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Braton Prime.


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Braton Prime is the sexiest gun in game, but it gets no love. It gets pretty bad at higher level content. 

A buff along the lines of

Damage: 35

Fire Rate: Same

Accuracy: 30

Clip: same

Reload: 1.7

And any polarity barring D (really, that polarity is probably the worst for any weapon)


should get the ball rolling.


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While I do find it is a shame the braton prime is so terrible and yet relatively difficult to acquire, I would wait until armor 2.0 before attempting to rebalance it. It would be easier to tell how it needs to be changed when we have a good handle of how the new armor system works.

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Braton Prime is the sexiest gun in game.

Stop right there.

That's reason enough to own the weapon as it is.


But seriously, when the new armour system comes out, then we'll judge, hmm?

I'm guessing it'll make lots of weapons a lot more effective.

Edited by FillyRarity
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Really? 35 damage? I would love a buff but thats just huge, but yeah it needs a buff, a D polarity and 30 damage i would say, or just make it a crit weapon, or just wait for

Braton Prime already does 30 damage. Herp derp. And a D polarity is useless on weapons.

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Braton Prime is the sexiest gun in game, but it gets no love. It gets pretty bad at higher level content. 

A buff along the lines of

Damage: 35

Fire Rate: Same

Accuracy: 30

Clip: same

Reload: 1.7

And any polarity barring D (really, that polarity is probably the worst for any weapon)


should get the ball rolling.

Before enemy levels got bumped, the Braton Prime was one of the better guns.  I'll wait for Armor 2.0 before passing judgement on it.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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