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Help Me To Decide What Color Palettes To Buy



Dont feel like spending alot of plat for colors yet... But i wanna take few(2-3) palettes ... & Cant much decide whut best together are... I mean at least half of them got repeating colors(more less) brighter & more shadow versions... Whut palettes have mos different colors in them & looking cool? Alien ware(bright toxic green is infested palette y?) I think to take CLASSIC SATURATED + BETA COLOR PACK OR JUST INESTED ... Too bad devs didnt made Voting options when in topics like most forums now... But w/e ... HELP PLEASE! =)

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19 answers to this question

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Classic is bad deal - you get less colours at same price since 1/5 is already unlocked.
I use Classic Saturated and I'm pretty happy with it - intense colours, wide diversity. Only cons are: lack of pitch black nor any shades of violet.
Packs are good deal for anybody who is decided for more then one palette, eg. You. I would rather go with BETA - Infested palette  gives you some nice choice of green, violet and blue; Grineer supplement shades of green with some darker options as well as brings orange and light blue to the table. Smoke is pretty much just a bonus since Grineer already gives you some black-ish colours.

Edited by xGryphus
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Classic is bad deal - you get less colours at same price since 1/5 is already unlocked.

I use Classic Saturated and I'm pretty happy with it - intense colours, wide diversity. Only cons are: lack of pitch black and any shades of violet.

Pack are good deal for anybody who is decided for more then one palette, eg. You. I would rather go with BETA - Infested palette  gives you some nice choice of green, violet and blue; Grineer supplement shades of green with some darker options as well as brings orange and light blue to the table. Smoke is pretty much just a bonus since Grineer already gives you some black-ish colours.

he never said he wanted to use the classic colour pack o.O

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greneer-smoke & infested ar in B color pack... so ill pay only 19 plats over if take those it make sense of taking it =) By yur saying) + Classic saturated... I guess i can spend 235 plats.. But thats rly my limit =)

Edited by Flinn
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actually it's more plat efficient to buy one of the two bundle packs, of which I would suggest the first one because you just get more for free.

but if you aren't going to buy a pack, Classic saturated is probably the first choice and I would chose Storm, or Grineer after that but those are just my personal favorites.

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