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Alternate Skill Sets For Warframes


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This would add a much needed variety to the game but I have a feeling DE will never do it sadly. Would take a ton of work and it is taking them forever just to balance the abilities from some of the original Warframes. I do truly hope something like this happens though.

Yes it would take forever, but it would be doable if they released them in a series of expansions one warframe at a time.

First do the Excalibur expansion, then the Loki expansion, then Volt, then Rhino, yadayadayada.

I'm not saying that they will (because they probably won't) but hey one can dream *^*

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All of these sound a bit too fun, and a bit too smart. I feel I won't get to see anything close to your ideas here in Warframe's lifetime or mine.

Really, the game right now is a brain-dead endless shooter with only a handful of frames capable to handling end-game content without ridiculous over-customization that for some might not even be possible without help from player of more capable frames.


I still can't believe how elemental frames are completely open to their elements, without even a damage reduction! Actually, frames like Frost and Ember should be immune to both Cold and Heat effects (both of them to both effects), Volt shouldn't get zapped at all (by these Corpus sticks), Nekros should be more creepy and actually powerful, Mag should get a big knock-back/down reduction on tiles with metal floors (a lot of them) and lose less of her shields on ice levels (Frost and Ember should lose nothing), Vauber shouldn't need to 'hack' consoles (just 'interact' and it's done), Mirage shouldn't be affected by the low-power door lasers, etc, etc.


While I think some of your suggestions are a bit too powerful (although that's needed; after level 30 or so, as I hear, it's just power creep all the way, and unless you're doing damage in the xx000 range to the enemies with xxx000 health and xxx000 damage, you're dead) they're also very... different, and more connected than most of the current ones, which already have several duplicates on different frames. I particularly liked your Frost, Nekros and Excalibur.


I started playing Warframe when it was recommended to me but I feel I was a bit cheated. It's all numbers and stats that sometimes scale and oftentimes don't. The numbers get bigger and bigger on our side and the AI's and... that's it. The abilities (as my delusions pictured them) were what got me here. I'm still holding hope.


Long rant, sorry. @Trenggiling, that's been a really fun read. Thanks and good luck.

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All of these sound a bit too fun, and a bit too smart. I feel I won't get to see anything close to your ideas here in Warframe's lifetime or mine.

Really, the game right now is a brain-dead endless shooter with only a handful of frames capable to handling end-game content without ridiculous over-customization that for some might not even be possible without help from player of more capable frames.


I still can't believe how elemental frames are completely open to their elements, without even a damage reduction! Actually, frames like Frost and Ember should be immune to both Cold and Heat effects (both of them to both effects), Volt shouldn't get zapped at all (by these Corpus sticks), Nekros should be more creepy and actually powerful, Mag should get a big knock-back/down reduction on tiles with metal floors (a lot of them) and lose less of her shields on ice levels (Frost and Ember should lose nothing), Vauber shouldn't need to 'hack' consoles (just 'interact' and it's done), Mirage shouldn't be affected by the low-power door lasers, etc, etc.


While I think some of your suggestions are a bit too powerful (although that's needed; after level 30 or so, as I hear, it's just power creep all the way, and unless you're doing damage in the xx000 range to the enemies with xxx000 health and xxx000 damage, you're dead) they're also very... different, and more connected than most of the current ones, which already have several duplicates on different frames. I particularly liked your Frost, Nekros and Excalibur.


I started playing Warframe when it was recommended to me but I feel I was a bit cheated. It's all numbers and stats that sometimes scale and oftentimes don't. The numbers get bigger and bigger on our side and the AI's and... that's it. The abilities (as my delusions pictured them) were what got me here. I'm still holding hope.


Long rant, sorry. @Trenggiling, that's been a really fun read. Thanks and good luck.

All I did when I read this was zone out and think...

"He thinks my skills are unbalanced! This can only mean one thing! BALANCE PASS 4.5!"


On a more serious note, thank you, I'm glad you liked it ^.^

Also don't doubt DE so much, the direction that they are going leads straight to greatness!

Okay, well, maybe it's a little crooked, but I know they will get there!

And as for the long rant... no apology is needed, I actually love to see that my thread was interesting enough for you to bother.


Now I need to grab my calculator, and start number crunching.

It would help if you pointed me in the right direction by the way :P

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I just found this thread. I suggested one much like this without knowing of it's existence. I love your ideas. I'll bump this thread. It needs to be seen! I fail to see how the Tenno and their Warframes were the single deciding factor of a war, and the toppling of empires with just four skills each. :D +1 to this!

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Now I need to grab my calculator, and start number crunching.

It would help if you pointed me in the right direction by the way :P


No prob. I really did enjoy it (with the suggested animations and all, it's easy to get caught up imagining them in play).


Nothing concrete but how about this: concentrate on crowd control, high-chance procs and environment manipulation for skills, and give direct damage the broken seat in the farthest row in the back.


Also, see if you could give the frames passive abilities that mesh well with your prime skills. Here's one I've read a while ago ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/227175-the-ballsiest-idea-ive-got-warframe-passive-abilities/ ). It's not directly relevant to 'alternate skill sets' but I enjoyed it too. If you can make those work as nice passive bonuses to using regular/prime skills, and "reduce" all skills to either pure support, reliable CC/proc or pure damage (or, in my opinion, "make them reasonable and incentivize their use in interesting ways"), then, well... I will be drooling.


See, the Tenno are masters of the blade and the gun. The Warframes are their armor and their shells. They don't need the warframes to hand out death to their enemies for them (except indirectly, like by accidentally Pushing a group of Corpus off a cliff), the guns do that (and they're far more easily upgrade-able and design-able for the Orokin). The edge I imagine the Warframes to have given the Tenno is tactical. It's all about being the most unpredictable and mostly unstoppable one-manTenno army in the area, and being able to bring your enemies to you to die, or turn their machines against them, or point at a bird on a tree and shoot them while they're looking, because for some reason if Nyx gets to them while they're mesmerized by Mirage's light show they exhibit a remarkable tendency to commit suicide.


No, wait, still not very relevant. That's more 'general Warframe ideas'. I need more play time under my belt before I can talk confidently about any numbers, but the idea of focusing skills on CC and proc seems viable to me and I'm pretty confident about it, in my head. You might get something out of it. Tell us what you come up with if you decide to play with it.

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No prob. I really did enjoy it (with the suggested animations and all, it's easy to get caught up imagining them in play).



Nothing concrete but how about this: concentrate on crowd control, high-chance procs and environment manipulation for skills, and give direct damage the broken seat in the farthest row in the back.

I'm looking over my skills, and I think I did a good job of balancing utility and damage with most of them...

Sure damage dealers have a tendency to get damaging abilities, but I try to mix in some form of utility as well.


But I still believe that pure damage has a place in skill design, it just need to be pulled off properly.

And yes I do play T4 void for extended periods of time.

Also, see if you could give the frames passive abilities that mesh well with your prime skills. Here's one I've read a while ago ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/227175-the-ballsiest-idea-ive-got-warframe-passive-abilities/ ). It's not directly relevant to 'alternate skill sets' but I enjoyed it too. If you can make those work as nice passive bonuses to using regular/prime skills, and "reduce" all skills to either pure support, reliable CC/proc or pure damage (or, in my opinion, "make them reasonable and incentivize their use in interesting ways"), then, well... I will be drooling.

You mean like THIS! Passive Traits For Warframes

Although mine is unfinished and more focused on very-slight-uniqueness rather than super coolness :P


See, the Tenno are masters of the blade and the gun. The Warframes are their armor and their shells. They don't need the warframes to hand out death to their enemies for them (except indirectly, like by accidentally Pushing a group of Corpus off a cliff), the guns do that (and they're far more easily upgrade-able and design-able for the Orokin). The edge I imagine the Warframes to have given the Tenno is tactical. It's all about being the most unpredictable and mostly unstoppable one-manTenno army in the area, and being able to bring your enemies to you to die, or turn their machines against them, or point at a bird on a tree and shoot them while they're looking, because for some reason if Nyx gets to them while they're mesmerized by Mirage's light show they exhibit a remarkable tendency to commit suicide.


No, wait, still not very relevant. That's more 'general Warframe ideas'. I need more play time under my belt before I can talk confidently about any numbers, but the idea of focusing skills on CC and proc seems viable to me and I'm pretty confident about it, in my head. You might get something out of it. Tell us what you come up with if you decide to play with it.


Edited by Trenggiling
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  • 3 weeks later...

DE. This Idea found on this thread (or at least the concept) is the best thing I've seen on the forums. If you want to look for something to add for update 15 ( or 15.5), do THIS. SO many players would appreciate this addition. Jut think of all the elite players who would rejoice and all the novice players who would be inspired.

in short..... DE LOOK AT THIS THREAD

DEMegan ,

DERebecca ,



please alert the proper dev!

Edited by ShadowofBlades
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  • 3 weeks later...

I play as Rhino Prime most of the time and I don't like the 3rd ability. Is it like Nyx's zen? It should be something more like Iron Skin (and you can move as well, also fits EC color) and when it depletes it will explode violently shrapnel slicing nearby enemies and dealing impact damage to slightly knock them (damage would not be great but it would be a great improvement IMO)

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After reading the Mag section, I was originally hoping that negative power strength might produce 'Push'. Or simply have even more negative mods that allow for flips of power usage more easily.


Trinity's Safeguard reminds me of Re-Raise, a magic spell in Final Fantasy that raises someone once upon death. In Warframe, that's a bit much, but having it act sort of like Quick Thinking (by having its own small pool), it would give folks a precious second to dive away from the offending fire. Vital Stride sounds more like a Volt technique. If it were to be changed by dropping the movement speed buff and increasing the Stamina pool instead, it would do nearly the same action while not encroaching on another frame's powers. Pain Split sounds like an Inversed Link, which a negative mod could help perform. Augment is simply too powerful: Look at all of Blessing's nerfs and compare its current abilities with Augment. If Augment were to be implemented, it'd have to be split into all of its individual components, to be cast separately. Instead, perhaps Augment could do simple mod additions of adding quite a bit of the warframe-changing mods for Xx amount of time, to the whole team. (Auto Handspring, Retribution, Aviator, Shock Absorbers, etc)


In the end, though, having more easily attainable negative versions of stuff would help to produce variety whilst new, extra Warframe powers are deliberated. ^_^

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YAY feedback!

(does a happy dance)


I play as Rhino Prime most of the time and I don't like the 3rd ability. Is it like Nyx's zen? It should be something more like Iron Skin (and you can move as well, also fits EC color) and when it depletes it will explode violently shrapnel slicing nearby enemies and dealing impact damage to slightly knock them (damage would not be great but it would be a great improvement IMO)

Ya... they are rather similar XD

But what you suggested is way, way, WAY too much like iron skin :P

I will look into spicing it up a little, but I won't promise anything.


After reading the Mag section, I was originally hoping that negative power strength might produce 'Push'. Or simply have even more negative mods that allow for flips of power usage more easily.

What is this "negative power" that you speak of?

If you're talking about the corrupted mods then, that is not how they work.

That one thing with Nova is a bug that they decided to leave in.

If Mag's pull SWPS to determine the distance that enemies travel (into the air trololol) then maybe (but unlikely) it could work like that... maybe...

But you're right, push and pull are too similar, and I will try to find something else for her.

(I just wanted to see them go back and forth ):

Trinity's Safeguard reminds me of Re-Raise, a magic spell in Final Fantasy that raises someone once upon death. In Warframe, that's a bit much, but having it act sort of like Quick Thinking (by having its own small pool), it would give folks a precious second to dive away from the offending fire.

It doesn't revive them to full health.

It restores 50/100/150/200 SWPS health to stop bleed out from occurring.

That doesn't sound too OP to me.


Vital Stride sounds more like a Volt technique. If it were to be changed by dropping the movement speed buff and increasing the Stamina pool instead, it would do nearly the same action while not encroaching on another frame's powers.

Not to me... 15% is a rather small speed increase.

The main point of the skill is supposed to be the stamina gain.

But I will admit that 7/8/9/10 SWPS stamina per second may be a bit small...

I will go fix that.

And I like the idea of it buffing max stamina as well, but I don't think that it would affect much.


Pain Split sounds like an Inversed Link, which a negative mod could help perform.

Um... wait... so you weren't talking about corrupted mods like over extended?

I'm so confused...

Anyway, pain split and link have similar functions but the have very, very, VERY, different uses.


Augment is simply too powerful: Look at all of Blessing's nerfs and compare its current abilities with Augment. If Augment were to be implemented, it'd have to be split into all of its individual components, to be cast separately. Instead, perhaps Augment could do simple mod additions of adding quite a bit of the warframe-changing mods for Xx amount of time, to the whole team. (Auto Handspring, Retribution, Aviator, Shock Absorbers, etc)

To be fair, augment was made before the blessing nerf.

But even still, I don't think it's all that OP.

It's a single target buff ult from a support frame.

The armor buff won't do much for most people, the damage buff is nice, but hardly game breaking, and the speed buff is there to help you feel like your supper charged.

But I will take a second look at the numbers.


In the end, though, having more easily attainable negative versions of stuff would help to produce variety whilst new, extra Warframe powers are deliberated. ^_^

Again with this "negative power" stuff...

Edited by Trenggiling
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I'm glad you still follow your post, I thought I was going to get lost in it :P. Btw, if you could I wanted to ask you a favour, i'm not very good with coming up with skills for Warframe that people would like so, I was wondering if you could maybe list some for a new Warframe idea: Arachnid, that'd be cool! :D


EDIT: ahh I now see what you meant when you said "But what you suggested is way, way, WAY too much like iron skin" you were trying to make completely different skills for the frames correct? And I did have an idea for the ult on Rhino that was almost exactly like what you had said, but it kind of got shot down :/

Edited by Insidiatorii
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Ah, so Nova's reaction is a bug? I hadn't played around with the Corrupted mods enough to understand that yet. So, when I was speaking of the negative versions, it was from thoughts of that. Though having Corrupted mods do actual inversions of powers would still be cool. (or parts of them, anywho) I'm all for giving the frames that we have more options ability-wise for the long run. ^_^


Choosing between 5+ abilities for our 4 available power slots would give greater build diversity, balance, and strategy. I'm not sure how many times I've seen folks talk about Ember's non-viability for late game after DE took her defensive skill away, but with more abilities to choose from, they could return a similar one. Even if they didn't want to provide flexibility through actual inversion mods (by way of special Corrupted mods), simply flipping the direction of say... Mag's 'Pull', and then releasing it as 'Push' should be rather simple. The rest of the technique would remain the same, so the turn around time of creating it would really only include artwork, after making sure the original framework is still working as intended. (4 powers max on a frame) I'm sure that some folks might try to go the whole caster route and ask for 5+ active ability slots to be able to select through, but I feel that at this current time the UI & Framework are not set-up to handle it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm intrigued by the planned ability changes... but do they remove any hope for alternate skill sets?

Maybe we will get number 5 or even 6 or (D:) MAYBE EVEN 9?!

But I don't believe they are going to create an ability to give it to existing frame instead of making a completely new frame. I quite don't understand it, community gives so many awesome ideas, it'd take only some programming to implement into the game. But if they want to keep only 4 abilities per frame then I'm sad.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello all.

I have finally gotten around to trying out Limbo, and doing so has made me realize something.

He can never have an alternate skill set...

His current skills are so deeply tied together, that if you simply remove 1 skill you can trivialize all his other skills.

Also, the new way that abilities work right now, hardly supports the notion of switching them out.

Sorry folks, but I don't think there's hope for this idea anymore.

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