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Nerfing Nova.


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This is not a flame bait thread I swear.




I've just seen people talk about it in a condescending way.




DE said they would buff other frames, not nerf Nova.


                                                                                 What is this happening for?

Edited by Ystella
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How eaxactly?


And as for the OP, don't you think Molecular Prime is a little over the top? I mean double damage, slow and then explosions everywhere? They are most likely going to remove either double damage or slow. I hope not both.

It's only a debuff at anything above 100; and the game is heading there soon enough.


I don't think it's over the top, Nova is made for things like T3 Void runs and level 100+ enemies as should all frames be made for.


Why would she need a nerf when enemies are constantly getting stronger?

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How eaxactly?


And as for the OP, don't you think Molecular Prime is a little over theo top? I mean double damage, slow and then explosions everywhere? They are most likely going to remove either double damage or slow. I hope not both.

You still need to kill them, mprime isn't an iwin button, its an ihelp button

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How eaxactly?


And as for the OP, don't you think Molecular Prime is a little over the top? I mean double damage, slow and then explosions everywhere? They are most likely going to remove either double damage or slow. I hope not both.

Most frame's lose their uniqueness on level 120+ enemies unless you have utility skills. The flak towards nova is probably because she still gets to use her abilities on enemies past 120+, while the rest of the damage power frames get left in the dust, and the utility kings are just utility kings.

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It's only a debuff at anything above 100; and the game is heading there soon enough.




I don't think it's over the top, Nova is made for things like T3 Void runs and level 100+ enemies as should all frames be made for.




Why would she need a nerf when enemies are constantly getting stronger?


Anything made for level 100+ enemies is made for everything.

Edited by Shotgunboyy
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nova got stealth nerfed anyways

It's funny, but yes, I would agree with you're statement, about a month or so after release, I am sure molecular prime became less effective....at least that's how it felt.

As for OP frame, I unfortunately think it is a bit out of balance....the big clue was simply how many Novas you came across in games, often 2 or more novas. When everyone wants to play a frame, or you look at profiles of players and see they are playing almost exclusively the Nova frame, something has to be wrong.

Wrong for DE, for whome it can't be good business to make one frame so good, it's all a lot of players want to play. The way they make money is to encourage people to explore and use as much stuff as possible.

Wrong for us because in defence it really isn't great to see boom, boom, boom boom, wave after wave and when the Novas finished at wave 15 (because it's harder to go boom), then they leave...perversely when you need them most. It's just not interesting gameplay. For normal missions it's a frame almost as fast as Loki and can leave most frames in the dust, with boom, boom, boom, ahead of you while a lot of other frames struggle to keep up. When they get there, not much to do. It's creates a dull game for other frames.

It's not sour grapes from me, I have a fully ranked and potatoed Nova, I just choose not to play her very much, the players I'm with seem to prefer it and we need some variety. How anyone who has a Nova, doesn't think she is well OP, is beyond me.

P.S. the person above who said in higher level waves her abilities are useless....not true, if she is played properly and with the right mix of frames.

Edited by DaveC
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if they are going to nerf anything then Mprime's double damage... other then that i don't see what is wrong with the frame being too "op", but i don't see why would they do that... in higher level waves her abilities are useless.


Her MPrime has huge radius, slows everyone caught, makes them receive double damage, and still explodes upon death to deal a bit of damage, and she doesn't even really have to move from her initial position to do that.


Her Antimatter Drop can OHKO most enemies even in T3 defense's later waves, if used properly. With a high DPS Soma and Acrid it can be done relatively well and easy, as long as you have the ammo (being host helps with AD).


So no, it's still not useless because she still has utility, which isn't lost at higher levels, and that's a good thing.

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i play Mag a lot lately i like just overall utility of the frame, basically every power of this frame have a use in one situation or another. i love utility frames and Mag can also deliver some punishment.


Nova on other hand is pretty much useless frame, because of one simple fact that her utility is close to zero. Slow and damage buff are only thing that keeping her afloat as mid level frame.


However sonar still provides a better damage buff, because on high level powers are useless and only utility and weapons can be considered as dd options (i won't go too far away about some offensive frame power, because it is a power of single frame). As result even mp buff is kinda... well, not as good as you could think it is. Besides it is self-centered debuff, when let say Rhino Roar is a team buff(!).


So nova frame is mediocre and with all honesty i do not see a reason to nerf her in one way or another.

Edited by Althix
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DE_Scott indeed said on the last livestream that Nova and every other frame are still going under the knife.


My question is why!? 


If DE really pulls that one what will we all be using at higher lvl defense missions? Rhinos!?


De and players that ask for Nova's nerf are going the wrong way about this imo. For gods sake just look at Nekros, all looks (which i love) but i got it stored in the back of my inventory till they make him what we all expected to be (badass awesomeness).


Back to topic: 


Nova is probably on of the most fun to use frames we got to play with and people simply don't get that (i understand that MPrime spammers get on on everyones nerv) but still. This game is starting to look way to serious and losing its fun element and games are supposed to be fun.



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It's only a debuff at anything above 100; and the game is heading there soon enough.




I don't think it's over the top, Nova is made for things like T3 Void runs and level 100+ enemies as should all frames be made for.




Why would she need a nerf when enemies are constantly getting stronger?


Double damage and speed buff stay the same regardless of enemy level. But what you're talking about is power creep. Gradual increase in power for weapons and frames and then gradual increase in power for enemies. It's a whole another can of worms.

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i play Mag a lot lately i like just overall utility of the frame, basically every power of this frame have a use in one situation or another. i love utility frames and Mag can also deliver some punishment.


Nova on other hand is pretty much useless frame, because of one simple fact that her utility is close to zero. Slow and damage buff are only thing that keeping her afloat as mid level frame.


However sonar still provides a better damage buff, because on high level powers are useless and only utility and weapons can be considered as dd options (i won't go too far away about some offensive frame power, because it is a power of single frame). As result even mp buff is kinda... well, not as good as you could think it is. Besides it is self-centered debuff, when let say Rhino Roar is a team buff(!).


So nova frame is mediocre and with all honesty i do not see a reason to nerf her in one way or another.

Agreed, she 

just does damage, and that's not really all impressive in most situations except for defense.

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DE_Scott indeed said on the last livestream that Nova and every other frame are still going under the knife.


My question is why!? 


If DE really pulls that one what will we all be using at higher lvl defense missions? Rhinos!?


De and players that ask for Nova's nerf are going the wrong way about this imo. For gods sake just look at Nekros, all looks (which i love) but i got it stored in the back of my inventory till they make him what we all expected to be (badass awesomeness).


Back to topic: 


Nova is probably on of the most fun to use frames we got to play with and people simply don't get that (i understand that MPrime spammers get on on everyones nerv) but still. This game is starting to look way to serious and losing its fun element and games are supposed to be fun.



So the word of DE cannot be taken with a grain of salt?


Noted. Trust is no longer something DE has from me.

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i play Mag a lot lately i like just overall utility of the frame, basically every power of this frame have a use in one situation or another. i love utility frames and Mag can also deliver some punishment.


Nova on other hand is pretty much useless frame, because of one simple fact that her utility is close to zero. Slow and damage buff are only thing that keeping her afloat as mid level frame.


However sonar still provides a better damage buff, because on high level powers are useless and only utility and weapons can be considered as dd options (i won't go too far away about some offensive frame power, because it is a power of single frame). As result even mp buff is kinda... well, not as good as you could think it is. Besides it is self-centered debuff, when let say Rhino Roar is a team buff(!).


So nova frame is mediocre and with all honesty i do not see a reason to nerf her in one way or another.

Sonar is nothing compared to MP, double damage no matter where you shoot is always good. Lanka can do up to 22k damage, with MP that is 44k add roar and it's 55k damage. That pretty much insta kills everything except bosses. And then you have slow to boot. Nova is better utility frame than banshee.


And then you have Wormhole. Pretty overlooked in my opinion, only it offers a teleport with pretty much no distance limit. And everyone can use it, I believe up to 3 people.


Nova is pretty much perfect utility, that has synergy with all frames simply because MP gives damage boost where ever you shoot and does damage if something dies which means it can kill or seriously weaken everything nearby.


In my opinion some tweaking needs to be done. Like, as I said, remove damage boost or slow from MP but compensate by adding damage to Null Star and make Anti matter drop more reliable.

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If they nerf Nova then DE will finally have succumbed to the nerf frame mentality. A dangerous mentality in which people think everything has to be balanced. When in reality it is those imbalances that give a game its diversity. Mark my words nerf nova and the game will go straight down the drain from henceforth.

Edited by tripletriple
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If they nerf Nova then DE will finally have succumbed to the nerf frame mentality. A dangerous mentality in which people think everything has to be balanced. When in reality it is those imbalances that give a game its diversity. Mark my words nerf nova and the game will go straight down the drain from henceforth.

Or you need to give and take to make all frames VIABLE. Right now banshee is not viable in the least. Ash is lackluster and Nekros is pointless. They need a buff, Novas skill need rebalancing, you may call it nerfing but if you have a god frame that can do everything you have a problem.


All frames need to be viable as in they need to be able to handle all challenges the game throws at them. But they don't need to be identical, which is why each frame should handle the challenges in a different way. Loki trough trickery and cleverness, Rhino trough brute force and so on.


It needs to happen so this game doesn't devolve in to "these frames are viable, these others are mastery dispensers".

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