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The Rng Is Frustrating In Many Ways. Please Implement Trading.


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He didn't get one Braton Prime Barrel in 20 T3 Captures? I don't even have 20 Void missions and I played Warframe for 70 hours.


Seriously DE please fix the drop rate/ RNG system. It is sooooo unbalanced! I would not mind if it would take like 10 or 15 runs more for me to obtain something in exchange that I would get another thing in like 5 runs.

For some it is just to easy. A few runs and they get all the parts and blueprints they want. And others do 20, 30, 40, 50 runs in the same area and they get nothing! And that is a huge amount of time they spent trying to get that! Is that fair?

There is just a to high diffrence.

Yea... I've been playing over 400 hours, so I managed to mount up quite a lot of keys in the time Frost Prime came out, and the other keys and items were released.

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The money system in this game is rediculous for paying customers, honestly serves non-paying customers the game on a silver tray.  The void key pack is a MIDDLE FINGER to the paying customer.  RNG FOR MONEY, here you go! 


I will bet all my plat that void keys have accounted for the most platinum sales in this game's brief history so far.

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Don't you get that once there is trading, everyone will have everything right away and then no one will want to play and they will all complain that it is too easy, they've givin you a reason to play even more , don,t you like playing this game ?

And you think grinding for 12+ hours is a better idea? I agree with them! inefficient drop rates, constant grinding for no reason other than to simply get one part, dealing with ridiculously hard levels & bosses just to end up with nothing in the end, constantly looking for people to farm with you if you don't belong to a clan...trust me when i say this, this idea called warframe won't last long with this as a staple in the gameplay. I think a trade system with help alot of people enjoy this game much more and most new comers wont feel so overwhelmed by the constant grinding. Trust me, a trade system with work wonders (if done correctly).

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It's been said a thousand times ...also that guy that says a trading system would lessen the game ... he clearly has not played for long.

if warframe does not impliment a trading system in the next update 11 they are going to lose many many players

Hehe I don't think so, everyone says Ill quit but they come back few hours later, myself included, I got saryn and nyx in 3 tries each, I have yet to get mag systems after 50 runs maybe that is RNG and it is fine by me, if they put in trading everyone and their mother will have everything in a few days how is that a good thing ?? What would you do if you had EVERYTHING ?? my guess is youd stop playing...

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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You say that like you know, sorry but you are wrong, things still cost, it's not like every one will just give stuff away for free, and also the game is expanding with it's content and fast ... just like all the other MMO's out there, there will HAVE to be a trading system at some point, the game is going to get to large and the RNG will brake again... DE can't afford to keep screwing over their players like they did with the frost prime era and now the mag prime era >.>

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You say that like you know, sorry but you are wrong, things still cost, it's not like every one will just give stuff away for free, and also the game is expanding with it's content and fast ... just like all the other MMO's out there, there will HAVE to be a trading system at some point, the game is going to get to large and the RNG will brake again... DE can't afford to keep screwing over their players like they did with the frost prime era and now the mag prime era >.>

You really think they are trying to screw us really ?? they put in new stuff it is absolutely normal they don't want everyone too have it right away, don't you think ? they want you to play the game a bit too get stuff for free !!!

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How can trading system (excluding platinum trading) is bad in anyway? Most games out there that have grind also have market place. People can buy or trade almost everything. They are still playing even after they acquired end game gears. I am still playing with end game gears. Why so against trading system in Warframe?

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So braking the RNG system by adding new things ? ... twice ? sorry they are humans yes, but bug testing is a thing... they should have made sure that it was ready BEFORE releasing the update, how many keys do you think were used ? how much plat do you think was bought ? ...that 5- plat they gave to people was a SMALL compensation for the screw up that affected litterally all of it's players

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So braking the RNG system by adding new things ? ... twice ? sorry they are humans yes, but bug testing is a thing... they should have made sure that it was ready BEFORE releasing the update, how many keys do you think were used ? how much plat do you think was bought ? ...that 5- plat they gave to people was a SMALL compensation for the screw up that affected litterally all of it's players

How long did that last ? 24 hours ?? did they even have to compensate anyone ? absolutely not, gamers need to breathe and relax my god, this is a BETA even if you dont want it to be.




it is just a game after all, if your not having fun than there's only one thing left to do.

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Next thing you know, you'll have RNG in your RNG, or RNG will be needed to simply log in, even. I support the idea of a trading / token system, or something akin to the market options in two other MMOs that I've played before, World of Warcraft and Spiral Knights. And hey, even WoW has RNG as well, just not as atrocious as the one present here. Of course, I'm speaking of my initial impression when I played those games.



Frankly now, DE, take a good look at other games' market and trading options, it'll only do you good.


And I lost it when I read that "RNG is fine" post. Get a clue, Sherlock.

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RNG is fine. A token system would just make it way too easy for everyone to get what they want (and it would saturate and reduce variety of what people use). At least RNG keeps everyone from running around with Mag Primes three days after U10 goes live, etc etc.

And people running around with Mag Primes 3 days after U10 would make the game less fun for everyone in what way?


Sometimes I feel that a lot of you C***s just like to hold this crap over newbies just because you need someone to feel superior to.  Get out of high school already.

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A trading system won't make people leave the game, in fact it'd probably make them stay even longer. If you don't have anything to trade, how can you get the things you're trading for? People will play more, get some things that they don't need, and then try to trade them for things they do need. And of course, the harder it is to get something, the more expensive it will be to trade for it. So then you'd need to go and get more mods/blueprints/etc in order to trade for high tier stuff. I.e., even more time spent playing. 


I'm highly in favor of trading being implemented in this game.

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BullS#&$. You're delusional if that's your actual opinion.

It is my actual opinion. Did you play World of Warcraft, I wonder? Don't insult other people just because you disagree with them.

World of Warcraft HAS RNG. Take bosses or special mobs, they all have that chance to either drop some rare item with a special buff or some low level loot. The only reason I say it's not as atrocious as in Warframe is because of the availability for it. Mobs respawn after a while so you can get another shot at the loot. From my experience while playing it, there were times when I didn't get the loot I was looking for, but after two or three tries, I actually scored.

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Yeah, I personally feel offended that I burned all that time in the void, only to be refunded all but 5 platt away from just a few void keys.


My spin?


DE Forces every one to burn through void keys using drop tables it knows are borked, tells us twice they aren't.


Introduces that weird market sale dude.


Gives us platt.


Void keys go on sale for 55 platt. Come on, you can afford to buy a little bit to round up, can't you?



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Man, I am at wits end here trying to atleast find the Dakra prime blade so I can honestly stop going on repetitive grind void missions.


it feels so demotivating to atleast go through a whole run just for the system to say, "Here's a piece of blueprint you don't even need! have fun!"


So many frost prime parts that I don't even need, its lame.

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Even if you have RNG, you still need a stable Drop Rate Table or people wont be able to actually know if anything of value is going to drop. Period.


   You might get all of ash's parts in less than a day, but you wont get gallium at all. Then the next day, you get nothing but gallium, but you'll never see the ash parts again.



   Its not the RNG thats the problem, its the Drop Rate Tables. DE we need you guys to fix that (along with other things).

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RNG is fine. A token system would just make it way too easy for everyone to get what they want (and it would saturate and reduce variety of what people use). At least RNG keeps everyone from running around with Mag Primes three days after U10 goes live, etc etc.


ooook... fine... right... what say you on 140 hours SOLEY on 'farming' for split chamber and every day i get people in my nacissus game saying "oh i just got that last game i did! sucks for you!". RNG is NOT fine tons of players deserve honorary split chambers. i would really like to use my rifles for something other then mastery after 250 hours of playing....

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A trading system won't make people leave the game, in fact it'd probably make them stay even longer. If you don't have anything to trade, how can you get the things you're trading for? People will play more, get some things that they don't need, and then try to trade them for things they do need. And of course, the harder it is to get something, the more expensive it will be to trade for it. So then you'd need to go and get more mods/blueprints/etc in order to trade for high tier stuff. I.e., even more time spent playing. 


I'm highly in favor of trading being implemented in this game.

Exactly, thats why trading is sooo useful! It helps to put incentive in the hunting & grinding.

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ooook... fine... right... what say you on 140 hours SOLEY on 'farming' for split chamber and every day i get people in my nacissus game saying "oh i just got that last game i did! sucks for you!". RNG is NOT fine tons of players deserve honorary split chambers. i would really like to use my rifles for something other then mastery after 250 hours of playing....




A floating Gorilla head in Space, controlling what drops we get...

Would have a more just and fair outcome than the RNG as it stands today

Edited by WeissKreuz
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