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Missing Builds on YouTube.

(XBOX)XGN DrFeelGood

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   After giving it 2 days of release the top partners and channels didn’t cover Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, nor Aksomati Prime. I had to make the videos my self on Ivara and Aksomati Prime. The ‘New War’ Epilogue could have waited til Friday, maybe. Just to see it bent out of shape they spent their camera time, SEO, and editor money on covering Empyrn. 


   In all, why did a community fan had to make the builds and post them on YouTube for the big shots?

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15 minutes ago, taiiat said:

it's not like you'd Equip different Mods on any of the stuff anyways, it's still the same thing. i'd rather Content Creators all didn't create stuff that redundant.

I seen they ran straight to empyrean to get their few thousand dollars of monitization for showing that off. One guy comes in a day later (Today) after me to do a Ivara build that has 10 for a into it. He did the N00bleshowtek style of using 90% elementals. ‘Redundant’ indeed.

Edited by (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood
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4 hours ago, (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood said:

channels didn’t cover Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, nor Aksomati Prime

Look for the normal versions and SURPRISE! They are the same just the weapon is stronger. A lot of status? Status build. A lot of crit? Crit build. Both? Hybrid build. Is that so hard? We use the same mods anyway on every weapon...

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14 hours ago, Benour said:

Just because some weapon is released with stealth frame doesnt mean it has to be silent. What "logic" is this is beyond me.

Hydroid got a Ballistica Prime that is silence in function. He’s a fineness  character with cc and some tanking potential. Do you want me to go on?

Edited by (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood
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7 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Look for the normal versions and SURPRISE! They are the same just the weapon is stronger. A lot of status? Status build. A lot of crit? Crit build. Both? Hybrid build. Is that so hard? We use the same mods anyway on every weapon...

If it we’re that simple why did the youtubers still get a few thousand views?

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I have no idea what point you're trying to make. Nobody made videos on those items because they're barely any different than their normal versions. This is a forum for giving feedback to Digital Extremes. Why are you complaining about youtubers not making the videos you want?


   Ivara prime access and empyrean dropped too close together. Some time management would have helped to give the community some guidance it looks for. 

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13 hours ago, ciTiger said:

DE Alienated most the good partners IMHO.

I'm may be wrong but I've seen some threads about this.


I heard about a few topics on that. YouTube is a different equation in it self. If there’s streamers and content creators making 5 to 6 figures a year from WarFrame they could have done a day 1 build on the new primes. I understand they hire people from fiveer, Seo experts, and other tech experts to get their views for their channels.

 In wisdom, entertainment nor business have to be sacrificed to make success in the entertainment industry.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood said:


   Ivara prime access and empyrean dropped too close together. Some time management would have helped to give the community some guidance it looks for. 

I am still having an extremely hard time trying to figure out what you mean exactly. The vast majority of the community doesn't need to be spoonfed builds from e-celebrities, and e-celebrities don't need "help" from the actual developers to showcase builds. Like I said, the latest Prime weapons have almost identical stats to their normal variations. All the old builds still work. There's nothing to talk about.

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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