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What About Adding Plasma Guns In The Game.


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Just a thought, I see a lot of laser based weapons in the game, it would be interesting to see a plasma based gun in the game since we already have the plasma sword. I was thinking of something similar to doom 3's plasma rifle or turok 2's plasma rifle.

Edited by crivers
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As StrangeCandy has said, the Dera and Supra (both Corpus weapons) appear to use plasma technology.

Official in-game description of Fieldron (the Corpus research thing used to make Supra/Dera/all other clan Corpus research) is:

"ClanTech weaponized containment field to contain superheated substances."


Dunno bout you, but "superheated substances" immediately makes me think plasma, not lasers.

Edited by StrangeCandy
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Official in-game description of Fieldron (the Corpus research thing used to make Supra/Dera/all other clan Corpus research) is:

"ClanTech weaponized containment field to contain superheated substances."


Dunno bout you, but "superheated substances" immediately makes me think plasma, not lasers.

It actually makes me think of power sources... but that's me.

Dera does Laser damage, Supra does bullet damage... In terms of presented game lore I would argue that they are considered laser weapons in game despite being more in line with plasma on a scientific basis...

But the argument about reality goes out of the window when it comes to this game for multiple reasons. I mean unless you think there is a way to explain knife-skating, throwing fireballs from your hand, nano-metal armor that can absorb impact, jumping 5-6+ times normal height and any other number of things that violate reality in Warframe.

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Flux and Spectra are true lasers with a terrible range, but that is true.

Because for a laser to cut through metal and stuff, it needs to be close before beam attenuation kicks in but DE did not given it a fall off mechanic yet.

So for Flux the beam is inert after 25 meters.


Dera and Supra are closer to plasma guns.

Slower plasma projectiles that supposedly to hit hard, but not at the moment.

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lasers don't have travel time. (well, they have the fastest travel time attainable in this universe, lightspeed)


Therefore, any weapon with visible travel time you can see with your eyes is NOT a laser.


Whatever they decided to give as the damage name in game mechanics is irrelevant. It could be called Albert damage and it would not matter, it's just a name.

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lasers don't have travel time. (well, they have the fastest travel time attainable in this universe, lightspeed)


Therefore, any weapon with visible travel time you can see with your eyes is NOT a laser.


Whatever they decided to give as the damage name in game mechanics is irrelevant. It could be called Albert damage and it would not matter, it's just a name.

The Flux Rifle beam seems to extend to full range almost instantaneously, but it still probably is not an actual laser.

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is it gets hot?- it is

is it wounds? - it is

armor save? - fail


one dead space marine tenno


My Space Marine Tenno's valiant sacrifice has allowed my Land Raider to get into position. Goodbye plasma gun.


Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, plasma weaponry should play something like




Namely, the charge and heat ventilation mechanics should be present. The idea is it's a big, powerful gun that can have a lot of splash damage (depending on how long you charge it), but it's slow, and it needs to ventilate heat occasionally.

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Warhammer 40K

Plasma gun: They get hot.

Have a chance to explode.

Roll to see if it gets hot.

Roll to see if it explodes.

Roll to see if it wounds your character.

Roll to see if your armour saves your &#!.




I like the idea of a plasma cannon being implemented. The... whatever it's called is a poison version of the ignis. 

I'd like a plasma version of the Ogris.

Just a personal like though, may not be practical.

Edited by FillyRarity
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So lets say DE added a plasma type gun in the game. Would it be better if they created a new damage type all together that does some sort of burn damage and melts enemies upon death or just mix it up a bit with the current damage types?


At the very least blasting an enemy with high-energy ionized gas would burn them really bad, and might very well just outright vaporize any part of a normal human it touched.


So yes, at the very least a plasma weapon needs a special death animation. When damage 2.0 comes out, depending on how they handle armor-ignoring damage types such as Serrated Blade, they might want to add a new damage type for plasma weapons.


What I mean by that is, well, let's say that the current armor-ignoring damage types (Forcefield, Physics Impact, and aforementioned Serrated Blade (and also Armor Piercing damage, but that may not make it through to damage 2.0 and is irrelevant to this in any case)) are replaced with varying levels of armor ignore. Say, for example, Serrated Blade completely ignores armor, Physics Impact ignores 50% of armor, and Forcefield ignores 25% of armor. Then Plasma, in this example, would ignore 75% of armor, to make it really, really good against armored targets, but not quite to the level of just completely ignoring it. Maybe. Possibly.


Just a thought, and some speculation on damage 2.0.

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At the very least blasting an enemy with high-energy ionized gas would burn them really bad, and might very well just outright vaporize any part of a normal human it touched.


So yes, at the very least a plasma weapon needs a special death animation. When damage 2.0 comes out, depending on how they handle armor-ignoring damage types such as Serrated Blade, they might want to add a new damage type for plasma weapons.


What I mean by that is, well, let's say that the current armor-ignoring damage types (Forcefield, Physics Impact, and aforementioned Serrated Blade (and also Armor Piercing damage, but that may not make it through to damage 2.0 and is irrelevant to this in any case)) are replaced with varying levels of armor ignore. Say, for example, Serrated Blade completely ignores armor, Physics Impact ignores 50% of armor, and Forcefield ignores 25% of armor. Then Plasma, in this example, would ignore 75% of armor, to make it really, really good against armored targets, but not quite to the level of just completely ignoring it. Maybe. Possibly.


Just a thought, and some speculation on damage 2.0.

My path of thinking was that, as you stated, plasma is ionised gas and it's generally very hot. I would think it would melt plate armour like that of the grineer completely or rend it beyond use.

Maybe plasma could have normal impact damage with the chance to lower/completely remove the target's armour.

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