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September Alert Rewards [Charts]


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i don't know what people expect. a 1:4 chance of getting something useful is quite much.

do they want everything at an instance?

"Something useful" it's 1:4 chance of getting item or resource. You need to look at item distribution and see that some items appear way more often than others.

Alert 2.0 was implemented to stop things like this happening and, as we can see, it's not working as intended.


But hey, I like how you implied we are self-entitled children who want instant gratification, even though this is kind of a "bug" report, appreciate it.

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 Don't bother. Don't need to yell and scream about this. The Data speaks for itself.



 It isn't particularly horrible - in fact I imagine most of us would have expected it to look like it does on a chart. I'm not to bothered by the knowledge that Reward alerts happen roughly 25% of the time.

I don't think the amount of times a reward is available is an issue.

I think the frequency we see certain rewards are though. For some things you'll see a large drought. Then one day, you'll see said thing multiple times in successive days, or even multiple times in the same day.

I think just this past 6-8 hours there were 3 Dagger Axe Skins in a row for when a reward was in the alert. I don't know which dagger axe it was, but everytime I see a dagger axe alert it's always for Scindo. So if that was 3 Scindo Dagger Axe skins in a row. I think that's kind of a problem.

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Alert 2.0 was implemented to stop things like this happening and, as we can see, it's not/s] working as intended.

Aside from the lv100+ missions that give 300 common resource... these should scale with enemy level!

Ran a lv110-115 grineer mission for salvage. 3/4 tenno fell in the line of duty. Got 300 salvage. TOTALLY. WORTH. IT.

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I don't think the amount of times a reward is available is an issue.

I think the frequency we see certain rewards are though. For some things you'll see a large drought. Then one day, you'll see said thing multiple times in successive days, or even multiple times in the same day.

I think just this past 6-8 hours there were 3 Dagger Axe Skins in a row for when a reward was in the alert. I don't know which dagger axe it was, but everytime I see a dagger axe alert it's always for Scindo. So if that was 3 Scindo Dagger Axe skins in a row. I think that's kind of a problem.


  I agree with you.

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I don't think the amount of times a reward is available is an issue.

I think the frequency we see certain rewards are though. For some things you'll see a large drought. Then one day, you'll see said thing multiple times in successive days, or even multiple times in the same day.

I think just this past 6-8 hours there were 3 Dagger Axe Skins in a row for when a reward was in the alert. I don't know which dagger axe it was, but everytime I see a dagger axe alert it's always for Scindo. So if that was 3 Scindo Dagger Axe skins in a row. I think that's kind of a problem.


I can only second this.


IMO the chance of a reward alert popping up is reasonable. It's the repeating rewards that are raising a question. No one can tell if it's just a ridiculous coincidence or some problem with the alert system.

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I have a friend who almost always buys all the new stuff right off the bat out of the market.

I think that's just fine for him. He has fun and I get a bit of insight into what's interesting about the new gear.


Sometimes I get to play with my friends for eight or twelve hours or more at a stretch, when time allows.

Sometimes I only get to play once or twice a week for a couple of hours. These things happen.


I work hard for money to pay bills. I have to deal with a lot of people who think they're "entitled"

These people seem to think "customer service" is a way to get what they want, the way they want, whenever they want with no limits or respect

It's reality. It's unkind and unforgiving. Do a good job, try to smile and give the people what they want.


A good customer smiles back and doesn't try to convince you what a good customer they are, but that's just my opinion.


I enjoy this game because it's usually a nice diversion from the mind numbing kick in the crotch that life can all too often be.


I've been happy with this game for quite a long time. I've farmed a lot of boss runs and alerts with my friends.

I've gotten more blueprints than I can remember.

I have eleven  Warframes including Nova, Banshee, Frost Prime and Vauban.and Excalibur Prime and every Sentinel.

None of these were difficult to obtain, even under the old RNG.

I've only paid for a few things in this game, namely slots, colors and other cosmetics and the occasional potato or weapon.

And the Master title, back when a weapon with more than one polarity slot was something extraordinary.

Never regretted it.


I respect the OP for taking the time to correlate the data from the alert feed into a nice neat chart.

I'd have expected most long term Tenno to look at it as I did and think to themselves; "Eh, looks about right."

Props to Blatantfool for calmly pointing out the obvious and not trying to defend a system that isn't really broken!

People seem to forget what the R in RNG stands for. It isn't "Do this X amount of times and you'll get what you want, guaranteed!!!"

The numbers are what they are and I'd wager not a lot of people have a problem with that, It's no smoking gun.


If anyone wants to know what a bunch of people participating in a mind-numbing pointless grind is like go to a casino and play the slots If you can put up with the noise and the smell of urine it's just swell!.


Seriously, it's a game people! It's supposed to be entertainment. It's also a lot more than that to the people who've put their talent and passion into developing it! I never did play Dark Sector, but I read about it back in the day, never really knowing how good it could have been if only...


If anyone wants to respond with TL;DR, well it's your loss.

Read the name kids.


With Age comes Wisdom, and at least the capacity for Patience, and the right to speak my mind in defense of what I believe in.


My $0.02


-ojd- Warlord: "Chi to Meiyo"
{Blood & Honor.}


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At that point you wouldn't be doing the alert for the Salvage anymore. 300 of them.

Good point. All depends on your definition of fun.

My Clan tends to spend almost as much time laughing at our own spectacular f-ups.

Think I counted forty Nova chassis between the lot of us that first weekend and countless revives before everyone who wanted to got the friggin' systems.


Stuff like this:


Good times.

Edited by OldJerseyDevil
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And with this, we confirm the great potato famine is at hand.




seriously, one catalyst for the entire month? Not even two?

3 months without ANY potato alert prior to RNG 2.0 - that was Great Potato Famine. With 4 potato alerts during September only this isn't even close to small famine...

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Good point. All depends on your definition of fun.

My Clan tends to spend almost as much time laughing at our own spectacular f-ups.

Think I counted forty Nova chassis between the lot of us that first weekend and countless revives before everyone who wanted to got the friggin' systems.


Stuff like this:


Good times.

I farmed for Nova alone with Ember.


good times. now Ember is gone...

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And with this, we confirm the great potato famine is at hand.




seriously, one catalyst for the entire month? Not even two?


One month of data on such a rare occurrence is not enough to establish a pattern, we could just as well have 3 catalysts and 1 reactor next month. Averaging 2 of each a month seems about fair as long as they are spread over the timezones.

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Alerts 2.0 worked for maybe a month, then what happened?

You gotta step up DE, did nobody notice there may be a problem with the algorithm after a month? or we will get the usual "sorry guys we are working on it" reply and see a chance on the algorithm a month later?

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