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The Rng Is Frustrating In Many Ways. Please Implement Trading.


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First, the incredible messed up drop rate.

Second, the entire incident when Void first released again.

Third, apology once again, and said things are fixed.

Forth, first incident, refund everyone Void Keys. This time around, putting Void Key Packs on 25% off.


Conspiracy? Call me crazy, but all this seems too damn fishy.


DE, you gave me a slight bit of hope. Sheldon was it? The apology was a tad bit heart warming, I like people who are able to own up to their mistakes. So there, I threw in $30 more for you. I didn't bother sending support ticket, I know it won't help. So instead, I threw you a bone and bought more Void Key Packs.


Hey, what the hell do you know? Out of the 20-ish key pack, I've only gotten ONE T3 Exterminate.

I had to hunt, beg, trade people in the chat, to try scrape some T3 Exterminate together, in hopes to finally get that god forsaken piece of Dakra Blade.


But all I've gotten was Forma BP, and...Hey guess what! Frost Prime System. 


You know what, I'm out of luck, screw this RNG system, you want to keep it? Keep it. Please bring in the god damn trade system already. Don't tell me I'm lucky to have Forma BP. You want it? Vote for trading system to be implemented, I'll give you all the god damn forma you need and want.


BP too slow for you? Heck, I'll even throw in some damn instant Forma. Sick and tired of this RNG.


Spending time. No reward

Spending effort. No reward.

Spending money. No reward.


The hell I've to do to get one single item?

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First, the incredible messed up drop rate.

Second, the entire incident when Void first released again.

Third, apology once again, and said things are fixed.

Forth, first incident, refund everyone Void Keys. This time around, putting Void Key Packs on 25% off.


Conspiracy? Call me crazy, but all this seems too damn fishy.


DE, you gave me a slight bit of hope. Sheldon was it? The apology was a tad bit heart warming, I like people who are able to own up to their mistakes. So there, I threw in $30 more for you. I didn't bother sending support ticket, I know it won't help. So instead, I threw you a bone and bought more Void Key Packs.


Hey, what the hell do you know? Out of the 20-ish key pack, I've only gotten ONE T3 Exterminate.

I had to hunt, beg, trade people in the chat, to try scrape some T3 Exterminate together, in hopes to finally get that god forsaken piece of Dakra Blade.


But all I've gotten was Forma BP, and...Hey guess what! Frost Prime System. 


You know what, I'm out of luck, screw this RNG system, you want to keep it? Keep it. Please bring in the god damn trade system already. Don't tell me I'm lucky to have Forma BP. You want it? Vote for trading system to be implemented, I'll give you all the god damn forma you need and want.


BP too slow for you? Heck, I'll even throw in some damn instant Forma. Sick and tired of this RNG.


Spending time. No reward

Spending effort. No reward.

Spending money. No reward.


The hell I've to do to get one single item?

I agree, RNG is bullS#&$, it should be a token system where you recieve an ingame currency to buy keys you actually want.

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I edited the title of your post to reflect the content more accurately after reading your post.

was funny to click the link via new topics and see the title change.

really fast on that one lol.


on topic:

done a few void runs since the latest fix... nothing but frost parts for me.

not a single part for anything else.

rng is rng.

DE loves rng and grind.

why else would the continue to add more layers of each?

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I edited the title of your post to reflect the content more accurately after reading your post.


I appreciate the hot fix and the effort your team put into trying to fix the mistakes.


But this RNG system is undoing everything your team trying to accomplish. I'm not getting a better gaming experience out of all this.

Logically you'd think paying with actual money would get you somewhere.


It is very hard for me to not believe this isn't staged. I mean, how can my luck be this bad. Several void key packs, getting every single variation of keys, but only ONE key that I actually need?


And after scavenge a couple together with different strangers, yet I still unable to get the item I need? Regardless how people are over joy in chat, saying they've got theirs.


This. Is. Frustrating.

This, is also sending my hopes into Void and nothing left but despair.


Seriously, what do I have to do to get a Dakra Blade?

Put more time in? Done that.

Put more effort in? Also did that, begged like a homeless guy, hunt like an eagle in the recruit chat already.

Put some money in? You bet your sweet &#! I did.

What else do I have to put in to get one single virtual item that'd make my day? Is there a blood donation station somewhere? Cause I'd totally do that too!


I'm not trying to QQ a river. It's just simply at a breaking point. The frustration DE put some of us through Frost Prime era was already bad enough. Then the new Prime weapons. And now this...Good god, I honestly don't know how much longer I can stick with Warframe before I flip a finger and actually not look back.

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I edited the title of your post to reflect the content more accurately after reading your post.

Rebecca, with all due respect, changing the title is the least important thing in this thread.

It has been said for quite a while... probably as soon as the 2nd set of void missions came out. We NEED a token system. The current RNG system just doesn't work... at all. I used something like 20 T3 Captures... didn't get a single Braton Prime Barrel.... what? This is a redicoulus and inefficient system for your players, and many of them are losing interest in playing simply because of this RNG system.

Please, I urge DE to make this one of their TOP priorities, as it would greatly improve the feedback for things like the void.

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Rebecca, with all due respect, changing the title is the least important thing in this thread.

It has been said for quite a while... probably as soon as the 2nd set of void missions came out. We NEED a token system. The current RNG system just doesn't work... at all. I used something like 20 T3 Captures... didn't get a single Braton Prime Barrel.... what? This is a redicoulus and inefficient system for your players, and many of them are losing interest in playing simply because of this RNG system.

Please, I urge DE to make this one of their TOP priorities, as it would greatly improve the feedback for things like the void.


RNG system exists, I'm assuming it is because DE wants to make money, making players who does not want to grind Void Keys, buy Void Keys packs.


So...Bought keys packs I did. STILL NO DAKRA BLADE DROP.


I have an urge to slam my forehead against the table repeatedly. DE you want money, I threw money in your wallet. Still no avail.

I love the art style of this game, but there's only so far the art style alone can carry this game. With such horrendous drop system, art style alone won't keep me here for very long. And honestly, check my record, I've been a loyal customer ever since U7 haven't I? You honestly want to lose a customer like me?

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The dakra blade is such a joke to get it has a ridiculous % drop rate some say 1% from various sources, ive got like 6 or more void key packs and only got like 1 t3 key looks like a con to me its getting boring now il think twice b4 getting keys tbh smiley-sad006.gif

Edited by DynamicEnergy
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Yes it is very frustrating. For some people are parts like mods or prime weapons just impossible to obtain. And others just get it in a short time. I think the RNG system doesn't work as intended. I mean the chances of getting the things are so diffrent for every player. It's ridiculous.


Some examples:

Some of them play hundrets of hours and don't see the Split Chamber mod at all and others just play 1 time Assassinate the Raptor and get it (Quote: Comment section of http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Split_Chamber)


Or as you see in this thread


Rebecca, with all due respect, changing the title is the least important thing in this thread.

It has been said for quite a while... probably as soon as the 2nd set of void missions came out. We NEED a token system. The current RNG system just doesn't work... at all. I used something like 20 T3 Captures... didn't get a single Braton Prime Barrel.... what? This is a redicoulus and inefficient system for your players, and many of them are losing interest in playing simply because of this RNG system.

Please, I urge DE to make this one of their TOP priorities, as it would greatly improve the feedback for things like the void.

He didn't get one Braton Prime Barrel in 20 T3 Captures? I don't even have 20 Void missions and I played Warframe for 70 hours.


Seriously DE please fix the drop rate/ RNG system. It is sooooo unbalanced! I would not mind if it would take like 10 or 15 runs more for me to obtain something in exchange that I would get another thing in like 5 runs.

For some it is just to easy. A few runs and they get all the parts and blueprints they want. And others do 20, 30, 40, 50 runs in the same area and they get nothing! And that is a huge amount of time they spent trying to get that! Is that fair?

There is just a to high diffrence.


I think that I don't just speak for myself when I tell that! C'mon community! Rais your voice for a better drop/RNG system!


Now to the Topic:

A traiding system could flatten the huge diffrence of the droprate every player expiriences. People can sell their spare parts, mods and blueprints that people can obtain these things at all!


Imagine someone got like 3 Braton Prime Barrels and 2 other guys have put each like 10 runs into finding one. They earned each like 50'000 bucks. So why is it not possible to sell 2 Braton Prime Barrels for 50'000 each or even 100'000. I think they won't mind to pay 100'000 if they could get it at all! Or trade some mods for it. Let's say some Split Chamber for 3 Braton Prime parts?


This game has soooooo much potential! But please update and fix the RNG system. Make the chances for everyone the same

Edited by Epidexios
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Don't you get that once there is trading, everyone will have everything right away and then no one will want to play and they will all complain that it is too easy, they've givin you a reason to play even more , don,t you like playing this game ?

That's a pretty big assumption for the most part. What trading also does is ease the riggers of an RNG system by giving players another avenue to obtain things they need. While RNG may keep peeps playing hoping for the one item that will eventually drop, if also grates ones patience to the point where they may eventually quit. Time, money invested = reasonable progression not a shot at progression. 

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NO, infact I don't like playing this game any more, back when I first started at the start of open beta I farmed hek only 5 times to get the chassie and helmet print for trin ...it took 65 more times to get the systems ...how eff'd is that ? also spent over 30 or so keys since update just to get 30 or so latron prime stocks ...sorry but I agree with this ...a trading system MUST be implimented or they are going to start losing players fast ... the grind and the RNG system in warframe is broken ! ...the more and more content being added will brake the RNG system even more, this system is tried and PROVEN by many people now that it does.not.work. for larger games.

perfect example of this is stalker, stalker as a very low chance of even showing up now ...and now on top of that the RNG gods take over IF you manage to actually kill him ...and what do you get for it 90 % of the time !....wait for it .....wait for it .....NOTHING ! ... all war frame is turning into for every one now is a big long grind that's it, DE says they are trying to avoid this but the fact is their not, they are making the grind worse.

DE why do you think missions like xini are so over played ? ... I rest my case.

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RNG is fine. A token system would just make it way too easy for everyone to get what they want (and it would saturate and reduce variety of what people use). At least RNG keeps everyone from running around with Mag Primes three days after U10 goes live, etc etc.

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Yeah...I laughed my &#! off when I saw that post "RNG is fine ?" you must be some one who already has all the stuff you want and there for does not care about the voice of every one else saying that the RNG system is broken ...OR ...you are pay to win OR ...you just started and have not had the "war frame" experience yet ...and honestly, with the RNG system the way it is right now ...no ,no the game is not fun...and even if you try to focus on the "game play" there is not enough to keep you here farming the same crap over and over again.

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Trading system likely will never allow you to trade one of your items or money for someone elses Dakra Blade.  It will likely never allow you to trade your void keys for someone elses also.


At the most they ever talked about was trading mods at the end of a match.  Now that everyone gets the same mods that is less appealing and would only matter in groups of people who play on voice, in regular pug groups they break up before I load back to menu 99% of the time.

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I like RNG, and feel it's an indispensable part of what makes Warframe, Warframe.


If anything, I'd expand it further. Not terribly fond of overly formulaic approaches with no element of chance. Doing X should not always result in reward Y, IMO.

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You can't pay to win the void. You can only pay for more chances sooner.


Edit: But even then, it's just as fast as those who sit in regional and jump on other people's void runs/clan runs.


Yes another way to alienate paying customers.


The money system in this game is rediculous for paying customers, honestly serves non-paying customers the game on a silver tray.  The void key pack is a MIDDLE FINGER to the paying customer.  RNG FOR MONEY, here you go!   The Fusion Cores is a MIDDLE FINGER and baseball bat to the stomach of all paying customers.


You can't even pay for convenience in this game.  DE literally screws over the paying customer to appear fair and keep this stupid random system going since they have less than 4 hours content in the entire game, unless you consider a different color hallway new game modes.  You can't actually pay your way to any convenience, just more chances to be  let down in RNG.


That and add in with the gear removal so all solo play is screwed more means possibilities and chances are being reduced daily.


Thank you DE for providing a great Free game that no one but millionaires and well off people can stomach the costs.


Can you put 1 price on it since you will never support the paying customer to actually buy your game?


Whats the price you want from everyone, 10,000 American to have any convenience around your RNG?


When i see a freeloader customer complaining about anything, I am totally shocked as paying gets you nothing but Slots (forced, why no RNG?  how about buying slot with money works like this.  I pay 5 bucks for slots and DE can MAYBE give them to me?  RNG WINS!) and now Scarfs.  DE forgot on the scarfs thought to add RNG, we pay real money for a scarf and one of 4 different versions comes out.  Can't pick and and choose, they should add in RNG when buying cosmetics too, so instead of spending 4 purchases to buy all scarves, we can spend 200 purchases for a chance to get all 4 scarves right?


That is better.

Edited by Nickeltoe
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