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Reactor/catalyst Alerts


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It should be at least one alert every two weeks. The alerts themselves are VERY rare.



Or, DE could have a randomized rarity Alert system


Resource alerts would be common

Helmets/Skins would be uncommon

Aura and Weapons would be rare

and Reactors/Catalysts would be Super Rare along with Vauban (or future Alert-themed warframes) blueprints.

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It should be at least one alert every two weeks. The alerts themselves are VERY rare.



Or, DE could have a randomized rarity Alert system


Resource alerts would be common

Helmets/Skins would be uncommon

Aura and Weapons would be rare

and Reactors/Catalysts would be Super Rare along with Vauban (or future Alert-themed warframes) blueprints.

Um, what? Dude, you just described exactly the current system. We get a guaranteed Potato/Forma every 2 weeks from livestreams, and the "randomized alert system" is exactly how things are right now.

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Burnt it a loooooooong time ago when I started playing warframe pretty recent. Had I known better how the game works back then I would've spend it more wisely but yeah. I'm a mastery 11 atm and resetting is not worth it at this point.

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The biggest issue is garbage like resource alerts further clogging/polluting the RNG. Also, given how rare they are for 7-day login rewards, I'd just suggest having potatoes being given a chance at dropping in the Dere-Lag Void, namely on Lephantis, though it would be rare and on top of the guaranteed BP drop.

DE wants people to keep running Elephant Panties? There, give his mission the only in-game chance of dropping an Orokin reactor/Catalyst outside of alerts or login rewards (seriously, enough with the weapon/frame XP at 7-day rewards).

Edited by NalkorRN
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I think we should have a guaranteed catalyst/reactor alert every week, tbh. Maybe something for our weekends?

Every Saturday we have a guaranteed 24 hour Catalyst alert, then a Reactor alert for 24 hours on Sunday.

Just one a week sounds reasonable to me. That would take you 15 weeks to get a tater for each frame! Quite a bit of time, tbh. Then there is putting them in sentinels as well.

*edit* I don't know how often catalyst/reactors appear in alerts though. I can only get on for a few hours every couple of days, and I don't even watch the alerts. I just do them when I see a blueprint, but otherwise leave them.

And yeah, I don't look at the twitter and freak out over something. Homework > Warframe :P

Edited by LeoAtKnight
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I think we should have a guaranteed catalyst/reactor alert every week, tbh. Maybe something for our weekends?

Every Saturday we have a guaranteed 24 hour Catalyst alert, then a Reactor alert for 24 hours on Sunday.

Just one a week sounds reasonable to me. That would take you 15 weeks to get a tater for each frame! Quite a bit of time, tbh. Then there is putting them in sentinels as well.

*edit* I don't know how often catalyst/reactors appear in alerts though. I can only get on for a few hours every couple of days, and I don't even watch the alerts. I just do them when I see a blueprint, but otherwise leave them.

And yeah, I don't look at the twitter and freak out over something. Homework > Warframe :P

I agree with the once every week for 24 hours, but white knights will come in and say DE needs to eat. Every month, that would be 80 platinum not spend, which is just over $5.00 USD. I don't think that paltry amount of money is going to have DE starve, not with all the cosmetic options and how slots are plat-only.
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I agree with the once every week for 24 hours, but white knights will come in and say DE needs to eat. Every month, that would be 80 platinum not spend, which is just over $5.00 USD. I don't think that paltry amount of money is going to have DE starve, not with all the cosmetic options and how slots are plat-only.

Well the thing is,

people quit over being completely inferior. If they had options available to them to be as powerful as the guy next to them, but the simply weren't because of skill or the stronger player simply had better mods, people would deal with it.

I know many people would happily wait until the weekend to upgrade something they like, and they wouldn't be so stingy about using their taters either.

It's only one a week. As I just said, it takes 15 weeks currently to get enough reactors for each frame! Then an additional 4 for your sentinels. Wow!

Then think about how many weapons we have..

People will still be stingy, and we'll still have a complaint thread every now and again, but it won't hurt DE's wallet any (or at least not by much) more than players outright quitting because of something that makes such a huge difference in weapon potential being locked on by RNG.

Plus if it is over the weekend, which is always a peak period for gaming, it will leave people with a reason to get on every weekend, and maybe they'll stay for a while longer to try out their newly upgraded weapon?

Now I know you probably already knew all this, but I'm quoting you so whoever sees this knows who I am talking to. :3

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Well the thing is,

people quit over being completely inferior. If they had options available to them to be as powerful as the guy next to them, but the simply weren't because of skill or the stronger player simply had better mods, people would deal with it.

I know many people would happily wait until the weekend to upgrade something they like, and they wouldn't be so stingy about using their taters either.

It's only one a week. As I just said, it takes 15 weeks currently to get enough reactors for each frame! Then an additional 4 for your sentinels. Wow!

Then think about how many weapons we have..

People will still be stingy, and we'll still have a complaint thread every now and again, but it won't hurt DE's wallet any (or at least not by much) more than players outright quitting because of something that makes such a huge difference in weapon potential being locked on by RNG.

Plus if it is over the weekend, which is always a peak period for gaming, it will leave people with a reason to get on every weekend, and maybe they'll stay for a while longer to try out their newly upgraded weapon?

Now I know you probably already knew all this, but I'm quoting you so whoever sees this knows who I am talking to. :3

Oh, I'm agreeing with you, it's just that the White Knights who will (and they will) eventually come into this thread and point out how horrible your idea is (in their mind anyway) and how using it will cause DE to lose business and all that garbage.
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The biggest issue is garbage like resource alerts further clogging/polluting the RNG. Also, given how rare they are for 7-day login rewards, I'd just suggest having potatoes being given a chance at dropping in the Dere-Lag Void, namely on Lephantis, though it would be rare and on top of the guaranteed BP drop.

DE wants people to keep running Elephant Panties? There, give his mission the only in-game chance of dropping an Orokin reactor/Catalyst outside of alerts or login rewards (seriously, enough with the weapon/frame XP at 7-day rewards).

Resource alerts are separate from item alerts. Simple proof - there can be no two item alerts at time while there can be item and resource alert simultaneously.

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I think having a reactor and catalyst every week would be overkill. As is I have 5 extra blue and one extra gold. I'd say one blue or gold a week would be more than enough.

Reactor wise I'd be inclined to agree, but for catalysts that is still not much.

fifteen frames, five sentinels (I forgot about Djinn earlier), that's twenty weeks! Five whole months! Just for reactors! I'm sure in that time even more frames and sentinels will be released, increasing the amount of weeks for each free reactor.

I know that not all weapons are powerful, but there are still many more potato worthy weapons than the total of warframes and sentinels combined, and weapons are rapidly increasing in number compared to frames.

However DE could always start small and offer an either/or, just to see community responses.

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Once a month for each potato is reasonable. One reactor and one catalyst for each month. A reactor or catalyst each week is too much. Once a month is reasonable; it would make me quite happy and some other players happy too. If that is still to often maybe every two months, three months, or four months. I think four months is more than enough wait time for both a reactor and a catalyst. 

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Once a month for each potato is reasonable. One reactor and one catalyst for each month. A reactor or catalyst each week is too much. Once a month is reasonable; it would make me quite happy and some other players happy too. If that is still to often maybe every two months, three months, or four months. I think four months is more than enough wait time for both a reactor and a catalyst.

We already get one a month of each from their biweekly livestreams..
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I'd be happy with either a fortnight wait, or stagger them. 1 week a catalyst, next a reactor. It'd still take a long while to max everything but we would get them regularly.

That would be acceptable, until proven otherwise. As it stands right now, with the Alert RNG not producing any potatoes and the login rewards being just as bad, our main source or potatoes is biweekly livestreams and plat.

While yes, as a grandmaster I have plenty of plat to throw around, every single one of my friends does not put much (or any) money on this game. They are perfectly fine that they can't get the cosmetics, they do what they can with their basic colors and are perfectly content, except for the fact that I always get over 50% of the damage dealt and kills simply because I have twice the mod power as them.

And I'm not even good. I suck. They kick my butt in the dojo all the time. I will admit I can't aim for crap, yet STILL I'm always first (except fire accuracy and sometimes damage taken).

Wow that almost became a big rant, and I'm quoting you so that must be confusing.. I'll stop here. Sorry if it looks like all of that was directed at you, it wasn't. I mean no harm! ^_^

But point is, we need some form of a guaranteed source of potatoes. While you can make do without, the difference between having one and not is clearer than the purest water on earth.

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Potatoes are too game-changing to be so rare imo. It's not cosmetic, and it's not even a "convenience" most of the time when you buy with platinum. When people cave in and buy with plat it's because they've just gone so long without one that it's getting ridiculous. You can grind for weapons, frames, primes, and even formas, and I'm ok with grinding a bit for stuff that will pay off. But I can't grind for this.

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