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RailJack AI Crew


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Hello Dev, I got the Railjack together but I am having a big problem. I am Ping time impaired, I have to go with satelitte internet so I have a 1000 ms ping time. This pretty much makes it to where I cant work with others on Railjack missions. Getting my a$$ stomped, even though its a battle ship..... so Here's just a view idea's for Railjack.


- Being able to pick an AI crew to run it instead of other players, rewarded or selectable mercenary AI's with differing stats or even skills. Also be able to select what their duty is and where. I alot of people like solo mainly because they don't want to have to hassle with other people.

-Find a way to attach the orbiter to the Railjack, so that way when you not on a mission you can pick where the Railjack can be idle. Then if you want to go on a regular mission get on the Orbiter, or if you want to do a Railjack mission your already on it and free to just go. Have the Orbiter return to the Railjack after every mission, if someone wants to just be in the Orbiter they can dock it and leave dojo.


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They very specifically said intrinsic tree 5, command, is coming soon(ish), which is our ai/npc control tree.  They had to make a choice to get it out the door, and they made it coop only* for now, with an intrinsic respec  when they release it- and I think this was the right call.  I am also looking forward to this.


You can access your railjack from your orbiter.  Go to the back area between the doors and you can go up.  If you mean default you entirety to the railjack, that is probably a lot more overhead than you might think, but I wouldn't say it is impossible, merely a lower priority.  In the meantime, you can orbiter, board rj, do missions, go to free flight to 'pause' between.  Still have to drydock to change weapons and stuff, but that tracks ( that is, after all, what a drydock is for).


* You absolutely can RJ solo.  To get started you might want to invest in those avionics packages on the market ( or buy from other players), and it is harder, but it is functional.  Running with sympathetic friends to get some decent pieces might be advisable to start, your call.

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I use satellite internet as well so yeah doing coop over the net is horrendous because accuracy is out the window.  Right now it's just me and my wife running railjack missions due to the network code running peer to peer so it's like having a sometimes laggy lan connection. I'm also waiting for the command intrinsic tree.

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