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Possibly New Infested Warframe.


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Ok. For starters, this is my idea, my version of a new infested warframe. And clearly commenting on other posts doesn’t get my points across so I’m making my own. 

Haven’t quite figured out a name that would be good for this frame. And I’m not exactly gonna study infections and bacteria to possibly come up with one. Y’all can do that if y’all want. But for now.


health - 500 maxed

armor - 300 maxed

shields - 0

energy - 225 maxed

speed - 1.10

Aura Polarity - Madurai

polarities - Vazarin, Vazarin

gender - Female(sort of)

appearance - close to nidus but more slimmer. Sort of spiky looking, arms have sort of tentacles(similar to when nidus is mutated 10+) around them that connect to the weapons she holds. The rest, use yalls imagination.


Passive - enhances infested weapons. Infested companions have a 50% health link. 

First Ability - infects a target and causes them to sprout boils all over their bodies. When health reduces to 0, they become infested allies. But they are unstable and thus they explode over time or when killed, dealing damage to nearby enemies. 

Second Ability - latches onto an enemy and drains their health to gain energy. If energy reaches maxed then she starts converting their health to armor by up to 50%. After that she just continues to feed on them till they die. Some enemies have a 25% chance to become infested when killed with this ability.

Third Ability - infects the weapon held in her hands and turns it into a mutalist. Gains up to 100% damage buff and 50% critical damage. Slowly drains her bonus armor, or health when bonus armor is gone, to regenerate the bullets for the primary and secondaries. Uses health when channeling(for now) instead of energy. Range mods affects how long the mutalist melee can reach. Launchers fire grenades that leaves acidic  goo in the area of the explosions. Power strength increases the damage buff. Efficiency decreases the drain for bullets. 

Forth Ability - as a sort of princess of the infested, she can spread swarms of parasitic ticks that chase after nearby enemies and inflicts viral damage to them. When they die they become enhanced infested allies while those already infected become enhanced. If the enemy faction is infested she gains control of them and her screeches sends them into a violent rage(doesn’t work on juggernauts very well but can slow them down). They follow her where ever she goes and when they die they drop health orbs. Power strength determines how strong and tough the allies become. Range determines how far the parasites go before they die, leaving an acidic goo on the floor for the duration of the ability.

This is the sort basic idea I had. There are other abilities but that is about it for now. Tell me what y’all think and please be constructive about it. Offer some ideas or suggestions that would be better or improve the concept. Thanks. 🙏 

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Third Ability - infects the weapon held in her hands and turns it into a mutalist

That sounds like a really awful amount of work for the devs, to create a literally new weapon as a counterpart to each weapon in the game would take an insane amount of time with way little pay off since they'd be limited to a single frame, yet the rest of the concept overall (a frame that generates infested allies) does sounds good at least for me, some might say you already have Nidus as the infested frame but it's not as if there weren't frames with similar thematics or mechanics (Look at Nezha and Ember for example - both fire based; Chroma and Rhino, both buffing tanks).

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39 minutes ago, DirePresent said:

That sounds like a really awful amount of work for the devs, to create a literally new weapon as a counterpart to each weapon in the game would take an insane amount of time with way little pay off since they'd be limited to a single frame.

Guess I should’ve given more detail about that. I wasn’t expecting anything big. More like how Nidus links with a warframe or enemy and covers them in some infestation. Basically just like that but slightly different design. Kind of like how Nidus’s deluxe makes his ability have spiky blades in them. This warframe would have its own infested design applied to the weapons instead of the enemies or other warframes. Example: the Quanta with the ability activated on it would NOT look like the Mutalist Quanta but just an infested covered quanta. Like an incomplete mutalist. If that helps. 

The idea was mainly cause even though I think Nidus should be unique, I don’t like that he is alone. This frame would be the perfect partner for Nidus and the only infested frame other than Nidus. 

My Nidus is the perfect team buffing build. I can double or triple(if fissured) teammates power strength. That makes both Chroma and Rhino OP. I linked to a dude’s chroma and his armor buff went over 2,500%. Then linked to another dude’s Rhino and while standing next to Chroma, his Iron Skin became 250K!!! And that is without being fissured. So far a fissured Rhino and Nidus makes up to 1,430% Roar. And I’m planning a build in the near future to make it go higher. As in over 1,600%, when paired with equinox and all growing power aura. 

So an infested partner that can infest other things just makes the idea more exciting for me. I can see all sorts of teamwork. All the damage buffing and an infested army under their command. They would be a powerful duo. Especially with the thought of a possible Infested Open World Map, and some sort of Derelict Nidus(Prime) coming in the future. 

But I’m glad you like the idea. Very appreciated. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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2 hours ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

health - 500 maxed 

armor - 300 maxed

I'm left with the impression that she's meant to be tanky, so I'd like to point out that every tanky frame has at least 1 damage reduction, healing or damage avoidance ability. Simply put, if you want her to be like Nidus, you shouldn't forget he has link, ravenous, innate regen and higher armor.

That said, I like the concept and would just change 2 things:

Passive - The current one is too constricting, unless the enhancements are actually unique effects, which I don't see happening, only increasing damage will force the user into a few weapons or will be completely ineffective.
So why not try something around that growing infestation theme that Nidus has? Like the frame and her minions create a patch of infestation behind them for 15 seconds, granting +0.6% armor, + 0.10 hp/s to the frame for any enemy killed or infected on the patch up to a cap of 500 stacks, while on the patch and activating 1st ability will infest everyone on the patch. If she stays in place, the patch grows around her.

Second Ability - If cast on an infested target, the target will be consumed, healing the frame and any additional health will be converted into "overhealth" (or some shield that benefits armor), which increases by 0.5% in effectiveness by every enemy killed on infested terrain up to the cap

As for the 3rd, as @DirePresent already mentioned, it would require too much resources, so just make it an infested exalted that shoots razor blades that bounce.

Edited by Ver1dian
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4 hours ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Guess I should’ve given more detail about that. I wasn’t expecting anything big. More like how Nidus links with a warframe or enemy and covers them in some infestation. Basically just like that but slightly different design. Kind of like how Nidus’s deluxe makes his ability have spiky blades in them. This warframe would have its own infested design applied to the weapons instead of the enemies or other warframes. Example: the Quanta with the ability activated on it would NOT look like the Mutalist Quanta but just an infested covered quanta. Like an incomplete mutalist. If that helps. 

The idea was mainly cause even though I think Nidus should be unique, I don’t like that he is alone. This frame would be the perfect partner for Nidus and the only infested frame other than Nidus. 

Now that you compared it with Nidus I understand it better, an aestethical aura like the one Nidus can give to other frames with his Parasitic Link, and then the damage, and regarding the launchers it could be something akin Napalm Grenades but as a general thing for everyone of them. Lastly for the damage it'd be something as the bonus damage you can get from Toxic Lash or Accelerant.

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7 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

I'm left with the impression that she's meant to be tanky, so I'd like to point out that every tanky frame has at least 1 damage reduction, healing or damage avoidance ability. Simply put, if you want her to be like Nidus, you shouldn't forget he has link, ravenous, innate regen and higher armor.

That said, I like the concept and would just change 2 things:

Passive - The current one is too constricting, unless the enhancements are actually unique effects, which I don't see happening, only increasing damage will force the user into a few weapons or will be completely ineffective.
So why not try something around that growing infestation theme that Nidus has? Like the frame and her minions create a patch of infestation behind them for 15 seconds, granting +0.6% armor, + 0.10 hp/s to the frame for any enemy killed or infected on the patch up to a cap of 500 stacks, while on the patch and activating 1st ability will infest everyone on the patch. If she stays in place, the patch grows around her.

Second Ability - If cast on an infested target, the target will be consumed, healing the frame and any additional health will be converted into "overhealth" (or some shield that benefits armor), which increases by 0.5% in effectiveness by every enemy killed on infested terrain up to the cap

As for the 3rd, as @DirePresent already mentioned, it would require too much resources, so just make it an infested exalted that shoots razor blades that bounce.

Didn’t want it to be too similar to Nidus. But also the passive is not meant to be something you always use or even think about. Mesa for example is limited to Pistol use. Excalibur is limited to swords(not hammers, whips, heavy blades, etc). Oberon is limited to wild life companions. Then we have cases like Rhino with his heavy weight. Some passives are really noticeable and can be utilized with other abilities. But most tend to be very limiting to the point that people don’t think about them. Infested weapons don’t get used as much nor does the Helminth Charger from what I can tell, or even Djinn. This warframe would make infested weapons, Helminth Charger, and even Djinn more useful. I would be using infested weapons A LOT more. Plus her third ability turning them into infested weapons would activate her passive to them. Also the third ability is meant to be similar to how Nidus links to a warframe or enemy and covers them in infestation. Similar mechanic or effect but with weapons and a different design. 

Infested are “tanky”. And nidus is really tanky. But this warframe I figure a little more health but less armor than nidus while also being quicker which allows her to dodge more. Sort of a balance in my opinion. 

Also like how Nidus is the source of the resource needed to breed a Helminth Charger, I was thinking this warframe could the source to a new infested resource needed to craft more advance infested weapons. Advanced as in similar to Wraiths, Vandals, Prismas, and Primes. Like she provides some ancient or advance Mutagen Mass that is needed as a resource along with the respective infested weapon to make the superior one. Kind of like how the cernos is needed to make the Mutalist Cernos. 

Sucks that I can’t draw. Cause I’m picturing like a horror film or comic that can be like a short introduction of this warframe that leaves everyone in suspense. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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  • 3 weeks later...

I like what you started but what playstyle are you going for? Or role this frame will play?

As I see it she will be either OP or underwhelming as there so seems to be no role focus. If you are looking fulfil multiple roles I would try and have her abilities interact with each other. This seems to the build theory that DE is going with lately with the newer frames.

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On 2019-05-01 at 9:59 AM, (XB1)Nightseid said:

I like what you started but what playstyle are you going for? Or role this frame will play?

As I see it she will be either OP or underwhelming as there so seems to be no role focus. If you are looking fulfil multiple roles I would try and have her abilities interact with each other. This seems to the build theory that DE is going with lately with the newer frames.

Well I kind of pictured a more advanced set of infested weapons similar to wraiths, vandals, and primes. But with infested. The starter name for them is the Ancient Mutagen Mass that is used as a resource along with a specific infested weapon to build a BP for the Ancient version of that weapon. Don’t know a better name for the weapons so I’m just leaving like that till a better idea comes around. 

This frame I was thinking is sort of the queen/princess of the infested. In a way. She can turn enemies into unstable infested that support her until they explode and deal damage to nearby enemies similar to the orange runners. Her main purpose is being able to infect and control infested. Can’t control all of them but at the least she can cause them to attack each other. Her main ability is being able to have an army that follows her. Sure it wouldn’t be as powerful as other minion summoning type frames but with so many of them it would be hard for the other enemies to get to her. And they don’t last nearly as long as they are ticking time bombs. But the fact that they rush the enemies definitely makes use of their unfortunate suicide. 

In a way she can make a wall of unstable infested that makes enemies focus more on them. However, if the enemies are high level enough, they can quickly take them out so for high level mission they would be a good distraction. 

I was thinking that the way her abilities work is that she can have a lot of infested allies but the more she has the weaker they become. So for example let’s say 1 infested ally has 10,000 health and can do like 4,000 damage at a high power strength. If she creates 4 infested allies, they would be 2,500 health and 1,000 damage. At 10, they would have 1,000 health and 400 damage. Not to mention that lower duration would mean they would be quicker to explode so they could do roughly the same amount of explosive damage, like 2,000 each, regardless how many there are. It would be the one thing that would make lower duration useful. Now how high the duration could go would be up for DE.

I was thinking that maybe the more she has the less duration they each have so like 5 seconds could be the base amount while duration mods determine how much more gets applied to each additional ally. Like a (5 + ((5 x 1 x duration mods) divided by # of allies)). So if duration was 200% and the allies were 5, (5 + ((5 x 1 x 2) divided by 5)) = 7 seconds for each.

That is a sort basic math. DE would have to determine that. But from my experience in playing this game with Nyx, Nekros, Atlas, and Inaros, I feel this wouldn’t be OP. Now maybe if my Nidus linked to her and increase her power strength and/or Rhino Roared with enough range, then they would be considered OP but that is the point of teamwork. 

Basically her origin could be that she kept mutating unlike Nidus, and turned into a giant infested boss that summons swarms of infestation onto the Tennos. Roaming the open world map spreading infestation like a plague. Once taken out, the infested boss drops the parts, maybe even BP(unless dropped from the completion of a quest), needed to build the frame. Once built maybe we were able to neutralize or stop her mutation. Maybe using the same method used to kill the infested nests and boss. 

But she would be the source of the new resource similar to Nidus being the source of the Helminth Charger. Maybe she creates a sort of Ancient Mutagen Mass every now and then that can be used to to craft the newer more advanced infested weapons. And she can make the weapons more useful since she could also amplify them with one of her abilities. 

She could use 1 infested ally to destroy, many to defend or distract, or even use them to do lots of damage. Of course that requires her to kill enemies with her abilities. She can’t just shoot them or slash them. So it wouldn’t be that easy to create an army unless she had a Nidus and/or Rhino on her team. And the allies would be quick so they could easily keep up with her parkour running. 

Also I was thinking that since they would drop health orbs after death that would replenish her health that was used in the process of using her abilities that sort of stretches her so thin. Literally. The infested are practically a part of her. 

Now there are still other ideas on other abilities. With the infestation, there is a huge variety of options to choose from. But these abilities would make her the Queen of The Infested. She can turn them into infested(after killing), toughen herself and infest the weapons, her passive would amplify the infested weapons and companions like Djinn or Helminth charged including those turned by her abilities, then she can send the infested allies into a violent rage that makes the allies gain a damage buff while sending swarms of infested locusts onto the enemies that can turn them into more infested allies. She uses health to buff the weapons since she is basically extending herself, her body onto the weapons. But the health orbs dropped from the fallen infested allies would replenish her health. So even if her army is gone, she would still be the more dangerous of them all. 

I could even hear her having her own kind of howling screech like the juggernaut except more high pitch that causes the allies to charge after further enemies instead of just being her Guard Dogs while her loud screech would stun other enemies. Her unleashing locusts looking bugs from her body onto enemies would be pretty hard to watch, even for me. And enemies killed while being attacked by them would also become infested and be affected by her screech. Basically using a big, or small, army for defense and offense or better survivability.  

I’m stilling thinking of ways to make her more unique. A lot more different and tricky to use. Ways that can combine her abilities or even other players to make her more “OP” but not too much. I don’t know the entire math of the game involving health, strength if the enemies, etc. to be able to not make a frame too OP. But regardless any frame in my hands would become OP since I strongly believe in teamwork and always find ways to combine multiple frames into a single, very godly, OP team. 

I’m all for other options. 

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  • 1 year later...

I believe that the first ability is fine and the passive that Ver1dian has stated. Yet I think the second, third and fourth ability can be changed a little. Here are one of my ideas for each ability.


Change the first ability to the second one, yet replace the first with this and the rest follows.


First ability: She sends out a tentacle from her body and attaches to an enemy. I believe it should be like the rip line of valkyr if pressed, but if held down it will send out a more thin tentacle that will buff her armor by a percentage amounts the amount I'm not sure, but to a 50% then starts to regen health and energy but slowly since it it does both but the rate can be increased with power strength.


Third ability: As Ver1dian has stated that would be a lot of work to make a new gun for every single weapon already in the game. So I want to add something that will make her more like a princess or queen of the infested. This ability will be like Nidus's larva ability but instead of pulling them in, it will make a ball of tentacles that will search out targets and infect them with a maggot that will start to drain their health yet a small amount with a passive stun like Vauban's first ability, yet if an affected enemy dies they are turned into a random infested unit that fights for you and your allies. Allowing her to make her own subjects and force them under her rule like a iron fist queen. Power range will increase tentacles range of course and power strength will decrease the time it takes for the effected unit to become infested. This also adds a bit of RNG into the frame since if you're lucky you will get an ancient that will either heal you give you damage resistance things like that.


Fourth ability: I very much like the idea of sending out a swarm of infested flies that attack enemies and borough the way into them slowly turning them into infested. Yet the way you put it makes it sound a lot like Atlas's rumblers, so I say make it half a swarm of flies and half maggots or larvas and have them seek targets forcing them to stager and be a form of cc while doing damage. Yet I believe it would be nice if she is able to make her own little infested "kingdom" like Nidus's fourth ability and make a little infested field around her that acts as a buffing station for her and her allies while slowly spawning more flies or maggots to infect more enemies to turn them into infested yet to make have such a big need to camp if you pass through the infested field you get the buffs but on a timer like Wisp's reservoirs but not as strong, power strength will help though. The second part the field I thought would be great in something like survival and defense while her ability to cc and do some damage while having slight buffing would help in the other mission types. 



Also please be aware that I did indeed come up with this on the fly and in one sitting so not everything is balanced or have any percentages yet and more as you can most likely tell from reading, and I would most definitely appreciate any feed back and advice to help these abilities.


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On 2021-03-02 at 3:28 PM, (XBOX)Violet Six9674 said:

I believe that the first ability is fine and the passive that Ver1dian has stated. Yet I think the second, third and fourth ability can be changed a little. Here are one of my ideas for each ability.


Change the first ability to the second one, yet replace the first with this and the rest follows.


First ability: She sends out a tentacle from her body and attaches to an enemy. I believe it should be like the rip line of valkyr if pressed, but if held down it will send out a more thin tentacle that will buff her armor by a percentage amounts the amount I'm not sure, but to a 50% then starts to regen health and energy but slowly since it it does both but the rate can be increased with power strength.


Third ability: As Ver1dian has stated that would be a lot of work to make a new gun for every single weapon already in the game. So I want to add something that will make her more like a princess or queen of the infested. This ability will be like Nidus's larva ability but instead of pulling them in, it will make a ball of tentacles that will search out targets and infect them with a maggot that will start to drain their health yet a small amount with a passive stun like Vauban's first ability, yet if an affected enemy dies they are turned into a random infested unit that fights for you and your allies. Allowing her to make her own subjects and force them under her rule like a iron fist queen. Power range will increase tentacles range of course and power strength will decrease the time it takes for the effected unit to become infested. This also adds a bit of RNG into the frame since if you're lucky you will get an ancient that will either heal you give you damage resistance things like that.


Fourth ability: I very much like the idea of sending out a swarm of infested flies that attack enemies and borough the way into them slowly turning them into infested. Yet the way you put it makes it sound a lot like Atlas's rumblers, so I say make it half a swarm of flies and half maggots or larvas and have them seek targets forcing them to stager and be a form of cc while doing damage. Yet I believe it would be nice if she is able to make her own little infested "kingdom" like Nidus's fourth ability and make a little infested field around her that acts as a buffing station for her and her allies while slowly spawning more flies or maggots to infect more enemies to turn them into infested yet to make have such a big need to camp if you pass through the infested field you get the buffs but on a timer like Wisp's reservoirs but not as strong, power strength will help though. The second part the field I thought would be great in something like survival and defense while her ability to cc and do some damage while having slight buffing would help in the other mission types. 



Also please be aware that I did indeed come up with this on the fly and in one sitting so not everything is balanced or have any percentages yet and more as you can most likely tell from reading, and I would most definitely appreciate any feed back and advice to help these abilities.


Well I was trying to focus more on her being a queen of infested swarms. Able to infest anything. And has the ability to enhance infested. There are like multiple fighting styles or roles. Most concepts go for a damage build. I was trying to go for the kind of build similar to how Nyx and Nekros are with a little buff. To make the infested more useful too. Rhino can buff everything. Chroma can only buff weapons which makes his buff superior to rhino’s on a weapon damage level. So I figured her being exclusive to infested would make her a bit higher. Especially since infested weapons don’t have like a prime/wraith/vandal variant. 

There are like dozens of infested abilities she could have. But I was strictly going for the whole infest everything theme. As you know, each frame has a “theme” as DE puts it. The theme for this specific one was basically The Queen of Infested Swarms. Strictly for infesting others and enhancing them. I’m not entirely sure what the play style would be called.

But the explosive infested was literally based on the Runners that explode on you. Figured the same would be done for hers. With infested weapons, figure she could be capable of creating them. Like a mixture between a buff and an exalted. I even imagined her creating an exalted infested whip but guess that’s out of the question now. 

I try to create abilities that synchronizes with each other. Where one affects the others in some way. And for this one I was also trying to make the infested weapons more useful. Similar to how Excalibur makes swords better and how mesa makes pistols better. This frame would make the infested ones better in her hands. 


But either way, I just post ideas to assist DE. I welcome any alternative ideas. And I don’t have some like “copyright” mindset if others took notes to create their own version. Sometimes you have to post your own so that YOUR ideas get noticed. Most people aren’t gonna read every single comment/response to a post. 

I honestly wish I was better at drawing. Got someone to draw a Volcanic Frame concept for me. But they haven’t been in a drawing mood since. They said they would draw more if the concept was implemented into the game somehow. Even if slightly changed a little. But the vision I have for the Infested Queen is pretty, grotesque. 

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How about a Warframe based on NTD (Neglected Tropical Diseases), that's a serious topic and a real real live horror where Nidus still looks nice.




You just have to change your whole abilities from Virus / Disease to Parasite / Worms.



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On 2019-04-10 at 3:52 PM, (PSN)chris1pat8twins said:

But most tend to be very limiting to the point that people don’t think about them.

Aka dead passives

I think dead passives or 1s that you dont really feel are OK for games that are just story driven.

For games that are repetitive like warframe, boredom is far more of an issue. Dead passives do nothing to fight that, just helps people get bored faster.

Like making warframes with 3 abilities as opposed to 4 :vomit: whats the point? Just feels lazy nowadays

Edited by (PSN)Frost_Nephilim
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