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So I Started A New Account For The Lulz....


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I was sad when I saw all of those guys there without even a Redirection mod.I mean,why does a Lancer on the Mercury level drop SENTINEL mods?!

The newbie experience could becoem better if:

-They are procedurraly instructed to all the stuff they click on:Pickung up materials,opening the "Market" section,encountering an area with a wallrun or zipline solution.

-Make essential mods drop from their first missions:M-Prime will give them Serration etc.but ONLY for the first time that they will play on the planet

-Conclaves and their rating should be unlocked and start showing up after Mastery Rank 2 has been reached.

-They get informed about incenitives to cooperate.We have a chance to make the new generation of Warframes better then some of these rushers that dont even say "Hi" in Squad Chat.

I hope they implement at LEAST SOME OF THIS before the newbie inflow of the PS4 release...


You're on to something. It's safe to say that all newbies at least fully play though entire Mercury. Adjusting the mods towards the needs of a new player is an interesting move. Kinda like how everything you need for Cronus is also there.

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Conclave is a cancer and so is it's rating, judging people by it is horrible idea, player>equipment.

up to a point. it's extremely unlikely a player with a Conclave of 54 is going to able to survive Vor. 

i mean, they have trouble with trash mobs already, a boss will kill them. probably 4 times. once players understand Warframe, then you can throw stuff at them, but while they learn the basics, it must be assumed every player is a minor moron. i'd rather a game assume i'm a moron and teach me everything than give me little to nothing so other players that might not be as experienced struggle with the game.


Basically when you first complete a mission on mercury you get one of the essential mods as reward (redirection, vitality, hornet strike and serration), It's a one time thing so you can't farm these missions endlessly for them. And after you get your first mod reward you get a tutorial on how mods work, how to fuse, about polarities and such.

Then when you kill old man Vor and you get Cronus BP you get tutorial on foundry. 

And during first missions you get help pop ups on key things like ziplines, what mods look like, what resources look like and other things like that.

i like it. many First Person Shooters do this. the first level or so, is a tutorial covering the basics of the game, just incase you don't know what to do.

and they can even be fun for every player, but still holding useful information (

tutorial was f*cking awesome; i laughed my way and clicked next a bunch of  times to the end, but enjoyed it). Edited by taiiat
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I have several friends who played warframe and all of them actually stopped playing after 2-3 hours because of the horrible newbie experience that this game provides. I had one friend whom I really wanted to keep playing warframe with so I was actually teaching him about all the game's mechanics because the so called ''tutorial'' is a joke. Right now most of the newbies only knows how to shoot enemies. They don't know movement/manuevers like sliding, wall-running etc. They also don't know what mods are and how to equip them. Heck, they don't even know what's the use of the components that they are looting besides the red and blue orbs. Also right now 3rd party websites like warframe.wikia are the main source of information about the game and I feel that this shouldn't be the case!


Edit: Starting frames should already be ranked 1. The tutorial covered how to use abilities but on the first mission they're back to rank zero thus don't have an ability to use. Mods are not explained properly so this really needs to happen.

Edited by mcryseria
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Mentioned this in another post about new player experience; but I like the idea of a few essential mods like hornet strike, serration and vitality, redirection dropping on mercury early.


Also the current tutorial is plain S#&$.  It teaches you everything you would need to know if you have never played an FPS/TPS on the basics of moving and shooting in a FPS/TPS.  I guess you can't take that stuff for granted... but maybe you should.  It goes over almost nothing that is unique to warframe like the movement and parkour.


Mercury should be an extended tutorial.  Something that progresses, with the Lotus explaining in a bit more detail the mission objectives than the normal lines.  There should not be random tile sets on Mercury but lay them so new players experience progressively more intricate ways to get through a room.  Walls to be wall run, fans to shoot out, sip lines.  When first encountered this stuff can be highlighted similar to the way Banshee's sonar works, then the Lotus can explain it a bit.  So the first mission is pretty linear not a lot of tricks.  By the time you are done there are multiple elevators, wall run passes, ceiling fans.  THAT way later in the game maybe we can have maps that require a bit of wall running and jumping and fun movement to get through and it will be ok and we don't need to have ramps and alternate paths put in.

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Agreed on tutorial being lackluster, (then again i went straight on warframe wiki after day 1).


Conclave is a cancer and so is it's rating, judging people by it is horrible idea, player>equipment.

Even worse, conclave rating is focused entirely on PvP. Mods that are spectacularly useful in PvE - like Chaos - have extremely low conclave ratings because they don't work on other Tenno.

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I dunno about you guys, but I always skip tutorials. 


If you want to learn the controls, go to options > key bindings


If you want to learn about the game, go to wiki


When I first started I didn't even know how to wall jump, I just saw some guy doing it and then I tried but failed and just started humping the wall

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I dunno about you guys, but I always skip tutorials. 


If you want to learn the controls, go to options > key bindings


If you want to learn about the game, go to wiki


When I first started I didn't even know how to wall jump, I just saw some guy doing it and then I tried but failed and just started humping the wall

Not all people think like you and all major game related information should be IN game. 

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I dunno about you guys, but I always skip tutorials. 


If you want to learn the controls, go to options > key bindings


If you want to learn about the game, go to wiki


When I first started I didn't even know how to wall jump, I just saw some guy doing it and then I tried but failed and just started humping the wall


I was going to make this same reply.


Not all people think like you and all major game related information should be IN game. 


Third party websites should not be the MAIN source of in-game information. Information about the game should be easily acquired 'in-game' without the need for third party sites.

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I completely agree with OP.


I'm gonna be honest and say I'm very good at video games, both skillful and a quick learner, but warframe was hard to understand solo.


My first experience with the game was very confusing to me, I had seen the pretty fluid movement and fps style gameplay the game was offering, but I had no explanation about the goal of the game past doing every mission in order which didn't appeal to me and I had 0 sources of explanation on how mods/polarities/abilities/void/etc.. worked.


I tried the wiki but most of the information is formated for players who already know the basics, and so was forced to ask my brother to explain everything, my question to him was like this : "can you explain this game to me? I can't even seem to be able to use abilties like in the tutorial".


Shows you how bad newbies have it if they don't have someone to talk to who can explain the game, or watch guides on youtube and hope they're made well enough. Don't even get me started about having to unlock every single mission before being able to reach certain planets and so on, thank god my brother was there at the start to unlock the important ones like xini, so I wouldn't loose interest in the game before I had reached the "fun" parts.


Anyway, as OP said, make a full tutorial, not a tutorial to teach us how to aim and kill...(seriously? those are the ones we skip, not the ones we need) but a tutorial which explains the basics of the game, i.e. mods/weapons/void/missions_rewards/nightmare_mode/ziplines/parkour/etc.

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Eh, I thought the game was really easy to learn how to play.


Then again, I'm not a moron, so the first time I had a question about the game, I googled "Warframe wiki," and lo and behold....

Bit hard to wiki while in mission with enemies spawning ahead and behind. Try not to be any more of a dou che than you need to be.

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Bit hard to wiki while in mission with enemies spawning ahead and behind. Try not to be any more of a dou che than you need to be.


So...I died, then studied what I did wrong...and I didn't die (the same way) the next time.


It's how the learning process works, if you aren't a moron.

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It's also how new players ragequit because the game is so massively unfriendly to them. You should find the major elements of how to play the game WITHIN the game, not on an external site. As it is, DE is haemorrhaging new players who should be the next gen of WF and the last 2 updates have drastically worsened the new player experience with NO improvements in teaching them, while Drops 2.0 made even the most essential mods stupidly hard to get - not that the new players have any ideas as to what they are or how to use them any way!

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I'm sorry, can you actually READ? You certainly have not read the majority of posts on this subject because people are quitting due to the stupidity of the new player experience and no, they are not dumb, they are simply uninformed. That is the fault of the game. Because YOU do not have a problem does not mean all, or even most, new players don't. I am also willing to bet you started before Drop 2.0 came in and possibly U9 as well. Both of those made things much harder for new players.

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I'm sorry, can you actually READ? You certainly have not read the majority of posts on this subject because people are quitting due to the stupidity of the new player experience and no, they are not dumb, they are simply uninformed. That is the fault of the game. Because YOU do not have a problem does not mean all, or even most, new players don't. I am also willing to bet you started before Drop 2.0 came in and possibly U9 as well. Both of those made things much harder for new players.


Some people are always quitting some game somewhere.  If you don't have some useful statistics about the matter, you're just talking out your &#!...which is why I ignored that part of the comment and offered my own perspective:  that the game is not terribly difficult.  I don't think I've ever even used all 4 of my revives in a single day of playing...there's almost always someone there to revive you, and you just don't die that often in the lower-tier planets if you play cautiously.  However, I will admit that I played very cautiously as a noob.  If I was getting my &#! kicked at a certain level of enemies, I went back to lower levels and upgraded my mods and leveled up my weapons before attempting to tackle things that were kicking my &#!.  I don't think that's really too much of a steep curve, since it's pretty much how every level-up based game is played.  You don't defeat the lich necromancer on your first dungeon-crawl--you hack through 500 goblins, then you take out the hobgoblin village, then you slay some orcs, move on to some trolls, and then you pay the lich a visit.


The only frustrating thing I've encountered thus far is the grind factor...but given that there isn't any serious end-game content yet, I suppose the grind is an end-in-itself. 


And I've only been playing for a little over a month, so no...I don't have the supposed benefit of getting all my loot when things may or may not have been easier than they currently are.  I'm actually a little annoyed that they nerfed Void credits, because I've never had more than 200k credits at any one time...and I'm usually sitting around more like 30k.

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I don't think new players are really as dumb or as emotionally fragile as you're making them out to be.

Theoreticly speaking,Warframe is not your standard game....you learn how to kill,move and use skills,and then youre plunged into the world full of Grinneer.I am not trying to make them looks tupid,excuse me if I am,I´m trying to say that they are VASTLY uninformed,and most of the new LONG-TIME players come from recruitment and having the core-mechanics of the game explained to them by friendz.I can´t even imagine some random dude just downloading this game and playing it absolutely "blind".

Again,sorry if I´m making newbies look like morons,but a Hunter or a 500+hours player wouldn´t know that.

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If I may,


Stop judging people by Conclave, For goodness' sake.

I don´t think someone with a Conclave of 800-1200 on SEDNA is a complete moron and noob,but I on Mercury with only Pull,Ammo Drum and No Return on me,I had a conclave of 98.And the Excalibur newbie had 57....on the same level as me.
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I had two new friends join me in the game recently. I let them play through the tutorial, I had to leave, and when I came back- at the end of the day, mind you- they had gotten through several missions without understanding half the stuff in the game, such as most of the mobility moves, or what polarities meant, or how damage was calculated, or the fact that weapon blueprints could be bought from the market ( they assumed you could only buy the weapons you see when you hit the "Equip" button from the inventory ).. Or really a lot of stuff that isn't touched in the tutorial.


They were lucky I was there to explain any of it to them, and to refer them to the Warframe wiki. It's really a dire state, the introduction of the game.

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