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Galatine Or Hate?



I know there's a lot of "this weapon" vs "that weapon" threads out there, but this is one I haven't seen, and it's something I'd like an opinion about.  I own both the Gala and Hate (I was lucky enough to get it off of Stalker last night!), and I'm debating which to use as my primary.  I'll be playing as a Nova (she's got 13 minutes left in the Foundry), and use Dread as my primary.  (Which I adore)


Seeing as both of these weapons are really powerful, I'd like to know which one I'd be better off using.  I know in the end, it comes down to preference, but I'd like to hear what the community has to say, because there are many people out there who know far more about the game than I do.  I wanna be able to deal some gnarly damage, but not be around for too long to get hit too much, because Nova is pretty squishy.  (I know mods can change all that though ^.^) 


So, in your opinions, which is a better choice to use?  Thanks in advance! :)

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Right now the most powerful melee weapon is the Galatine in terms of charged attacks. It's also not bad when used for regular attacks as it has a fairly fast rate of attack. If you want shear power then I suggest getting the Galatine. Hate is fun to use though, I have mine potatoed and forma'd several times, mainly use my Hate for regular attacks. It may not be as good as the Galatine but it sure is fun to use (well at least for me). Second to the Galatine would be Orthos Prime. I just thought you should know.

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Yeah I've heard as much, but getting Prime weapons can be a pain.  I have both the Gala and Hate, and have used the Gala the past few days, and have been pretty happy with it, but with the new acquisition of Hate, I was unsure of how they stood in comparison.  I figure as Nova, being squishy as she is, would probably be better off with regular attacks when it comes to melee, like the stuff Hate can dish out.  I have both so I can swap between them whenever I want, I just wanted to know what was best to put my time into first off now.  Thank you!




Arch: I'd say I'm hardcore, but I don't like to generalize like that heh.  But I'm majorly into my gaming, especially this game as of late.  I despise hipsters and everyone who suddenly thinks being a "geek" or whatever is cool.

Edited by Kenshin.Mizuhara
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Yeah I've heard as much, but getting Prime weapons can be a pain.  I have both the Gala and Hate, and have used the Gala the past few days, and have been pretty happy with it, but with the new acquisition of Hate, I was unsure of how they stood in comparison.  I figure as Nova, being squishy as she is, would probably be better off with regular attacks when it comes to melee, like the stuff Hate can dish out.  I have both so I can swap between them whenever I want, I just wanted to know what was best to put my time into first off now.  Thank you!




Arch: I'd say I'm hardcore, but I don't like to generalize like that heh.  But I'm majorly into my gaming, especially this game as of late.  I despise hipsters and everyone who suddenly thinks being a "geek" or whatever is cool.

I suggest going w/ hate. The long charge time would be a problem for Nova as she is a glass cannon and can't really tank the damage being dealt by the enemy.

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I suggest going w/ hate. The long charge time would be a problem for Nova as she is a glass cannon and can't really tank the damage being dealt by the enemy.

That was my thought initially, as Nova is basically a walking cupcake.  Albeit, a cupcake that can go atomic and blow up your entire neighborhood, but a cupcake nonetheless.


But that's my dilemma, Gala is amazing with damage, but Hate is a lot faster

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People are starting to realize how powerful Galatine is, but most still dramatically underestimate it's versatility, failing to grasp what it can do. There is still a ton of misinformation out there.



I suggest going w/ hate. The long charge time would be a problem for Nova as she is a glass cannon and can't really tank the damage being dealt by the enemy.


Properly utilized, Galatine's melee CC is second to none. At the range any melee would be useful, enemies aren't going to be damaging you at all while you hold Galatine, because they will either be chain-staggered, frozen, or picking themselves off the ground.


Galatine can be charged while moving, even while sprinting, and this should be taken advantage of. Normally I move in a circular pattern and only get within counter attack range of most foes for the moment I am delivering the swing.


Any enemy I strike with the normal attack is staggered and slowed, usually more than long enough to get a charge attack off. Additionally, with any degree of ice damage, the ground attack will knock down and freeze/slow everyone in the AoE, doubling the amount of time it takes them to rise. A quick forward flip ground attack into a group of rank 100 ancients...one is dead and the rest are headed back to the floor by the time the effect wears off.


For good damage and maximum utility, I've finally settled on a build where I have added a V and D polarity to my Galatine, and I run a full charge-attack crit-build with the addition of Fury and North Wind.


But that's my dilemma, Gala is amazing with damage, but Hate is a lot faster


Hate is a good weapon, but it's no faster at it's AoE ground slam than Galatine, and Galatine can deal vastly more damage during the window of time such an attack grants you. Galatine also has a greater reach than Hate.


Hate does slightly more damage with normal attacks, but for both weapons, normal attacks are only really good at killing low rank light infested, or staggering an opponent in preparation for a charge attack, and Galatine's normal attack is faster.


Edit: Just double checked this and Galatine actually has a faster ground attack animation than Hate.

Edited by Saenol
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I have my Galatine 3xforma'd and potato'd, heavily modded. Mods that I use: Max fury, max reflex coil, max focus energy, max rending strike, max pressure point, max killing blow, max true steel. I switch between elemental mods depending on the enemy.


I know that I can 1 shot (charged) lvl46 ancients, but I'm not entirely sure if I can 1 shot ancients up to lvl60. Really good at normal swings too, but max fury mod is required for this... maybe berserker if you'd like.


I just can't see hate performing as good as galatine.

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I have my Galatine 3xforma'd and potato'd, heavily modded. Mods that I use: Max fury, max reflex coil, max focus energy, max rending strike, max pressure point, max killing blow, max true steel. I switch between elemental mods depending on the enemy.


I know that I can 1 shot (charged) lvl46 ancients, but I'm not entirely sure if I can 1 shot ancients up to lvl60. Really good at normal swings too, but max fury mod is required for this... maybe berserker if you'd like.


I just can't see hate performing as good as galatine.

If you remove prwssure point and put sundering strike, you can two hit lvl 90 ancients with crits I think. I was pretty successful with that on the physique alert earlier today which had high level ancients. That's without Mprime or Rhino roar.
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Galatine can be charged while moving, even while sprinting, and this should be taken advantage of. Normally I move in a circular pattern and only get within counter attack range of most foes for the moment I am delivering the swing.


All melee weapons can be charged while moving.

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