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[Suggestion] Tenno Homeworld


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TL-DR; Read it or leave.




I'll start this off with one thing, this is NOT a suggestion to have a world were everyone joins which is hosted by DE, this is not it at all. This will still be hosted by you, with a max of 4 people, like current missions, or a few more if DE decides to increase it in the future for possible new mission types.


Wouldn't it be interesting, to see that the tenno have a city, on a planet, in which the lotus is also located. In it, you could see futuristic buildings, possibly flying vehicles, and people, like the ones you save in Rescue missions!


Now they say pictures speak a thousand words, so let me just add some:








Imagine the city being like the ones in the pictures, alleyways, various levels, LOTS of parkouring possibilities.


Along with people walking around, you may even see fellow warframes (As NPCs), some who would even say "I remember you, thanks for rescuing me!" (If the pods in defence ever get warframes in them).


Some warframes/people would even say different things to you depending on your Mastery Level, for example, barely talking to you at Mastery 1, but treating you like a hero at Mastery 10.


Maybe the city will grow larger, the more mastery you get (Progression), and maybe there would be other people talking about your achievements you have done in missions, maybe they'd also mention your clan and how it's a great help!




This is all fine and dandy, but you'd think a city like this would get attacked by the grineer/corpus if it's found. Well if it is found, maybe you have to fight off the invasion. Ofcourse the city can get heavily damaged, but will rebuild itself overtime.





Now, what would the Tenno planet be, without the all important location, in which The Lotus resides.
Examples of such building would be:
In this place, you will only be allowed if you are at a certain Mastery Level, maybe it would be the Max mastery level at the time of the game? Or as simple as something like 10, 15, 20 Mastery?
But eventually, you will reach the very top room, in which "The Lotus" resides, which ofcourse should be after all the lore revolving The Lotus is done.
And for funsies you should have this view when inside the building, towards the city:


Ofcourse, you can invite 3 friends to join you and defend the city in invasions, or to just show off how "progressed" your city is.
This suggestion had been brewing up in my head for months now, and I have finally decided to suggest it.
EDIT: I'd like to point out, someone said they dont want "what I suggested", when I didnt suggest it. He/She thinks I mentioned having NPC quests in which you help them get stuff or something. I NEVER mentioned, or want stuff like that either. Read more carefully if you think I suggested that.
EDIT 2: Other people's suggestions:

A few suggestions to add to the lot if I may :

  • Make how busy the 'homeworld' is based on how many players are online at the same time
  • Make "Red Text" comments flash on 'vid screens' when he posts them as if someone was hacking the video signal on the terminals
  • Make Lotus show up to warn players of new alerts or announcements of events for a moment on said vid-screens
  • Have the Market / Trading be intertwined with the city so that you can either use it from the star map or walk up to a shop to trade/buy (much like how you can get your researches from the labs)
  • Have your own personnal space (appartment?) which could be decorated with objects unlocked by your achievements and craftable decorations, your most used weapons put on display, etc.
  • Make the city area a sort of lobby to find people, them showing up in it then using a shuttle/taxi/terminal to decide your mission; alternatively, the 'star map' room could be exited to the city or, invertly, entered with a group to select your missions.

It's wishful thinking but hey, if it's ever done, then for the better; if not, at least the ideas are there for the picking.

Edited by Sorez
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I thought the Tenno homeworld was Earth (where Hayden Tenno came from) then the Orokin cloned/resequenced his DNA into a race of sentiments immune to the technocytes ravaging influence (due to the fact that Tenno had a condition that numbed/prevented him feeling pain).

The Tenno then floated through the stars fighting the Orokins battles for them before turning on them

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would be cool but aren't Tenno originally humans? not sure untill some more lore comes out but i think that your idea could be the big social meeting place that isn't hosted by a single person. 


I thought the Tenno homeworld was Earth (where Hayden Tenno came from) then the Orokin cloned/resequenced his DNA into a race of sentiments immune to the technocytes ravaging influence (due to the fact that Tenno had a condition that numbed/prevented him feeling pain).

The Tenno then floated through the stars fighting the Orokins battles for them before turning on them


Im pretty sure Earth is grineer territory. The tenno have to find a new planet to live on.

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awesome idea!


have my own thoughts on it though...


according to lore we are more like guardians of peace of the system meaning we really dont have a specific "homeworld". maybe a base in a planet with other species/factions that consider it their homeworld but not entirely "ours". for me the tenno are more of Monks and Hermits that only hone are skills in warfare and when all things are in place return to our cryo states and only awoken when war breaks loose.


but yeah, i love to see a place we could call our own, where the views are breath taking and have a sort of "sand box" mode...


but rather i want so see a place that has more vegetation rather than a metropolis... it fits more of a tenno style where serenity is present for meditations...


like the idea! ^^

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To be honest I think it would be a better idea to condense this from a planet to a ship, or a fleet of ships. For example: high_charity_halo_Isaac_Hannaford.jpg

This would roughly be the size of a moon. It makes more sense since we don't even know what the Tenno are, and this way they can always be on the move. Or we could have a fleet, like the Quarian Migrant Fleet from Mass Effect. It could be made up of all our Dojos, plus larger community ships which would contain all the markets and recreational areas, and we'd have the Tenno flagship where the Lotus lives.

So yeah. Everything you say is good, but I feel a planet would be too dangerous and restrictive.

Edited by TheSmash
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Since tenno MIGHT come from earth it might be a good idea to not call it "homeplanet" but more like "main territory" or "Headquarters". It seems the idea is a good one, but i guess it is a long time until DE will implement it because a lot of resources might be needed to implement something so grand.




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awesome idea!


have my own thoughts on it though...


according to lore we are more like guardians of peace of the system meaning we really dont have a specific "homeworld". maybe a base in a planet with other species/factions that consider it their homeworld but not entirely "ours". for me the tenno are more of Monks and Hermits that only hone are skills in warfare and when all things are in place return to our cryo states and only awoken when war breaks loose.


but yeah, i love to see a place we could call our own, where the views are breath taking and have a sort of "sand box" mode...


but rather i want so see a place that has more vegetation rather than a metropolis... it fits more of a tenno style where serenity is present for meditations...


like the idea! ^^


To be honest I think it would be a better idea to condense this from a planet to a ship, or a fleet of ships. For example: high_charity_halo_Isaac_Hannaford.jpg

This would roughly be the size of a moon. It makes more sense since we don't even know what the Tenno are, and this way they can always be on the move. Or we could have a fleet, like the Quarian Migrant Fleet from Mass Effect. It could be made up of all our Dojos, plus larger community ships which would contain all the markets and recreational areas, and we'd have the Tenno flagship where the Lotus lives.

So yeah. Everything you say is good, but I feel a planet would be too dangerous and restrictive.


Well, it could always be like the pictures I showed, only as a floating fleet in space with it's own Oxygen bubble" and gravity. Like a flying city, only in space!


I still think a planet would be better, ofcourse you cant explore the planet, only the city. I'm not suggesting it's own system here.


Whichever DE likes I suppose.

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would be cool but aren't Tenno originally humans? not sure untill some more lore comes out but i think that your idea could be the big social meeting place that isn't hosted by a single person. 

Yes! Multiple servers to not get a lot of people.
5 servers - each server are 140 people allowed ...
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This Idea is great.  ( next time crop out logos in photos )


Perhaps it could be a giant space station, like a void tower or dojo, surrounded by an orbiting city. Concealed within the voids just like our Dojos are but Huge. The Central hub could be like Lotus's fortress, with the surrounding area having maps with different mission types. This would allow for us to have constant options to play the tile set like any other planet (to defend attacks against enemies that locate our void coords), but would also have the Lotus Fortress city we could enter and thus experience some of the NPC-esque city life. It would be nice if to access assassination missions, you had to run through the city and go visit the Lotus so she could give you the assassination mission in person. It would allow for us to explore the city a bit, or just run right to the lotus to get the mission.


Being on a celestial body is not the best idea, because once the location was found, the spot would be overwhelmed with enemies, more than we could handle. Thus keeping us within the void is the most logical idea.


  **thought** at the center of every galaxy is a black hole? perhaps we can travel between them? thus changing our coordinates quickly to avoid complete annihilation of our people


**thought** Lotus's central building could be the open city type part of the mission where we can go to receive assassination missions or go to visit an Exiled ex-corpus faction guy to post our ranked mods up for consignment, for platinum, as they mentioned they were thinking of like three or four live streams ago... Corpus are the trade gods of the universe so it makes sense that it has to do with corpus.


**thought** Insanely tall elevator to get to Lotus


The one thing that bothers me, about OPs idea, is that it could lead to 'Run back and fourth and talk to random NPCs first' which is something im not too fond of. The players are already crying about the game being too grindy. Adding a city with NPCs will just give us reason to have to run around and talk to them.... Enough games are go here-get this-go back-rinse-repeat. I like that this game allows us to do back to back missions with no traveling involved.


Yes - Tenno home base (supermassive space station), showing the Tenno Revolutionary Faction HQ and their people, perhaps the Lotus's building as well.

Yes - NPCs that comment based on mastery and progress

Yes - Talking to NPCs as long as its not required for anything other than assassination missions or utility related functions

(in which case we go visit the lotus and receive the orders in person *u*)

Yes - Enemy attacks that we must repel in order to protect everything we have worked for (def, surv, ext, cap)



No - Useless back and forth interaction with NPCs. Id rather see more story in the Lore section, but not have to run around like the pony express delivering messages and getting items for people....

Edited by T4LCOMX
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