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  1. Don't forget the Tencent buyout, and the fact that they have 300+ staff on hand. DE aren't Scott Cawthon, Toby Fox, or any other small-time bloke growing from next to nothing. Dark Sector never struck me as much of an indie title given how much it takes from other late 2000s shooters.
  2. I guess some people can't be bothered to press buttons. This whole "pay to skip" scenario is a joke.
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to see what the Drifter can do in the Star Chart. Far too many have been rubbed the wrong way by Duviri, failing to see the potential in this absolute monster in the making. That's the one thing The New War dropped the ball on; fully unifying the mechanics of both Operator & Drifter into one. With Duviri having come & gone, there's plenty of time to add finishing touches.
  4. DE isn't evil, but they certainly haven't taken criticism well in the past, a certain "Train Man" comes to mind in that regard. This debacle makes very little sense from a player perspective, and it strikes me as an act of financial stress rather than necessity. New players will be ill equip & ill informed to such a high degree if the progression skip goes beyond a certain point.
  5. Is this honestly necessary? Players will be skipping major tutorials in these quests, something that this game severely lacks already. It feels like you're taking a page from the unholy book of Ubisoft, something that should've been burnt years ago. I'd advise you not to go that route. In fact, more than anything, I've been hoping for a more detailed Codex that lets player keep track of major events & establishes a cohesive timeline. If players have to skip content instead of learning & adapting to each experience that said content provides, that calls into question the quality of said content. You're getting a hard pass from me on this. Warframe is an experience that needs to be embraced in every single facet.
  6. Dojos are pretty dull anyway, I'd take anything to bring some life back to them.
  7. You don't know how badly I wish this was the case, but DE doesn't really care about the potential of hybrid/trick weaponry. If you want a game that does make full use of this concept, try Bloodborne. Perfect month for it.
  8. Can we please just combine the Vehicle section with the Warframe section so I don't have to keep realizing that they're two separate things whenever I run an Archwing or Railjack mission?
  9. Literally everything. Every Tenno weapon deserves a Prime, every Grineer weapon deserves a Kuva variant, and every Corpus weapon deserves a Tenet variant. Weapons shouldn't just fall into obscurity. Sentiments aside, Kuva Twin Marelok is my personal fantasy.
  10. This isn't Dark Souls. I'm not trying to figure out how to start Big Hat Logan's questline. This is Warframe, a game that supposedly caters to those who optimize their builds, and if even the slightest detail is missing, then players miss out on maximum optimization. Seriously, DE omits way too much.
  11. That's the whole point of Warframe anymore...It takes up your time. Nightwave especially.
  12. The Void is their go-to explanation for anything otherworldly & mystical, so it fits.
  13. I still think Railjacks should utilize Reactors instead of the 'Frame's energy pool. I mean, the Reactor is literally siphoning energy from the Reliquary Drive, which contains a giant Void Finger. The Grineer could use a mix of hybridized regular missions, the Corpus could use some skirmishes, and new Railjack-oriented missions could also be made to let the ship truly shine. Let's not forget the fact that Liches & Sisters still don't have roles outside of Defender! Among other things, I also believe that the Command Intrinsic line could use a major retooling, with one such perk allowing you to use your pets & robots as a 4th specialty crewmate. On the topic of crewmates, DE could devise special manuals that allow us to progressively improve their performance instead of throwing around a few measly perk points. They could even devise rare manuals that could provide your crewmates with "legendary perks", making up for that rank 10 fiasco that they pulled off. And finally, we need more skins, faction-specific skins.
  14. Honestly, DE, did you guys blow your budget on TennoCon that you need to make that extra dosh in the quickest way possible? It's rather sad, and you still haven't found a decent compromise.
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