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Can we fix Index already?


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so i was playing index and the 1 match i got 20 point and didnt realise then 2 match when i picked 1 point there was a spam sound of points and i got like 20.My 3rd game i sent a friend mu chroma build and forgot to change so i pressed my 3rd ability and then when it ended i gotĀ  that buff. https://imgur.com/fUzD04e

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Someone carrying many points got killed.
Sometimes they scatter, but sometimes they just land in a pile.
Think it depends mostly on how they die, and something like whether there was any momentum involved in their death.
Mag specter's magnetize would be a likely candidate, as the bodies tend to have zero movement at time of death.

Keep us updated if you learn more about the specifics, or whether any of it can be replicated.

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On 2019-10-17 at 12:05 PM, kapn655321 said:

Sometimes they scatter, but sometimes they just land in a pile.

I believe this has something to do with host andĀ clients. Host/solo always see it scattered when someone drops multiple index points, but clients might only see it all in 1 spot, not scattered.

As forĀ 4.29e+03M bug,Ā failedĀ to vote yes when index is starting?


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To start, IĀ was with a full squad in space. They picked, IĀ believe, high index and the index entry cost screen came up. Unlike normal, IĀ pressed escape instead of pressing the invest credits button. The countdown started, but my icon in the top corner was marked with an X, indicating that i had declined the mission. I got dragged to the mission anyway. When i showed up, I had a permanent 25 financial stress that did not increase when gathering points. This meant IĀ had very little health and could not hold on to energy long enough to cast abilities. I figured turning in a point might reset the financial stress stack, and tried it. Unfortunately, it set my financial stress count to "4.29e+03M." I suddenly had 2 shield and 10 health, but strangely, IĀ could hold onto energy without it decaying. After picking up another point, the stack reset to 25 and IĀ lost all my energy.Ā 


Overall, fun bug.Ā 

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Did you vote yes on mission vote?

Happened to me when I didn't vote yes then mission is starting, and I think I didn't get as much credits as I should while financial stress 25 or 4.29e+03M bug happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went into High index with Mesa Prime, wanting to farm some credits with my friends. I started off with 25 point burden, not points just the burden, low health and everything. I then cashed in 1 credit thinking this would solve the issue. This is when I realised the severity of the bug, when i had 4.29e+03M burdens. This was fine, as it seemed to be cancelled out and I kept playing. After I died though I was back to 25 points burdens... So it seems this was the default. Also the points were called reactant and I found that funny xD




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  • 4 weeks later...

Same exact thing. I have no idea whats causing this but considering I want to MAKE credits and not be a glass cannon, at best, I'd love to see this fixed. The only thing I can add is it so far, for me, only happens when I have a free daily login credit booster. However, to be fair I only do index with the credit booster for the most part.

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Did you vote yes when the index is starting? Fail to vote yes have bugs.


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