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Atlas: GOD Amongst Frames | Double Umbral Forma Build & Prime Feedback


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Yes, you read that title correctly. 

I saved and applied both of my Umbral Formas from Nightwave to my newly acquired Atlas Prime. This thread details my build, my success, my fun, and my feedback - let's begin!

Primary Build: Atlas BRAWL



With this build I was able to rectify the two main point that Atlas' kit normally suffers: 1) Landslide damage, and 2) Rubble accrual. The first, as you can guess, turned out to be not a problem as I was just dealing flat-out walloping damage (200,000-500,000 regularly), so even in the most difficult missions, up to and including 60 minutes of Arbitration, I was an effective one-punch man frame! The second point naturally worked itself out. Given the crazy high Health and Armour values of Atlas, in combination with Fleeting Expertise (a must-run on Atlas), his base survivability comfortably got him to the point where Rubble stacks got up to the 1500 cap in almost every mission I bother to try for it.

My experience so far has made a frame I dearly love, who is truly mediocre at best, into an extremely effective and extremely fun frame to play. To some this may be a waste of Umbral Formas, but to me, this was elevating my most fun gameplay experiences to a new tier unseen by any other Boulder-Bros this side of the system.

It was something fun I wanted to share with all of you 🙂

Now, Feedback...

Now having built and enjoyed my Atlas, I wanted to return to something I share a lot on the forum- criticisms of Atlas and his kit. While I love and enjoy this build, Atlas should not need this level of dedication to be played so enjoyably. I played a lot of base Atlas, and I have shared my criticisms of the weakness of the Rubble passive and his other abilities. I truly believe Atlas needs to have his Rubble decay/accrual system revisited to make him more sustainable in his own right- having the levels of base Armour and Health my build has rectified this easily, but of course nobody expects us to create my build...

He benefits a lot from Adaptation, which I've slotted under my TANK builds you can see in CONFIG C pictured above (which turned out unnecessary, as he was already quite Beastmode), but I think Atlas at base still deserve a touch up to the Rubble, maybe just to get started (your first 300-400 with non-prime Atlas could be difficult if you were taking damage early on occasionally).

He also definitely doesn't do my level of damage without some TLC. Umbral Intensify + Transient Fortitude gets me where I'm going (plus a well-spec'd and forma'd Galantine Prime as my stat stick), but obviously base Atlas has long faced many complaints about Landslide's effectiveness late game against high armour enemies. Even I get annoyed with extremely high level Grineer, I need to keep my combo counter up to keep the one-punches flying.

I won't do a point-by poin breakdown as there are many threads existing, but I think overall he would be so much cooler with a bit of a rework. Also, you'd be to correct to have noticed i haven't mentioned his #2 or #4, because like many I simply never cast them. 

I'll plug a feedback thread I made a long time ago, where admittedly I was still learning Atlas and forming thoughts on him, which can be found here: 


Now, in present day, some of what I said I now realize would be a mistake, but I think this is a bullet list of changes I'd like to see retained and implemented in a potential rework:

  • Rubble should not restore health and receive a buff to max cap of 3000.
  • Landslide's combo sustain duration longer or more forgiving. 
  • Petrify needs a larger angle for the cone/fov of the ability, or a cone that scales with ability range.
  • Tectonics and Rumblers need a total re-design.

TL;DR Despite my build, I think the same criticisms of base Atlas deserve to be fixed.

Thanks for checking out my thread!

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Landslide needs to be deadlier

Wall needs to have more aggro,control more enemies

Petrify yes range modes should widen the cone (same with nidus!!)

Rumblers need more base range on petrify,  Rumblers need to run around doing AoE % based damage (x2 damage if things are petrified)


Atlas is one of the funner tanks.  Personally I never use 1(MY melee kills stuff faster and is easier to maintain).  4 I only use when im surrounded for the petrify effect,  the body gaurds are completely worthless to me.   I just run around spamming petrify and dropping walls if I need a little CC.  (creating clumps of enemies to petrify)

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