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Please Buff Melee Crit And Attack Speed Mods.


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They're horrible. True Steel and Organ Shatter are horrible mods as they are now. It's impossible to have a good crit build with these mods because their values at max rank are far too low. Same thing goes with attack speed mods. Fury is decent and could use some love but Berserker needs to be revised or buffed. 

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I'm in for this, but in here, there are people amongs players and DE Dev's who believe otherwise. And I fear that this majority thinks that melee weapons should never surpass the abilities of primary and secondary weapons. For them its in a higher to lower order. First the primary, then secondary, and at last, melee. Hopefully this will change with time. Theres the gelatine sword that does something, or at least, tries little bit to compare with primaries.

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I'm in for this, but in here, there are people amongs players and DE Dev's who believe otherwise. And I fear that this majority thinks that melee weapons should never surpass the abilities of primary and secondary weapons. For them its in a higher to lower order. First the primary, then secondary, and at last, melee. Hopefully this will change with time. Theres the gelatine sword that does something, or at least, tries little bit to compare with primaries.

People that want melee weapons on dual-heat sword's level for side-grade reason can be ignored. Melee is so far under the bar for usability that it is underpowered for it's role. People are misusing the word overpowered at epic levels on these forums.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Oh yea. But then DE would have to lower critical chance on some weapons, like Dual Ichors, for example.


They have buffed pressure point already, and I don't know how far you want for weapons to be stronger than they are. You want to be like "Damn, I am going to slide-one-shot-kill all those 100 lvl grineers there"


Nope. Actually, I don't think melee needs any buff. Would be nice though, I agree. For some reason we have 2 weapon slots designed to kill enemies in the distance.


And infected? "Blade" damage is tripled against infected, don't need anything more (I guess?)

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Oh yea. But then DE would have to lower critical chance on some weapons, like Dual Ichors, for example.


They have buffed pressure point already, and I don't know how far you want for weapons to be stronger than they are. You want to be like "Damn, I am going to slide-one-shot-kill all those 100 lvl grineers there"


Nope. Actually, I don't think melee needs any buff. Would be nice though, I agree. For some reason we have 2 weapon slots designed to kill enemies in the distance.


And infected? "Blade" damage is tripled against infected, don't need anything more (I guess?)

Serrated Blade deals 3x damage to Infested. In other words, charge attacks. Honestly though, it's not just about buffing melee. It's about buffing long swords and weapons that are suppose to scale better with regular attacks as opposed to charge attacks. Galatine already outclasses almost every long sword in terms of damage and swing speed. It shows how crappy long swords really are. The only decent longsword is the Dakra Prime, but that's hard to get. And it's really messed up that DE tiered long swords at the bottom of the barrel.

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I'm in for this, but in here, there are people amongs players and DE Dev's who believe otherwise. And I fear that this majority thinks that melee weapons should never surpass the abilities of primary and secondary weapons. For them its in a higher to lower order. First the primary, then secondary, and at last, melee. Hopefully this will change with time. Theres the gelatine sword that does something, or at least, tries little bit to compare with primaries.

Really guys? That depends on the type of game. In some games, melee is useful as a last resort when enemies get to close, you run out of ammo, or you're trying to conserve ammo. 

In WF, there's little danger of ever running out of ammo, so said rules don't apply, thus melee needs to function more as an alternative style of fighting rather than a last resort.

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Pressure Point.

Buff to 150%

In line with killing blow


Shocking touch

90% electric please.

Come on it's a 11 point mod !


Northern Wind

90% cold please. 

Come on it's a 11 point mod !


And for Shocking touch, it is silly that Focus Energy is actually more efficient. Dual stat mods are supposed to be the middle ground of 2 mods, not equal. But that is due to Shocking Touch being bad not Focus Energy being too good.


True Steel 

150% Crit chance.

In line with rifles.



Organ shatter

Mostly fine.

Edited by fatpig84
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Serrated Blade deals 3x damage to Infested. In other words, charge attacks. Honestly though, it's not just about buffing melee. It's about buffing long swords and weapons that are suppose to scale better with regular attacks as opposed to charge attacks. Galatine already outclasses almost every long sword in terms of damage and swing speed. It shows how crappy long swords really are. The only decent longsword is the Dakra Prime, but that's hard to get. And it's really messed up that DE tiered long swords at the bottom of the barrel.


Hats off. You have a point. After I got Scindo I was wondering why would someone ever have a longsword? (unless plasma sword, red crits beast)

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I'm in for this, but in here, there are people amongs players and DE Dev's who believe otherwise. And I fear that this majority thinks that melee weapons should never surpass the abilities of primary and secondary weapons. For them its in a higher to lower order. First the primary, then secondary, and at last, melee. Hopefully this will change with time. Theres the gelatine sword that does something, or at least, tries little bit to compare with primaries.

the only weapon class i feel needs a serious change is Sidearms(and longswords, but different story). they are most certainly better than almost all Primaries, period.

Sidearms should be effective, but ultimately be inferior to Primaries. that's kind've the point of a Sidearm. 

yet, Sidearms overall are generally superior to Primaries. Warframe says smaller is better apparently, so why do we have Primaries? i want a gun that's the size of a flea, it'll certainly do 1000dmg per shot and shoot 5 bullets per second, with 50% and 500% Crit stats. 




(unless plasma sword, red crits beast)

not anymore ;) Galantine blows the Plasma Sword out of the water, even if it is a bit slower.

Edited by taiiat
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the only weapon class i feel needs a serious change is Sidearms(and longswords, but different story). they are most certainly better than almost all Primaries, period.

Sidearms should be effective, but ultimately be inferior to Primaries. that's kind've the point of a Sidearm. 


yet, Sidearms overall are generally superior to Primaries. Warframe says smaller is better apparently, so why do we have Primaries? i want a gun that's the size of a flea, it'll certainly do 1000dmg per shot and shoot 5 bullets per second, with 50% and 500% Crit stats. 


There is nothing wrong with that.


Lanka flats out deal much more single target damage, but it's DPS is weak compared to despair.

If DPS is an argument no one would even use Ogris or Torid as their DPS actually sucks.


Heck even in good old FPS games like CS, a desert Eagle kills in 3 shots, the only other weapon that can claim that is the AK47. Other ARs take 5 to 6 shots. An MP5 takes 10 shots to kill which is even worse. A USP is on par with an AR, taking 5 shots to kill.



But then again, it would be much fairer if primary mods can scale as high as pistol mods.

Just leave out shotguns since they got Blaze which is god like by itself.

Edited by fatpig84
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There is nothing wrong with that.


Lanka flats out deal much more single target damage, but it's DPS is weak compared to despair.

If DPS is an argument no one would even use Ogris or Torid as their DPS actually sucks.


Heck even in good old FPS games like CS, a desert Eagle kills in 3 shots, the only other weapon that can claim that is the AK47. Other ARs take 5 to 6 shots. An MP5 takes 10 shots to kill which is even worse. A USP is on par with an AR, taking 5 shots to kill.



But then again, it would be much fairer if primary mods can scale as high as pistol mods.

Just leave out shotguns since they got Blaze which is god like by itself.

I think what he meant is that side-arms should be fall back weapons for the most part. Back in CS I never went around with just a Deagle. It was a beast of a gun but it also had a very small magazine and a pretty high spread, so I knew exactly what balanced the gun. But there isn't a single side-arm in Warframe that's balanced like that.

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But then again, it would be much fairer if primary mods can scale as high as pistol mods.

Just leave out shotguns since they got Blaze which is god like by itself.

Braton(s) and grakata should just use pistol ammo and mods because they are SMG; SMG do not use rifle ammo in the first place.

Edited by LazyKnight
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