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Dojo Rework


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Currently, the dojo system is both confusing and unnecessary in many regards. Between certain rooms requiring dependencies, children modules hindering rebuilding, and a plethora of hidden and unexplained mechanics makes it a tiring affair for a single player or a group. With the upcoming Empyrean update and the addition of the drydock, it would be fruitful for many clans to be given the proper tools to build their dojos for the future to come for as it stands, the system is rigid and demands much time and resources. 

Firstly, I want to address the matter regarding room dependencies. The oracle room is a necessity for all other labs to be built but what is its purpose once all labs are built? It ends up wasting space and not to mention unremovable as the dependency forces it to remain for the labs to remain. A similar case follows with clan halls. Halls themselves already serve no real purpose asides to serve as a spawn point or passage way but why is it forced that we keep smaller halls in order to retain bigger halls? This leaves many redundant areas of long hallways. While it is possible to split them up, it causes the next issue: child module dependency.

The way the dojo system is currently setup, a room is ONLY attached to the room it was originally built from. As such, it matters not if the room had 6 connected entrances, it can only be dismantled from the original port from which it was made. This means that any remodeling or rebuilding effort would take a considerable amount of effort as rooms has to be individual deconstructed to its base. Combined with the fact that room dependency also exist and the energy capacity limits makes it difficult for any dojo improvement or restructuring. 

There are also several unmentioned mechanics that players would have to wrestle with. For one, there is a limit to the amount of rooms that can be built: 100. While that may sound like much to some, especially for when the dojo was first released, nowadays that cap can be easily reached for any clan with the resources. Another hurdle comes with some rooms having a bigger vertical footprint. The obstacle courses and the observatory stretch further than their map blueprints suggest and can causes unbuildable overlaps in some sections. The new drydock is more than likely to have a bigger vertical footprint as well, requiring much space horizontally and vertical for it to be built.

The current dojo system is a tedious affair for any who has to wrangle with it. Even while using 3rd party planner applications, it is a long a tiresome process to build and even more tiresome to rebuild. All the limiters imposed on the system makes it difficult to improve the dojo outside decorations. Removing these matters would make building dojos a much more enjoyable affair. A even better solution would be implement a blueprint building system where the whole dojo can be built and rebuilt as a whole instead of individual blocks. This will promote much more freedom and creativity and allow easier update expansions if new rooms are added. 

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Inb4 "Time gating is necessary, placing rooms isn't hard" remarks. I completely agree that the whole building process for dojos is far too long, especially if your dojo goes through a reconstruction period, it's impractical & annoying. As for the room limit & original placement issues, nothing grinded my gears more than having to encounter the exact issue of reaching the limit & having to slowly tear everything down for a remodel. The process was arduous & it drove me insane. I'd be all for DE removing such archaic mechanics from this system & implementing a more player-friendly variant that doesn't make me wanna pull my hair out.

There are plenty of other ideas I'd love to see implemented into a full-blown dojo rework. More room types, decor, aesthetic changes, you name it, but functionality is fundamental in this discussion.

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i mean, it's inconvenient, but it's functional.  i think a lot of the inconvenience was intentional.  it's like farming for sibear or hema research.

chase items that require a lot of investment are needed to pad the game that otherwise has no content after you clear your first c rotation on arbitration.

ideally there would be far less padding and more sustainable and aspirational content, but so far, no dice and all signs point to "will happen about 24 days after never".

i wouldn't be opposed to a fix for this at all, but I'd rather rally support about other things, like aspirational content and for them to fixing the horrible metalics update that made all the dojos look like absolute trash.


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I agree that there needs to be a ton of Dojo creation/building changes, its infuriating to build and reconstruct right now. I'd completely like a tool/utility to be added to the game, or when you make rooms the dojo should be built in a grib based system, kinda like some games or softwares that feature map editors that use a tileset/gridbased building.It doesnt need to be isometric, it can have a birds eye perspective like the map currently does in-game. Example of what I'm talking about:


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