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how can i get the melee replacing primary fire option to actually work?



so i have a bad wrist and spamming thumb keys on my mouse, mmb or keys on keyboard is honestly exteremely painful for me. the old melee system caused no issues cause i could just switch out my melee weapon and attack and be fine.


In the current system this is so broken and i cant even remotely get anything to work right. If i swing my melee, sure i can left click again for another swing (with the option on), but even on paper that's stupid, as you have to re "activate" your melee weapon every single combo. 

if i try to bullet glide, im screwed because it changes out my primary weapon, so i have to click the thumb or keyboard again. what's especially henous is i cant even use the block combos on any stances, EVER. because right click during ANY portion of the combo ques an input to switch back to your primary... 

whats worse is that if im mining or scanning a target and i melee, it equips my primary when its done... what the hell? why do i have to re-requip my scanner after EVERY SINGLE SCAN.

this system is utterly broken and i'd pay 200$ to revert it. meleeing in any variety other than blending with control + click spam (which i cant easily do) is so much more tedious. so congrats on that i guess? you made every other playstyle of melee annoying to use except the one you intended to nerf?.... wtf..

Like yeah this is me complaining but at the same time i just want to be able to equip my melee weapon and only use rmb + lmb and movement.. is that so much to ask? i got into warframe initially because the melee was fluid and sensible, and now i have an easier time playing blazblue than i do trying to melee in this game. doing scanning runs for simaris is off the table and even mining has become pretty uninteresting to me, just put it the way it was.. also if i have a datamass and i try to melee it drops it half the time for no freaking reason. i tried performing a block combo with tempo royale but every single time the combo finishes it brings out my primary weapon again.. which means i have to go back to using the melee button and not left click anyway.. so whats the point of this "option" is it there just to mock us?

Edited by PrismaCat
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This may not be the answer you are looking for but you may look into purchasing a controller that fits your hands well. I frequently have pain in my hands when using mouse and keyboard; using a controller tends to alleviate most of the hand pain I feel while gaming. With warframe I navigate menus and chat with keyboard and mouse then switch to controller when playing the game. Works really well and feels very natural.


Occasionally I do use mouse aiming if I am doing precise sniping but most of the time it isn't needed.

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sadly it doesnt, i find controllers far more painful to use than a m&k, i actually bought a xim so i could play horizon zero dawn a while back, because i couldnt play for longer than 20 minutes with out pain lol

i just don't see the logic behind this "improvement" DE has made, it's made every concieveable form of play require more inputs and not in a immersive way, having to retoggle everything over and over is so annoying im considering handing my zaw over to hok permanently. like the only thing left untouched by this is maiming strike blending builds which if i recall was the one thing DE didn't want...

im sure even with a controller mining is still hell, though.

you come across a 3 node ore vein, start mining it, get attacked, finish it, go melee the person attacking you, have to switch BACK to your mining laser, start antoher one, get attacked by a mob that somehow spawned right infront of you, have to switch BACK again. like mining actively makes me angry now lol - and dont get me started on trying to farm simaris rep after you do his daily, you used to be able to like bring ivara into a mission, scan a mob, melee it, scan another mob, etc. now you have to re requip your scanner after EVERY DAMN SWING. thats right .. i have to re-requip my scanner over 300 times in a rep run.. really?? 

want to bullet glide while melee is out? too bad. use a block combo then attack and use a pause combo? too bad, pausing caused the game to EQUIP YOUR PRIMARY FOR ABSOLTUELY NO REASON... ugh... how has this not been fixed..

Edited by PrismaCat
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I feel your pain!

They could have added the slam attacks and made using combos universal. While keeping the rest by simply speeding up weapon swap, and tie fire a round to draw weapon with a separate bind for both primary, and secondary. Which would have left manual block on mouse right click and channel on mouse left click. It would have given PC players the best of all worlds.

I feel some of these changes are just consoles sandbagging pc gaming, as is usually the case when they are not separated.

I loathe the melee changes. 

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