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could you please start doing livesteams on the weekend. Me and most likly a lot of other people who play would like that to. The reason is we have school or work or both so some of us dont have the time to get on and have a chance for the prize at the end. Because some of us dont have the money to pay for every thing on everything we play so the platinum prize at the end of the livesteam are the only way we can get anything in-game that will help us get stronger faster and to even play some of the planets levels are to high that if you're not boosted enough you just cant do it. I would also like to leave with one last comment, this game is so not f2p friendly it seems you really have to be a p2p to really do anything.

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The derelicts are not a bad idea but didnt need the initial key gate.


Having the derelicts put around the maps much like the conclaves are as seemingly random blips in a planet's localised system could of worked just as well (if not better).  They are after all meant to be the orokin towers/ships that were left in normal space and not hidden in the void.


From that have the golem nodes found in those "free roaming" derelicts.  Maybe even with lotus telling you that there is one (are a few) heavily infested (golem infested) derelicts about, but you need to use the other derelicts to find navigational scraps (golem nav points) to determine a path of the larger tower/ship so you can access it (keygate to the assassination mission).


The result being no nav points in random areas, because quite frankly if the grineer or especially the corpus had these they would raid the derelicts themselves for the potential technology they could gain from it, not leave them laying about in random containers and lockers.

Edited by Loswaith
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"If the people love stalker"




This. I'd love to see a new Sniper and Shotgun in the game. The Vulkar and Snipetron are nice, but I'd love to see a more advanced Tenno sniper that holds more than 4 shots.


Yeah i have to agree with you, there are actually too few snipers,  what about those semi-auto? Or maybe the one that can see trough and pierce walls?(well, the see trough and pierce range can be limited)


By the  way, the infestation still needs some modifications it is not too scary. For something to be scary, it should look viral, inhumane , and it can be seen clearly that it was a human, we should be able to see the skin and face. Something like (example)a human with torn lower jaw, deformed face, and we can see the stomach torn open from inside and some bones (preferably the lower arm bone comes out from the palm of the hand, tearing the skin) sticking out of its body and used as weapon, (the bone should be sharpened of course).Another example is an enemy with a huge stomach and some infested tissue coming out from it with deformed legs. New enemies are needed.Maybe the one that can climb up walls or those that suddenly jump from the roof and grab your face. Or the one that can actually infect other factions. The ancients are OK, but the light infested needs something.

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