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Whatever is moderating relay chat is homophobic


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So I was in relay and looking the chat flow, people are typing silly things so I typed the word that describes homosexuality between males and I my access to all in-game chat gets suspended, instantly.

So why would I be banned? I wasn't talking to anyone particularly, the message itself doesn't even convey any meaning, it is just a word.

I tried to look up the rules afterwards and this page for the forum is the closest I can find: https://forums.warframe.com/guidelines/

If it is because my message is not constructive or irrelevant, so should at least 50% of the relay chatter should be banned, so that shouldn't be the case.

It is not directed to anyone so that wouldn't be the case.

I only sent one message so it wouldn't be spam.

So the remaining possible reasons are content of inappropriate, offensive or profanity.

But why would a word that one would use to describe themselves fit into such category, when it wasn't used to target anyone, aka it is the word itself that is considered 'ban worthy'

The page said I should send the Moderator a private message but I don't know what suspended my access to chat so I'm posting here

Please address the problem, thank you

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Its done by kickbot, certain words trigger a ban including the one that you used

likely, the word was added to the list to reduce toxicity / insults. Since the moderation is done by a bot, it cannot understand the context the word is used in, so the only option is to "ban all"


note: I do not believe that it is a good nor bad idea, just be careful when you are talking in region chat, there are a lot of words that are ban-worthy. 

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you got banned by a bot, and everything what is blacklisted is for a reason

for example, the nezha meme is blacklisted because people just kept spamming it to the point where every 2nd sentence in the chat was about that

and bots dont care about the context, they see the word and give you the ban, thats it

and im sorry but, if you didnt aim it at anyone, why did you say it in the first place? these things stopped being funny a very long time ago, but people keep spamming the chat with it over and over so DE decided to consider the word a spam, and you typing it in the chat for literally no reason is just contributing to it

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You typed 'just' the word "gay" and nothing else?

Pretty sure that a post that contains nothing but the word gay fails to meet any sort of quality standards, ever, and is thus an insta-kick from the bot.

Honestly, what I'm getting from your post is that you seem to lack a degree of self control, you explicitly state:

  1. You weren't talking to anyone.
  2. You weren't directing it at anyone.
  3. People weren't even discussing anything relevant.

And yet somehow you still managed to type "gay" in chat... Why? To what end?

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It was most certainly a chat bot combing through the chat for key words that have been blacklisted for various reasons such as spam or being commonly used for things that break the rules.

I'm afraid there is nothing that can be done here on the forum. If you want to dispute the claim, it'll have to be with support as no one here is able to review it properly.


Locking thread. 

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