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Summer 2019 Featured Dojo Contest [Winners Announced]!


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Clan name       : Miau after Tomorrow

Clan tier           : Shadow Clan rank 10

Clan platform   : PC

Clan role          : Founding Warlord and the builder of the entire dojo

Feature image : MiLWEks.jpg


Full Album : https://imgur.com/gallery/6c6PrQj


It was hard for us to vote for a highlight because we have a lot of room’s that are done with TONS of Details and the biggest Problem is that i just can't make a screenshot from the entire room when it's not just one Building in it, we have a casino that have many games that can be used with Ludoplex in them and with many details, a big underground mining zone with separated caves and much more.....

So we voted for one of the reworked ones, it's our Clan Table and on the other side our Bar, it shows how the main style of the dojo will look if we are done with everything, id used a lot of time to cover the pillars without them look through the walls, I managed to build many curved things to give it the unique look 🙂

I'm try to build the entire Dojo like 1 big temple that has the same style in every room, some Rooms that don't look like the Temple (like the mining Zone or Quill Prime) can just be entered with a Transporter, like it's not in the Dojo.

One of the bigger things in 1 of our inspiration halls is our own Void style underground temple it has a big Chandelier and I managed to build an edgy roof with a round window in it without any clipping issues, flickering and open holes, a second stage to look down, a throne, a round stair, big round pillars that used around 35 parts each pillar, fountains with fishes in the basin and much more things that make the thing for us perfect.

We love the Orokin Void and its own style I used many days to build a Dojo that my clan and I love to see and to use, I started to build a shop that works with a trading post in the ground, I rebuild all the labs so that they look like a complete new room, I rebuild the connector rooms to cover them completly in pure void style. After that I build many more things like : a bar, Cetus as a primed version, quill as a primed version, our own treasure ship, a meeting room, an Altar room, a crypt, a little gallery, a hall of fame, a complete Casino with many games, a big snow area with underground crystal caves and a grinder for the stones with a house where the resources get stored before they go to the cat castle(another room in the dojo), a Vault section named ''Cat Castle'' with 6 vaults in it (a bank, a gallery of rare things, a single Vault for the Vitus Illumina from the arbitration, a Vault with a big safe door for exclusive stuff [prime noggles], a safe for our treasure boxes that we fill in our mining zone(another room in the dojo), and a room for big boxes to store stuff there) and much more.

Many people come to trade and get lost in the Dojo for a look around and chill there for like 30 minutes - 2 hours just to look at the details.

I'm the only one that can decorate with just 1 reason : I HATE WRONG PLACED STUFF, so I placed the stuff 100 % Symmetrical and used days to place everything at the perfect place with the perfect rotation and size of the items, without any Holes, clipping issues or wrong rotated.
We don't want to build big dragons, robots or stuff like that.

In the room ''Cat Castle'' I builded the ceiling, pillars, stairs, door frames, treasure chests, tables with several hundreds of benches. Catwalk plates are used for the treasure chests as the box, orokin column are used as a part of the walls and I created with it a round tower for the stairs. I used many things in other ways for all the details ,it's too much to list up everything.

We have the clan Treasury in Cetus Prime, you can use them at the void consoles and you can look inside them (you can see it in the pictures) and in the Altar Room we have the Ascension Altar and I used it to honor some of my clan members 🙂

The Room '' Loki Market'' was created for the first time we were featured.

There people can make a private shop (by pressing [Q]), so that they can stay there and sell some stuff and don't need to post anything, like Maroo's Bazaar.
There are 16 shops with different offers so everyone is unique and people can look what they want too sell 😉
I covert the Loki in the middle, the second level, the elevator and the other 3 holes in the middle.

And there is a lot more 🙂 just as a little info we used around 3.500 orokin benches in more than 40 different ways just to give the dojo the same look and we did the same with other items.

I have a bunch of pictures for you and I hope you recognize all the little details 🙂

I was able to finish my newest building in the Contest time, so I will add it as an extra album, this room is to show of all the Season stuff like Noggles and ornaments, the main room is to show of, the cooler thing in this room is, that you can walk in a picture and enter a secret hallway, that brings you to a long stair that is out of 3 stair parts, if you walk to the end you enter a golden door behind it is the ''Collectors secret room'' there is no transporter to enter nothing that give you the tip that there is anything so just a handful people will find it without help 😉
This room is like the home of the Collector so there are some goodies, a bed, a chest and a chimney.
I build it in '' The Temple of Honor'' and it was a hard thing to do this with ''just'' 900 capacity, you know the moment in that Noggles and Floofs steal 20 capacity.

here is the link to the pictures of just that 1 room :   https://imgur.com/gallery/KxRRPIB

Edited by -Miau-Darinus
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Clan: Oddomatic Oddities

Ghost tier

Xbox one

Founding warlord is me theoddaciouswon

I really enjoy decorating and creating themed rooms with interactive items or odd puns. For instance i have a working water slide that decends from snowy peaceful to a fiery dark and smokey sub level. Its my represention of the downward spiral of depression, or just a fun slide into Hell lol also have fountains, Titanias shower, tenno retirement home with a lazy ceiling fan. Come check out my dojo of oddness and terrible puns!




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On 2019-08-09 at 10:52 AM, KIREEK said:

Clan name: - Black Paper -

Clan tier: Ghost

Clan platform: PC

Your Clan role: Warlord (the custom name is Executioner)

Relevant info:

The dojo is essentially 4 large rooms connected to eachother in a square shape, this prevents the tipical trope of going forward, room after room and then going back, the way i've done it you can always go in 1 direction and still end up in the 1st room you arrived, no backtracking

Decorations are considered decorations, not obstacles, if you want to see things you will be able to do it without having to go over rocks and a clutered scenery, so there is space to move around.

A few portals connect certain areas, including the center of the dojo, with the research, this means that once inside the distance to every room is the same, we do not have portals on every single room because that defeats the purpose of decorating hallways and because i do not want a clutered warp list, if players want to go somewhere, they can. even while walking the distance to things isn't to big, we do not add rooms for the sake of adding rooms to build stuff in them, every room serves a purpose.

If the room is already decorated then not much is added because adding something will cluter it, in these cases there is no point in showing it

In the center, you go to research, to the oracle (currently the treasury) and it leads to an elevator, this elevator goes underground to a center room that connects all reactors, so this room artificially manages all reactors.

The room you spawn is the trading room, no need to warp.

Dojo layout (this gives a general idea, location of certain rooms have changed and the dojo does have more rooms atm)


  Reveal hidden contents



Main Hall:



Video: (credits to Slerky11)


Other images: (image heavy)

  Reveal hidden contents























































Thanks for letting me help!

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Hi! Here is Clan Ravenfox's entry for the Summer 2019 Dojo competition. We won silver back in the Winter, and now that we can compete again, are eager to share our newest refinements and brand new spaces with the Warframe community!  We also moved up from a Ghost clan to a Shadow Clan, so we are competing in a new bracket now!  For this competition we didn't want to recycle old areas and video, but instead focused on improvements to older areas as well as many brand new spaces. We are always finding new ways to innovate and refine our dojo spaces and can't wait to see what everybody thinks!  So yes we have all of our old spaces still: the main hanger, the Star Wars themed docking bay, the Garden complex, the launch bay deck, Hall of meditation and Sacred Mountains. However in each area we have added to them and tweaked those spaces to include even more detail.  The ALIENS complex alone has so many new easter eggs to discover! The new areas like the clan information hub create a more functional dojo space, while areas like the Hoth diorama and the Starfleet bridge are meant to be fun new areas to discover and explore.  As always, we have kept to our design philosophy of constructing our vehicles to scale with the warframes, and to pay close attention to the smallest details in order to create the best and most immersive spaces possible! We're proud of our dojo, and we continue to work on it daily!  Thank you DE for creating a game that we can play Space Legos in,and thank you to everybody who took the time to explore our dojo.  A big thank you to the members of clan Ravenfox for their support and continued Gallium donations! Good Luck to all the clans in this competition!

-Threeklaw, Clan Ravenfox Founding Warlord 


CLAN: Ravenfox

TIER: Shadow Clan


FEATURE IMAGE: Open Spoiler Tab

POSITION: Founding Warlord


3 Minute Video Tour



 Dojo Details


 More Details and special builds






Edited by (PS4)THREEKLAW
Fixing Broken Photo Link, grammer, fixing description
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Clan name: Slayers of Darkness

Clan tier: Shadow

Clan platform: PC

Clan role: Architect

Feature Image


Our clan has participated in the first dojo contest and we got first place in the shadow clan, pc category! Since then a lot of the rooms we featured have been changed or rebuild completly to feature more details and better looking environments. So if you enjoyed our dojo the first time, you will probably like the current version even more. If you think something looks familiar in one of the screenshots (the piano for example) than that might be build using a tutorial or ideas from another dojo. To save space, i will not include the original creators in this post, they are however featured in the text at the console in the room.

Have fun looking though our featured rooms!


The Archive


 The Archive contains panels with information about the clan. Here you can find things like who is leading the clan, who designed the dojo as well as information about important or long term members.Warframe0652.jpg

Chem Lab


We have decided it would be a good idea to upgrade our chem lab to include a weapon factory. We have the capability to build anything from helicopters to nuclear warheads





Energy Lab


The Energy Lab is used to solve tasks that need a lot of processing power. Therefor we have recently upgraded and now have three servers available. (The Servers are build from cuircit decorations and have a really cool animation)



The Coral Reef


The Coral Reef is a flourising ecosystem in our Dojo. We have a seasnake, fish and more. If you are not interested in the fauna, You can take a look around for all the different corals, some give of a nice blue glow, others bring in a nice shade of red or green. For all the explorers, you can take a look at the shipwreck which features a small set of cannons! There even is a treasure hidden within the ship.




Vulcanic Ravine


This ravine is a desolate place. The only thing you will find here are rocks and smoke. Non the less it is an impressive sight!


The Graveyard


This once was a place to moune the dead. Today only few are visiting. And everytime someone goes there, they report strange sightings.


The Pyramid


While exploring Earth, we found the remains of an ancient pyraid and decided to bring it into our dojo. The pyramid and the are around it features a hidden chamber, a campfire and the remains of a beast that oncec roamed this area.








The Outlook is a small area in our dojo that can be used for meetings, We have food, drinks, and a large telescope!


Mining Outpost


A small area in our dojo is dedicated to a mini mining operation, In this room, a while dozen of small trucks are mining rubedo!



Main Hall


Not much to say here, our main hall features a trading post and the treasury. We also have a small display of our event trophies in here.






Christmas Hut


Not really in season right now, but still a nice and cozy place featuring a large ice cave, a winter landscape and a cozy hut!






We decided that 4 labs just is not enought, so we build a 5th one!






Well, it is a really large tree!




The Castle


A nice defencive building from the past!






Custom Parcour


Well it is a huge labyrinth!


There are a lot more rooms that are decorated and in we are always working on improving our current ones.

A lot of the rooms have small details or hidden easter eggs to find.

I would love to show you all of it here, but the amount of pictures in this post is already to large. 

Hope you had fun looking though the screenshots and good look to all who participate!


PS: i am sorry for inconsistencies in grammar and or spelling mistakes which i probably made quite a few during this post

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  • Clan Name: WETFRAME
  • Clan Tier: Shadow Clan (Rank 10)
  • Clan Platform: PC
  • My Clan Role: Founding Warlord (The WET Sovereign)


  • Feature Image (with legend & map):



  • Spawn point, with waterfall generators and sparkling distortions at the base of each waterfall:



  • Four armored individuals (two male & two female) getting WET - They represent the four water droplets of WETFRAME:



  • A black hole vortex anomaly, with a natural stone Stargate behind it:



  • A bird's-eye view of the Grandest Hall, where you can see the Ascension Altar below the black hole vortex anomaly:




Edited by WETLOVE
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Clan name: ZEXT
Clan tier: Ghost
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature images:













Info: The clan is built by one person. Stylistics - Orokin and Gold. An important detail is that everything is parallel and perpendicular and very even (pedantry at a height). The clan was built before adding some decorations to the game. Thanks for attention.

Edited by mfaka
adding images
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Clan name: Clan_OMurchu

Clan tier: Ghost (rank 10)

Platfrom: PS4

Role: Founding Warlord


Most rooms in my dojo are decorated to some degree. This was a long one man job, so I hope you like what you see :)

Best of luck to all entries


Some additional images from the dojo below-


A_AjantBelow.jpg?raw=1Crap!.. did I forget to feed the Dragon again?

B_TheGoldenChild.jpg?raw=1The Golden Child surrounded by evil all times by 'Brotha' Numsy'

C_GooniesWlkPlank.jpg?raw=1Arr!! The 'Inferno'. 'One Eyed Willies' pirate ship from 'the Goonies' movie

D_GoonieNav.jpg?raw=1Re-live moments from the classic movie.



G_GildedVault.jpg?raw=1Our Treasury room

I_Labs.jpg?raw=1Entrance to labs are themed too each faction for ease of access.



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Name: Lone Riders
Tier: Mountain
Platform: PC
Role: Architect

Featured Image:



Other Images: (Hosted by Imgur)

Last year, the Lone Riders was formed as one of the first expansions of the Lone Rangers clan. Previous Rangers worked together to form a Dojo that resembles the Rangers, serving as a home to old and new recruits and as a way of expressing their creativity. Starting from the spawn point, one will find conspicuous statues, artworks, and new worlds as they explore throughout the rooms of the Riders Dojo. A lot more space are to be filled with future members, opportunities, and memories for the Lone Riders.

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Clan Name: Sablier
Clan Tier: Ghost Clan (Rank 10)
Clan Platform: PC
Clan Role: Clan Master (Founding Warlord)
Feature image:


Main Hall:


This is where all our laboratories reside in. In the centre features a player well, and the top floor a throne. Not the grandest hall in the dojo, but at least it's pretty to look at 🙂

Hall of Fractures:



This is our main feature of the dojo (and I will admit, one of my personal favourites of all the halls showcased here). This hall is heavily referenced to Lanota, due to its hall design, the cage on left, hot air balloon on right, the clock, and most importantly, our logo in the centre! (Kudos to anyone who knows the song references used~)

Common Hall:



An all-in-one facility hall to meet all your needs. Featuring the large tree in the centre (Deemo anyone?), this is an ideal place to trade, chill, play arcade games in the games lobby or even pop over to the parts shop (because Darvo hates us apparently, whoops)

My Clanmate's room:


"I kike ypakey, piykey apk kkappy." Or translated to, "I like snakes, fishes and plants." This room pretty much speaks for itself, I guess? 😄


All halls are done alone by myself (was a solo clan for the time being) except from the last hall featured. Other game references have been consistently used in this to decorate the dojo during the process of decorating the halls featured. 

Credit goes to BladyKun for some of the screenshots, due to my low quality resolution to keep the game running smoothly.


Edited by Oriens
Descriptions for each room have been added, instead of a general one.
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Clan Name: Circle Guards
Clan tier: shadow
Clan platform: pc
Clan role: Warlord/Architect

I have so many rooms to show. :D

I'll link more images and videos. Click on this.










Click this link for more images. https://imgur.com/gallery/6tHUSnI

and videos.

have a good day. :)


Edited by ajingom
I posted the wrong link
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