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Arachne (yea yea yea, another one, i dont care lol)


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(Okay so as usual, if you see any ability ideas here that you like, do take them and use them in your own warframe creations! I do not care if im not mentioned 💙💜🖤)

Abilities are all i like to talk about really

Passive (Webs): Holding the jump button creates a 6m radius of webs under your warframes feet, wherever you go. If used while airborne, it will create a platform of web that you and your allies can stand and move on. If used while on the wall, you and your allies will be able to wall latch twice as long when touching the web. The web will give Arachne and allies increased movement speed and bullet jump distance. Enemies will be slowed when touching the web. She can only cover 36m of the map in web before her web begins to disappear.

First Ability (Abduct): When activated Arachne will fire a string of web and pull herself to her last aimed location. Enemies in a 5m radius will be taken with her and wrapped in a cocoon of web.  Range mods decrease the time it takes for her string of web to reach its location and pull her (starts at 8m per second). Can be cancelled early

Cost 25 energy

Something i think will be cool when using this is:


Imagine youve just used her 1st ability, and stuck 5 enemies to the ceiling but you want to kill those enemies too. Well if you simply use her passive, you can quickly create webs to stand on and attack the enemies that are stuck on the ceiling! This is wonderful for situations where you are under heavy fire, wish to escape, but also want to take your anger out on a few of those enemies. Theyre basically punching bags!

Second Ability (Feed): Coat enemies in thick webs in a 8m radius that will crush the enemies, dealing up to 50% of their current health as damage. Attacking this web, with melee weapons, damages all enemies in the web and gives energy to the attacker. Arachne must charge up this ability before dealing full damage again, granting an additional 1% of enemies current health as damage on ability cast for every second the ability goes without being casted (up to 50% as previously stated). Using other weapons will damage 1 enemy rather than damaging all enemies in it. Last 7 seconds

Cost 50 energy

Third ability (Spider house): Arachne spins a web together at her last aimed location, that is untargetable by enemies but can be damaged by them and destroyed. If the web recieves damage it will be destroyed in the next 5 seconds, still blocking enemy attacks in the meantime, however allies attacks will go through without damaging the web. Players within the web cannot be seen by enemies when the players arent attacking, enemies in the web will be slowed. 4m radius web, up to 4 can be placed at a time.

25 energy

Fourth ability (Little monsters): Create a nest of 3 spiders, all inside of a case of webbing (egg). It will require you to kill 10 enemies near the egg, or eggs, for the spiders to spawn in. After killing 10 enemies, the spiders will hatch and attack enemies. The baby spiders (Near the size of a pet kavat) will have a hunger for the same type of enemy that was last killed near them by arachne. When they find it, they will jump on that enemy, and instantly kill it within 2 seconds. The spiders will live for 25 seconds after theyve killed something. Only 3 eggs can be laid out at once, spawning a 4th egg will destroy one and spawning a egg while 9 spiders are alive will kill 3 spiders. 

Cost 75 energy

Best of all, spiders are immune to nullifiers. Theyre more like a companion than energy from an ability

Question A: What is this going to look like? Question B: Is it too powerful? Question C: The range of the ability is a little small, what can help players get enemies within the radius of the ability excluding range mods?


A: It will look like a feeding frenzy when their food is around, while no food is around theyll remain still, hiding in the web of the egg B: i dont think it will be too powerful considering the fact that you will constantly have to prove that you can kill the enemies, that your baby spiders will be instantly killing, first! After doing so, this is like a reward for your efforts, temporarily killing enemies for you. C : Try using the first ability with the passive to help transport enemies to your eggs.

Stats at level 30:

300 shield

350 health

100 armor

200 energy

Okay So

- Decent damage check

- Decent survivability check

- Decent mobility

- Little bit of crowd control check

- Fun Extra Check

But thats my opinion, whats yours? See anything that might be problematic? Improvements? Changes? Too scary? SHOULD spiders wear glasses???? 


Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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1 hour ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Holding the jump button creates a 6m radius of webs under your warframes feet.

I like it... as an Exilus MOD.

1 hour ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

First Ability (Abduct): When activated Arachne will fire a string of web and pull herself to her last aimed location. Enemies in a 5m radius will be taken with her and wrapped in a cocoon of web.  Range mods decrease the time it takes for her string of web to reach its location and pull her

This I agree if a spider frame is to be developed...

1 hour ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Third ability (Spider house): Arachne spins a web together at her last aimed location, that is untargetable by enemies but can be damaged by them and destroyed. If the web recieves damage it will be destroyed in the next 5 seconds, still blocking enemy attacks in the meantime, however allies attacks will go through without damaging the web. Players within the web cannot be seen by enemies when the players arent attacking, enemies in the web will be slowed. 4m radius web, up to 4 can be placed at a time.

This is somewhat similar on DOTA Broadmother's Spin Web but not against of the idea...

1 hour ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Fourth ability (Little monsters): Create a nest of 3 spiders, all inside of a case of webbing (egg). It will require you to kill 10 enemies near the egg, or eggs, for the spiders to spawn in. After killing 10 enemies, the spiders will hatch and attack enemies. The baby spiders (Near the size of a pet kavat) will have a hunger for the same type of enemy that was last killed near them by arachne. When they find it, they will jump on that enemy, and instantly kill it within 2 seconds. The spiders will live for 25 seconds after theyve killed something. Only 3 eggs can be laid out at once, spawning a 4th egg will destroy one and spawning a egg while 9 spiders are alive will kill 3 spiders.

OK... Too much of DOTA's Broodmother...


All in all... IMO it qualifies as a WF concept but needs to be more unique that one wouldn't find a subject for comparison(s) as much if possible...

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3 hours ago, FerockQuartz said:

but needs to be more unique that one wouldn't find a subject for comparison(s) as much if possible...

Comparisons to things outside of warframe? Arent there over a billion (if not more) ability ideas for things outside of warframe? I dont think thats a fair standard for anyone lol, and even then. Warframes like ash exist who summons clones to assassinate enemies simular to assassins creed 2, hildryn is the woman version of ironman, nidus is like the guy named james heller from prototype

Seems to be little to nothing wrong with abilities compared to others in other games, and i dont know what DOTA is lol im just assuming its a game lol

Spiders only do so much, lay eggs, spray webs, cocoon prey, pounce and heal from eating. Pretty sure any game you think of with a spider character will have abilities simular to things found in every other game that has a spider as a character. Its near impossible to not have spider abilities have comparisons to other spider characters, while sticking to theme of what a spider does lol.

Like frost for example, his abilities are EXTREMELY simular to other ice characters in other games, im willing to bet its impossible to remove all his simularities. His theme has been far too popular for many years. Frost got a shield, ice spikes, and freezes enemies. How many games (even popular ones like Crash for example has had frost ability's b4 frost was created) can you think of that have abilities simular to frost before he was brought into existence on warframe

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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