's issue of being unable to cloak his sentinel (why is it such an issue when Ash can do so just fine)?


Q2: Will the Corpus replace the Infested as Jupiter main enemies? Is that the reason you threw Golem into the derelict ship?


Q3: Have you considered replacing Ember's skills with new ones considering the monotony and conflict of her current set? -> 4 damage skills without any real utility (2 which do the same function).


Q4: If Ember is supposed to be a squishy caster unit, why do 3 of her abilities involve her having to get as close as possible to enemies? Likewise why did you gave her such a warrior-ish design while your intentions for her is apperently that she is a squishy wizard?


Q5: What were you thinking when you tried to force everyone down to a crawl without stamina mods at the start of update 10? Were you not considering the problems for new players and breaking one of the main themes of the game?


Q6: Is the shared mods system between weapons and warframes meant to stay or should we keep to our multiple mods for our frames?


Joke Question: Where are the 15 meter tall Corpus Crewmen of which Golem apperently snatched one (seeing the massive suit on it)? Do we need anti Titan gear soon?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Q1: I would very much like to know if syndanas will appear on alerts seeing as they are purely cosmetic just like the alternate helmets in future will be. If the helmets will be cosmetic and on alert why not these awesome syndanas


Q2: when the syndanas where shown in the last livestream it was said they were being made to fit the individual warframes better well I currently posses the uru syndana and it floats above the necks and shoulders of half of my warframes will this be addressed soon?

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Q1 : Will you change/improve market UI? Right now it's rather messy, everything is mixed in one place, for example look at the weapons tab, where we have shotguns right next to melee weapons etc.


Q2 : How are you going to implement "planet of Alad V"? Are you going to do this like you did with orokin derelict tileset, accessive only via keys of some sort or will it be easily accessed, just like Phobos? Also, regarding orokin derelict - why give us an impression of replacing Jupiter with orokin derelicts if that wasn't your plan? Is Jupiter going to be replaced by derelict after you introduce a new place where Volt's parts will drop or is this more permanent solution? Or maybe you have something else in mind?

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Q1: Do you plan on increasing the difficulty of the game putting high tear missions that will need effort or is it only the endless defense / survival missions for those who want a challenge


Q2: Will you ever get your own servers which will allow you to host bigger games than 4 people


Q3: Do you plan on changing the energy system and moving the abilities on cool downs, also making all abilities viable


Q4: Do you plan on nerfing all frames / weapons since it is too easy for them to hulk smash everything you have created so far.


Q5: Would you ever release a boss fight that would take your players 30 - 40 or even more tries to kill him in 4 men premade group within a skype call or some other voip program on trough the whole level.

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Question 1: 5th skill to taunt boss that doesn't cost energy but no damage and has long cooldown

Can you implement a taunt skill for all warframe ?

The skill can be used by one guy to distract the boss for a short time while the other allies revive a fallen ally. To make sure the skill is not misused, you can set a cooldown for it. 

When I watched the Open Beta Trailer before joining Warframe, there was a " Loki Kick " which the Loki used to distract the boss while his team wipe out the remaining grineers.

Here's the Link:


Question 2: Datamass that falls into the endless pit

The datamass is permanently lost when an ally accidentally dropped / blast away into the pit, can you make the datamass respawn-able just like how the warframe respawn when they fell off ?


Question 3: Frame/Armour Fashion

I liked the different sets of colours as well as the scarf set, nice job ! Can you design new alternate warframe armour for the torso ? Personally, you can take these as examples, I like Rhino to have a spiked back.. Frost with icicles shouderpads.. Vauban/Volt with electrical pulse moving around his armour.. Ember with a blur / Mirage effect..


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Is there a reason why you've made the Soma the games most expensive weapon? What makes you think someone will be willing to pay 265 platinum for ONE weapon? The only ( somewhat ) reasonable priced weapon is the Twin Gremlins but even it is at 190 plat is still a stretch.


You guys really need to rethink your marketing prices.

Edited by __Kanade__
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My questions are a bit related to U10.


1. Whats up with the mutagen samples? Will Fieldrons and Detonite also end up like mutagens? (corpus void)


2. Will there be a bundle for all the scarves in the market?


3. Will every frame get his/her own scarf eventually?


4. Will the market be more organised when it comes to weapons, alt helmets, accessory, resources etc?


5. Will there ever be an option so you can decide what stats you would like on your alt helmet?

Lets say I want speed and I want to reduce my HP for it.


6. Will there be more weapon skins like the brokk hammer / dagger axes or colors such as the grineer desert tactics pack?

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