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Galatine Is Seriously Op


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Seriously I don't care about Gely-Tin.


I really mind if Reaper Prime is not on pair with it.

Come on, several Orokin Void runs, 10 Orokin Cells !

However I don't own a Gelytin myself, so don't take my vote so serious. 


In my opinion, there should be a whole rebalance of melee system.

charge build <-> slashing build (fury point + pressure)  DPS wise

(however, didn't tested "Finishing Touch" yet)

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What were you guys thinking? Did noone do the testing before releasing that?


1.It's cheap to make- 50k credits and some mats to make the best weap in the game is not too much, especially if you don't have to find the blueprints.


2. It's too fast- It's a giant sword, yet it swings pretty much at the same rate as longswords. Combine it with 35 normal attack damage and it renders normal longswords obsolete. Why would you choose a longsword if you can have Galatine?


3. Charge damage- 400 damage? TWICE as much as anything else? The charge time isn't even long enough to justify that. 



You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 



Yes, I have it, yes, I potatoed it. Yes, it's OP and I think it needs a nerf, because there is no reason to use any other melee at the moment.

While we are at destroying a weapon that fails to be considered OP by Primarys and secondarys... Let us nerf the primarys and the secondarys, till a level 15 becomes boss level to even groups of four people... Will that finally make you happy? A game that becomse near impossible at level 15?

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And you have measured this how...?

 i swinged it a concecutive 100times and divided, if i was on a bit better hardware i could do a timestamped video to make it even more accurate but running video capture on wf will lag me a bit and that will skewer the results.

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 i swinged it a concecutive 100times and divided, if i was on a bit better hardware i could do a timestamped video to make it even more accurate but running video capture on wf will lag me a bit and that will skewer the results.


Ok, I used my keyboard software to make 1,3s macro which worked. 1,2s made 2-3 charge attacks then started swinging normal melees = too fast.

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Ok, I used my keyboard software to make 1,3s macro which worked. 1,2s made 2-3 charge attacks then started swinging normal melees = too fast.

depending on how the engine handles keystroke queques, this may be or not accurate (p.e. if the engine registers next keystroke 0.1-0.2sec faster as a queque to do the next one or if it only registers keystrokes immidiatly after the end of actions)

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depending on how the engine handles keystroke queques, this may be or not accurate (p.e. if the engine registers next keystroke 0.1-0.2sec faster as a queque to do the next one or if it only registers keystrokes immidiatly after the end of actions)


Yup, I would say it has around 50-100ms error margin. Point is it's definately not 1,7s what has been suggested in this thread too.

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I like the Galatine, I've seen what it can do fully modded and for charge damage it's the king. However, I do feel that it is a balance weapon at it's base. When you put in the time, resources and mods to make it the powerful weapon it can be, then yeah I would hope you would have an "OP" melee weapon.  I always add the fact that I've put 400+ hours in to this game, so I should be able to take a new weapon, rank it up and into a hero in very little time.  Someone who just started playing recently wouldn't find this an easy task.

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My favorite part of the Galantine was that I was able to kill the stalker with it.  I didn't just damage him until he decided to kneel down and go away on his own.  I KILLED him.  Amusingly, a few maps later, he appeared, again, and I killed him again!


While there may be some other weapons that can actually kill the Stalker, I found it utterly hilarious when I was able to do this the other day. Yes, the sword has it's pros and cons, but moments like that make it really worth using.  Hahaha

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I really like the Galatine for it's slide attack, does some nice damage, it's the only the melee weapon I'll be using until the much needed buff for longswords comes around. I would love to use a smaller longsword version of the Galatine cause it looks good.


I do find it weird that it has the same stealth kill anim ( and just as fast ) as longswords and swings almost as fast as a dagger.

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  • 2 months later...

I Think that the Galatine does need balancing. The problem is not so much its power, but where it stands to other weps, as in no mele can beat it.


1:I can pull out thousands of damage with a few mods without even trying even in damage 2.0


2:The thing takes nothing to build, we complain about soma and this why? because everyone and their brother can get one, the soma is only op from this ongoing crit issue but the galatine is just insane. rank 3 and you can get a wep that does WHAT DAMAGE? oh a few thousand. one mod and you can instantly get it to 1000 charge, even the orthos is less insane with its damage.


3: the thing obsoletes all other meles at such a low level: excluding throwing weps which get the *range excuse* all other meles become obsolete to this as it dishes out most damage, huge range, only thing keeping it back can be completely removed with a mod or 2 (charge time)


The standpoint of this is not to say it is too powerful in general, but that it is too powerful for what exists and what it exists as. the synapse, flux rifle, supra, and so on are even more op, but we don't complain because you need to work to lv 6 to get them and then some, nvm some of the stuff you need. But this thing that makes all other non thrown meles look like athstetic novelties is too much. If it were situational like say the dark sword, I might forgive it at a higher rank, but this is just not balanced in the slightest.


reccomendations for fixing it:

1: bring it to mastery 6-8

2:make it cost more (10 galatine or something, just SOMETHING to make it more than an hour or two of farming)

3:drop the AOE of the charge. you hit almost 360 degrees around, maybe 180 or something but it is just too big.


I'm not saying just weaken the damage, no. The higher levels do need at least SOMETHING to work with, but there should be no reason a mastery 3 player should need to do thousands of damage per swing just mowing down enemies like the lawn just started an uncivil protest at the gates of the household entrance.


Also, We still have broken crits, please, please fix them,  the soma was rebuffed to an op lv but now, now it is just absolutly rediculous, I get 9k on a mele swing with a double hit, but 21K dps, cmon that isnt even close to neccesary for ANY high level mission, at least by fixing crit problems the issue becomes a little less insane.

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And Lol...


I would agree Ceres666, it seems that these people are crying over nothing lately. "UH this weapon is OP!!! NERF IT!! #_($&*U)@#&%(!!!! I DONT CARE IF ITS A CO-OP GAME!!!!!!! ()!&$(*$)!_@!#@#!@#(*" seems like the norm on the Forums now.

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If they buffed other melee weapons, noone would use guns on lower levels, because melee would go through everything like through butter.  Like you can do right now with Galatine. And only Galatine, nothing else.

Really?  Have you faced the new level 60+ (30 now) enemies?  Getting in close is STUPID, unless it's Infested, and you likely have no choice.  Because at the new level system, over 30, you can get melted pretty fast, even as a Rhino with maxed Iron Skin.  You want a high speed, fast firing long arm with decent damage and a MASSIVE ammo drum supporting it.  Otherwise...  *Squilch!*

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And Lol...


I would agree Ceres666, it seems that these people are crying over nothing lately. "UH this weapon is OP!!! NERF IT!! #_($&*U)@#&%(!!!! I DONT CARE IF ITS A CO-OP GAME!!!!!!! ()!&$(*$)!_@!#@#!@#(*" seems like the norm on the Forums now.


Not only are they crying over nothing IMO some_random_guys... are posting the exact same thing making new threads about stuff that isn't even an issue. If it was I'm sure that post would have had more than 2 replies... this post was only as large as it was from what, 2-3 builds ago and things were different then.


Oh no a weapon that everyone can get is powerful enough to not have to completely struggle melee wise ONLY until lvl 25-30+mobs in the new 2.0.


Even with this weapon and Rhino it's plain dumb to rely on melee now, corpus especially. The charge is still extremely slow regardless of the damage and I actually still use Dual Ether's due to speed of regular attacks most of the time IF I dare to mess with melee at all on higher levels.


Now if using a stealth char/playstyle I applaud you as I just don't have the patience for that and maybe, just maybe, in that scenario it is too OP but I doubt that is a large portion of the community.


I have YET to be on any run that 1 person is actually doing any thing other than leeching using Melee only (compared to Prim/Sec), Gelatine or not but I really only play Defense and Survival online.


Who walks into a store and complains that the prices are too low for someone else's enjoyment? Not someone that is a decent person IMO.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find Galatine to be garbage at low-mid level cause its way too slow. I cut things faster with Ethers/Orthos. So I don't see a problem with galatine, it doesn't make all other melee weapons useless.  We just need some more high-tier melee than just Galatine/Ichors/Orthos Prime. 


And to those who cant understand why even PVE game needs balance: there has to be variety and rewards for effort. When one easily-made weapon outshines everything else there is no point in using others and it just becomes boring, no motivation to use/get more weapons. Like I dont care to make all the clan weapons, I have Soma already zzzzz I might just stop playing the game, nothing to look forward to. 

Edited by Monolake
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