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Does DE use metrics to see if their game is balanced in dificulty/fun??


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vor 12 Minuten schrieb (PS4)sweatshawp:

and in reality no "elite" player wants to sit and fight level 200 enemies all day we want a challenge vs being able to one tap things in an instant on EVERY mission with EVERYTHING in our arsenal. We want to think. put our god builds to use. not sit in MOT or another T4 for hours Plus until enemies become oneshotting bullet sponges. People dont get that we want to be challenged nobody wants to take away from the casual experience but we want more added to the Endgame and hardcore experience. Not to mention raids were taken out and will probably come back 1000x easier when they do decide to bring them back as another example.) 

you don't really get what i meant.

first of all: i wrote for my own. it's my opionion und i'm not your "guys".

secondly i get along with vets, it should be a better challanging for them.  but i have NEVER read any usefull idea.

in the end it's always the same: make everything faster, better, harder. which will make it impossible for others. yeah great idea. or make a new endless mode with harder enemies, faster scalling and so on. which will not sadisfy the most because its just one and the same mission type over and over again.

in the end you all cry about the game, but no one had a real solution which is balanced and will not kill the fun for everyone else. and THATs the main problem.

Edited by (PS4)NewcastleDisease
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Just now, (PS4)NewcastleDisease said:

you don't really get what i meant.

first of all: i wrote for my own. it's my opionion und i'm not your "guys".

secondly i get along with vets, it should be a better challanging for them.  but i have NEVER read any usefull idea.

in the end it's always the same: make everything faster, better, harder. which will make it impossible for others. yeah great idea. or make a new endless mode with harder enemies, faster scalling and so on. which will not sadisfy the most because its just one type over and over again.

in the end you all cry about the game, but no one had a real solution which is balanced and will not kill the fun for everyone else. and THATs the main problem.

you wrote it for your own op in public forms dude meaning anyone can respond with their opinion 

Check the forms man all i can say ive seen plenty but most get overshadowed or downvoted to all heck in the Wf reddit because people dont want it

Not at all We want Sustan and if harder enemies can make us think more it;d be nice and refreshing.

nobody is trying to kill the fun for casuals again. Im not sayin EARTH SHOULD BE HARDER AGGGGRHHHRHRH   Im saying as a hardcore player and vet id like more challenging content for people in my side of the community you guys can keep cookie clicking but we'd like something added to present us with a challenge. but you guys always seem to ignore or dismiss that 

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb (PS4)sweatshawp:

you wrote it for your own op in public forms dude meaning anyone can respond with their opinion 

Check the forms man all i can say ive seen plenty but most get overshadowed or downvoted to all heck in the Wf reddit because people dont want it

Not at all We want Sustan and if harder enemies can make us think more it;d be nice and refreshing.

nobody is trying to kill the fun for casuals again. Im not sayin EARTH SHOULD BE HARDER AGGGGRHHHRHRH   Im saying as a hardcore player and vet id like more challenging content for people in my side of the community you guys can keep cookie clicking but we'd like something added to present us with a challenge. but you guys always seem to ignore or dismiss that 

yeah you can have every opinion you like, totally agree. i've never wrote anything diffrent. but you want to force your opinion to this forum and thats a probem.

and again: i'm not your "guys" and i'm not playing low level missions. thats nothing i have fun with as already mentioned. so don't think i don't like challenges.

i'm AGAIN also think high level player needs more challenges. 

your problem at this is: you are just crying about the bad bad community which don't like you. without mentioning, that noone has a problem with the FACT that high level players want more stuff for them. the problem is their suggestions, which are still (mostly) crap. i have read a many of them and never see really good ones. yeah, some are just: please fix this or that - agree. or bring back xy - also agree. but everything else is not even a good idea. thats the point.

so stop blaming the community or warframe and think about real good solutions...


Edited by (PS4)NewcastleDisease
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)NewcastleDisease said:

yeah you can have every opinion you like, totally agree. i've never wrote anything diffrent. but you want to force your opinion to this forum and thats a probem.

and again: i'm not your "guys" and i'm not playing low level missions. thats nothing i have fun with as already mentioned. so don't think i don't like challenges.

i'm AGAIN also think high level player needs more challenges. 

your problem at this is: you are just crying about the bad bad community which don't like you. without mentioning, that noone has a problem with the FACT that high level players want more stuff for them. the problem is their suggestions, which are still (mostly) crap. i have read a many of them and never see really good ones. yeah, some are just: please fix this or that - - agree. but everything else is not even a good idea. thats the point.

so stop blaming the community or warframe and think about real good solutions...

i never tried to force my op on you at all lad. Thats a heavy assumption. And again like i've stated there has been many GREAT ops including one linked directly in this fourm post. but like i've said they go overshadowed or downvoted ALOT. and im not crying at all brother i've moved on but i still care about the game and would like to see it grow. but i guess you dont see that either  

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vor 19 Minuten schrieb (PS4)sweatshawp:

And again like i've stated there has been many GREAT ops including one linked directly in this fourm post. but like i've said they go overshadowed or downvoted ALOT.

ok, let me know which one.

the idea posted in this post is may a nice start, but would heavilly interrupt the way warframe is. beside that i have read more "yeah if the reward is a umbra aura mod" or anything like that. that's not playing for challenge, its playing for a reward which can already be done with the nightwave series. i agree that a harder mode need better rewards (not like elite sanctuary which is really .. don't know what to say about the rewards there), but the reward should not be why it is used. that has nothing to do with gameplay fun then.

And thats why i don't think a endless mission type will keep player playing. maybe e few one. but not the most.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)NewcastleDisease said:

ok, let me know which one.

the idea posted in this post is may a nice start, but would heavilly interrupt the way warframe is. beside that i have read more "yeah if the reward is a umbra aura mod" or anything like that. that's not playing for challenge, its playing for a reward which can already be done with the nightwave series. i agree that a harder mode need better rewards (not like elite sanctuary which is really .. don't know what to say about the rewards there), but the reward should not be why it is used. that has nothing to do with gameplay fun then.

And thats why i don't think a endless mission type will keep player playing. maybe e few one. but not the most.

ive suggested Bringing back raids and Implement one per planet or at least start working on One per planet with unique Puzzles challenges and bosses /stages per tileset like going into the void and starting a process to destroy the janus key from vor to finally "kill" him having players travel between the void lets say hunting for the key or finding ways to expose the key to do damage to vor. or  Going to raid Alad V's Factory to stop the production of her Weapons to make the galaxy better off having you sneak into the mission and upon detection fail or Make the mission significantly harder  or having to find and destroy parts of a production line until Alad comes out in a prototype warframe suit to fight you. Things like that where it can be up in the air

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

ive suggested Bringing back raids and Implement one per planet or at least start working on One per planet with unique Puzzles challenges and bosses /stages per tileset like going into the void and starting a process to destroy the janus key from vor to finally "kill" him having players travel between the void lets say hunting for the key or finding ways to expose the key to do damage to vor. or  Going to raid Alad V's Factory to stop the production of her Weapons to make the galaxy better off having you sneak into the mission and upon detection fail or Make the mission significantly harder  or having to find and destroy parts of a production line until Alad comes out in a prototype warframe suit to fight you. Things like that where it can be up in the air

So bring back something that DE clearly stated they dont have the will to work on anymore because nobody plays it anyway? Unless its doable solo or in pugs (like eidolons) it will end the same way.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb kuciol:

So bring back something that DE clearly stated they dont have the will to work on anymore because nobody plays it anyway? Unless its doable solo or in pugs (like eidolons) it will end the same way.


also  (PS4)sweatshawp you face some suggestions which may kill the storyline. Vor as also Alad are enemies which are essential for the story till now.

Edited by (PS4)NewcastleDisease
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On 2019-08-01 at 4:10 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

not for lack of people who want to but for the difficulty being so offputting

I think this idea needs to be flipped. Nobody plays those game modes because they're not difficult/fun/rewarding, not because they're too hard. When I pair those three together it's because they all need to be there or it's not a complete game mode, and that's where all those modes fall short.

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On 2019-08-01 at 4:10 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

When DE release new stuff like arbitrations or disruptions or orb spider fights or eidolons do they measure anything player side to see if its to easy or to hard?

For example do you look at the active player base on any given platform and compare who has ran that content and who hasnt?  And of those who have ran it, who has only done it a handful of times or less?  And then for a true picture take snapshots like that each month after release to see if anything goes up or down.

My suspicion is that only a small % of the playerbase runs the endgame stuff,  not for lack of people who want to but for the difficulty being so offputting.  Getting one hit killed,  having to have specific gear to make the fights effecient.    

Why cater to only a small % of the community?  Your afraid if you make thegame to easy you will lose your "hardcore" players but if that makes up only 10-15% of your community.....Arent you more afraid of the other 75-80% of the community losing interest and just walking away?? 

What I really wanna know is those % numbers.   What % of players actually enjoy the hard content,  what % get left out.

If DE wasn't looking at metrics, they'd already be "that company that had that one game back in 2013, what was it called? Wargame or something?"

They have to know what gets used and what doesn't, how often power 1 gets used compared to power 3, how many times each specific mission is run, etc. And I mean "have to" in the sense of "it is required for them to maintain and develop their game."

Besides, DE already does tailor the game around starchart level difficulty and starchart-level activities. That's why there is a near-constant, cicada-like "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" from veterans about endgame. 

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7 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

 the use of all Wfs gimmics mechanics and fighting shouldnt just be labled as some sort of party trick. All of what we've been doing should have some grounds to stand on or some use or something to say hey This is usefull for x,y, and z. Most mechanics in the game are useless because of the little challenge brought in the game.

Precisely why I called them party tricks.  We learn them through the normal old starchart missions, confirm we've learned with an MR test, and then it sits in the bin only to be pulled out when that friend new to the game has to play their first archwing mission.

7 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Arbys were and still are trash and could have been much more DE puts out content and if they arent a smash hit leave them in the dust (Pvp Lunario Arbys and ESO)

PvP is pretty doomed, so counter to the existing playerbase, DE would really have to expand their scope if they want to have functional PvP and attract that sort of playerbase.  Lunaro reminded me a lot of the PvP in Firefall where it removed itself from normal combat and gear to just be a fun sporty thing, but well... that game's servers are no longer online.

I think Arbitrations and ESO will be fine if they weave new enemy types and such back into them as time goes on, they're both just like nightmare missions. Modifiers, eh.

7 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

and im glad you can enjoy the game brother while I dont feel like my complaints are burnout but rather me caring alot about the game i invested so much time in and wanting to feel like me and my like minded vets voices matter.

I was not referring to your post as a result of burnout, to clarify.  Moreso a tangent about the conversation on veteran content on the forums, than in reference to anyone present in this thread.

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