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Immediate Attention Needed! Eidolon Hunt Bug


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So since the last update, the problem that I am having is that when I go out for a tricap, and after shooting the first joint on the Teralyst, I am not able to do any more damage to the other 3 limbs!  WHY?! This is a major problem and should be addressed immediately!  Another clan member of mine also reported that he was having the same problem.  Who else has encountered this problem? 

Some additional information:  I am using a Catchmoon, and its the damage from the Catchmoon that is seeing ZERO damage numbers on 2, 3 and 4th limb of Teralyst. I am however able to deal damage on the final stage of capture.  Devs, whatever change you made that affected the Catchmoon in this scenario, please fix it. 


DE, please look at this and fix it! 

Edited by (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080
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On 2019-09-22 at 3:38 PM, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

So since the last update, the problem that I am having is that when I go out for a tricap, and after shooting the first joint on the Teralyst, I am not able to do any more damage to the other 3 limbs!  WHY?! This is a major problem and should be addressed immediately!  Another clan member of mine also reported that he was having the same problem.  Who else has encountered this problem? 

Some additional information:  I am using a Catchmoon, and its the damage from the Catchmoon that is seeing ZERO damage numbers on 2, 3 and 4th limb of Teralyst. I am however able to deal damage on the final stage of capture.  Devs, whatever change you made that affected the Catchmoon in this scenario, please fix it. 


DE, please look at this and fix it! 

Are you the host or a client?

Does the purple health bar stay on the limbs?  Do you see 0s popping up for your damage, or just no indicator?  I ask because there's a visual glitch that happens where you simply don't see the damage being done, but it's still being done.

20 hours ago, (XB1)LumiX y0 said:

They not bothered lmfao I've posted so many bugs nothing gets done good luck 

Not helpful.  DE does look at these threads and they do try to fix what they can.  They need good information, however, instead of just "It's broke, fix it NAO!" type messages.  If you encounter bugs, please help be part of the solution by adequately documenting them and giving good information to DE instead of going to other people's threads and telling them not to bother.

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This problem still persists! I was hoping that you would have fixed this issue in the last hotfix....but...alas....NO!  

The problem is...after shooting the first joint with my Catchmoon pistol......the other joints on the Teralyst then do not take any damage! I shoot and shoot, and only see ZERO's....ZERO DAMAGE!! If I am alone, then I just have to quit...waste of my time!! If I have others with me..then they have to take out the next 3 joints....and then on the final stage of shooting the beast, I can do damage again!    


So, Devs.....please look at this and please please FIX IT!  Something you did screwed this up....just find out what it was and fix it!  Also, I wrote a ticket to support about this and they said they would pass it to you.....did they??  The Ticket is there...so you can reopen the ticket if you need more information from me on anything pertaining to my builds so you can recreate what is happening so you can see it for yourself.

I know I am not the only one having this problem. I have heard from others also seeing zero damage on the joints of the Eidolons.....so this is a MAJOR ISSUE!!!! 

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Am 26.9.2019 um 13:51 schrieb (XB1)R3d P01nt:

Are you the host or a client?

Does the purple health bar stay on the limbs?  Do you see 0s popping up for your damage, or just no indicator?  I ask because there's a visual glitch that happens where you simply don't see the damage being done, but it's still being done.

Not helpful.  DE does look at these threads and they do try to fix what they can.  They need good information, however, instead of just "It's broke, fix it NAO!" type messages.  If you encounter bugs, please help be part of the solution by adequately documenting them and giving good information to DE instead of going to other people's threads and telling them not to bother.

This isnt a visual glitch.....I am seeing Zero Damage...and doing zero damage....otherwise I would take a joint out in just a few shots!  After I take out the first limb....I cant do any damage to the subsequent limbs....GAME OVER.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still no response to this problem and it is ONGOING! Do the devs really ever look at this? I have written 2 support tickets and they say I should post here. I post here, and NO ACTION IS TAKEN and no feedback provided!  What is going on here?! This is a real legitimate and serious problem in the game and its not being addressed!!  We are expected to asked to report bugs and problems in the game, but get no feedback from the devs!    I have given details here and also in my tickets to support.  And yet......nothing!  

Do the devs really care our feedback as to the bugs in the game?  As it seems, with no action taken with over 2 weeks ongoing......doubtful!   

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21 hours ago, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

Still no response to this problem and it is ONGOING! Do the devs really ever look at this? I have written 2 support tickets and they say I should post here. I post here, and NO ACTION IS TAKEN and no feedback provided!  What is going on here?! This is a real legitimate and serious problem in the game and its not being addressed!!  We are expected to asked to report bugs and problems in the game, but get no feedback from the devs!    I have given details here and also in my tickets to support.  And yet......nothing!  

Do the devs really care our feedback as to the bugs in the game?  As it seems, with no action taken with over 2 weeks ongoing......doubtful!   

They don't take time to respond to everything, but they do read the bug reports.  Please be patient.  It can take time to track down a bug and further time to figure out how to fix it and implement the fix.

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb (XB1)razberryX:

Maybe it's not a visual bug. It could be that the armour is too high on the teralyst that his catchmoon (Maybe not optimized for eidolon hunting) is just doing no damage as it is. Try using the Rubico Prime or another weapon like it, made for hunting eidolons.

No its not a visual glitch...as I already stated previously.  Also, yes the Catchmoon with radiation build works great....I used it before this bug appeared...and still use it today.  With my Oberon with the new Smite Infusion mod, I can one shot the joints just as easily as a Chroma with Rubico.  

Now I just have to carry my Rubico with me, whereas I didnt have to before. So if I shoot the first joint with my Catchmoon....ping, one shot....and I get zero dmg with the Catchmoon on the 2nd joint, then I switch to Rubico and one shot.  This is a workaround the bug, BUT


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On 2019-10-15 at 10:20 PM, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:


Try getting some video proof of your bug and making a bug report/support ticket. As it is. there's not much they can do with just a text description. A video (or an xbox clip) would be greatly beneficial to fixing and diagnosing this bug. If there is one, that is.

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On 2019-10-14 at 9:55 AM, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

Do the devs really care our feedback as to the bugs in the game?

Yes, absolutely.
It is incredibly unfortunate timing, as they did just fix a bug that made them take Too much damage..
and they are currently head-down full bore into releasing Empyrean.

I assure you, they are aware that for the players who strive for the best gear and greatest challenges,
all of them have gathered around the eidolons.
They know for certain that that mission is critical to keep those players engaged while they work on new content.

I've mentioned bugs in passing in the forums several times, to see them fixed out of nowhere a few weeks later.
The best suggestion I have... which is a lot to ask for someone who is currently feeling pretty jilted..
Write out the full specifics of how to replicate this.
Which frame, what party members, etc.
If you can't bring yourself to bother, I don't blame you there..
but Those are the things that get the bugs fixed.

If they tell playtesters, "Just run eidolons until something goes wrong,"
there's every chance in the world they use every set up but the specific one you used.. and it gets missed.
If they can tell the playtesters, "Run this eidolon, with this party, weapon, mods, etc.."
then they Should see Exactly the problem right there where they can fix it.

Seeing as there isn't currently a Megathread of this happening, there might be some very specific set ups to cause this.
You could be instrumental in this getting fixed, which we, as well as yourself, would appreciate greatly.

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On 2019-10-22 at 6:38 PM, (XB1)Flame Keeper 8 said:

im having the same problem with this bug as well but I only get it when I'm using the catchmoon I have 9k radiation but after the first limb I'm hitting 0 numbers 

from what I know warframe support does not deal with bugs from what I have been told I did submit a ticket and I got told to come here I have submitted other tickets in the past and its taken them months to not reply and to just delete my message I support warframe 100% but im still going to talk trash abont some of the stuff I hate that they don't do 

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