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DE moderators abusing power

(XBOX)Death Angel DM3

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Ok so I just got kicked from trade chat for mentioning the old wolf set prices. It was a simple "type f for anyone who bought a wolf set" it wasn't spam.  No profanity. Nothing inappropriate.  I mean.. I guess maybe it wasn't the right chat so i GUESS That was "somewhat" understandable. BUT THEN i go to region.. you know... where basically any topic is allowed as long as there is no spam, profanity or anything inappropriate, and i simply said "type f  for anyone who ever bought a wolf set lol" and I got kicked from region.   I mean really? What about that deserved a kick? What rules exactly did i go against? Ive been a good and steady every day player helping others since I got the game SEVERAL months ago and this is what I get? I even had a guy say something to me that seemed a little inappropriate (at least more than what I said) but nothing happened to him.  I wonder... is this one of the reasons your veteran players leave? Maybe the moderators need to be monitored themselves. 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Death Angel DM3 said:

It was a simple "type f for anyone who bought a wolf set" it wasn't spam. 

But it was spam. You didn't want to trade or anything. You just wanted to send a meme. The game tells you not to write such things in the trade chat, because trade chat is for trading.
Nobody abused anything.

4 minutes ago, (XB1)Death Angel DM3 said:

BUT THEN i go to region.. you know... where basically any topic is allowed as long as there is no spam, profanity or anything inappropriate, and i simply said "type f  for anyone who ever bought a wolf set lol" and I got kicked from region. 

And again, you send a meme, basically spam. No need for that.
The kick was fine.

Maybe just behave and stop using childish memes.

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10 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

But it was spam. You didn't want to trade or anything. You just wanted to send a meme. The game tells you not to write such things in the trade chat, because trade chat is for trading.
Nobody abused anything.

And again, you send a meme, basically spam. No need for that.
The kick was fine.

Maybe just behave and stop using childish memes.

But a guy literally said the exact same thing right before me and he's still typing.  I see nothing wrong with a simple joke.   It's not a serious game. You have fun with it. It's not like I'm sitting here cussing people out or making fun of anyone

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1 minute ago, swiftasacoursing said:

Anything along the lines of “can we get an F in chat” will get you kicked because those kinds of messages would often be followed by a flood of F’s. So your message itself is not spam but it is inciting spam.

Ahhh. I see.. so I didn't technically post spam depending on how you view it.  And even if alot of people typed f, it still wouldn't be technically spam unless the same guy kept constantly typing f

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Death Angel DM3 said:

It's not a serious game. You have fun with it. It's not like I'm sitting here cussing people out or making fun of anyone

It's not on you to decide what's okay and what isn't.
DE decides.
If you see someone doing something inappropriate, then report that person.

And that's the end of the story.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Death Angel DM3 said:

Ahhh. I see.. so I didn't technically post spam depending on how you view it.  And even if alot of people typed f, it still wouldn't be technically spam unless the same guy kept constantly typing f

It would still be spam because it is the same message with no significant meaning repeated several times.

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This thread is one of a kind. (sadly I know it's not, but oh well)



I will keep it short and simple, some other players here already said enough:
You tried to initiate Spam. It is against the rules to spam or to get other people up against the existing rules (so if you say "type x in chat to get y" it is your fault)

And btw, you alone wouldn't spam multiple messages, yes. BUT there would be a "Chat-Spam" happening were multiple people at once type the same/ a similar comment in chat. Therefore the chat would loose its original&official purpose. DE doesn't want that sorta things happening in their game.

The kick was imo justified. Do not Spam. Do not try to make multiple other players spam. Just follow the rules and try to stay calm...even if DE makes a tac alert that drastically changes the value of an ingame item ^-^


Edited by Fabpsi
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3 minutes ago, Fabpsi said:

This thread is one of a kind.



I will keep it short and simple, some other players here already said enough:
You tried to initiate Spam. It is against the rules to spam or to get other people up against the existing rules (so if you say "type x in chat to get y" it is your fault)

And btw, you alone wouldn't spam multiple messages, yes. BUT there would be a "Chat-Spam" happening were multiple people at once type the same/ a similar comment in chat. Therefore the chat would loose its original&official purpose. DE doesn't want that sorta things happening in their game.

The kick was imo justified. Do not Spam. Do not try to make multiple other players spam. Just follow the rules and try to stay calm...even if DE makes a tac alert that drastically changes the value of an ingame item ^-^


About how long does a kick even last?  I didn't know their definition of spam was different than alot of others..  Even when I said I feel bad for anyone who bought a wolf set, it was taken down in region

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You were kicked for violating the chat rules. Instigating and/or participating in spamming behavior is not something we permit per the chat rules, and using the trade chat for anything other than trading is a misuse of the trade chat and can result being kicked from there as well.

You're not the victim of moderator abuse, you violated the rules and we're punished accordingly.


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