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The Golem: Why 3 Max Level Players Can't Take It Down (Nerfing Needed)


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Um...I can Solo the golem without much of a problem. I thought the difficulty was -just- right.


continuing to move is important. When it fires needles, run towards it to avoid the blasts. They're the only really damaging part. Everything else including poison shots are fairly easy to avoid.

Edited by Fundance
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I duo Lephantis with my girlfriend with non-rank 30 weapons, and we're mastery rank 9 and 7.
It just takes time, rifle mutation mod helps a lot.

As someone mentioned on the second page, what it REALLY needs is no DPS limit and perhaps adjusted hitboxes on the grineer and infested heads, though I might just suck at aiming. Specially the grineer head on the second phase.

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OP, you need to swallow your pride and face the music. You went in unprepared with weapons which weren't optimal and you got your &#! handed to you. So what? Now you know from this thread how to continue onward.

You've been here since April, somewhere down the line during these months of play, you MUST have picked up on the fact that Volt is absolutely crap for infested levels. And I'm not going to go into the Latron/Lex combo, because it should be self-evident that these weren't fitting for boss fights either. Especially not with infested who are notoriously close-range.

Treat this failure as a learning experience and take the hints given from other players, adjust your strategy and you will succeed. Oh, and the reason that people call you n00b is because your first reaction wasn't "what am I doing wrong?" but rather your assumption that there is something wrong with the game.

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If you took a Volt packed with a Latron and a Lex up against the Lephantis, all I can say is "you had it coming".


I've soloed it the first time with a Vauban equipped with a Latron Prime/Dual Vastos combo. Died 3 times, mostly because of learning the boss mechanics. Soloed the second time with a Rhino, Strun Wraith/Dual Vastos combo. No deaths. The third and following times were with my Frost Prime with Soma/Dual Vastos. Much as I may sound arrogant for saying this, but it was easy as pie.

Took my Frost Prime with 3 pugs, and we beat the whole 2 phases in less than 5 minutes. Not joking. All you gotta do is Snow Globe each head to slow them down and shoot, focusing one at a time. 2nd Phase, Snow Globe it by sliding underneath it and done.




Ah yes, forgot to mention my Frost Prime isn't fully ranked at the time of those runs. Still isn't.

Edited by RazorTip
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eh... this boss is supposed to be an end game boss.

So, let’s take a closer look at this, you are fighting a relatively high level, end game infested boss with:

a Latron….the lower tier of our arsenal in terms of DPS.

No, no amount of armor piercing mod help with the fact that latron, is not a good sustain damage dealer.

A Lex…. The low tier of pistol in terms of DPS on side arm.

Same as above, no amount of armor piercing mod will help the fact that Lex is not that good of a DD

A Volt, a frame that honestly has no utility on an infested boss unless you brought an extremely high damage gun and try to boost its damage with the electrical shield.  which you didn’t.

I’m sorry if you believe Warframe is supposed to be a walk in the ball park, but if you go into the latest content and most difficult boss fight to date completely unprepared, the expect failures. No, the boss does not need a nerf, even when this is one of the most challenging boss in this game to date, it’s still not overly difficult.  Perhaps the boss does not require a nerf, you simply need a buff on your strategy and your weapon of choice.

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Honestly, I don't think anybody is telling you to "power game" but they are telling you to use the right tools for the job.  You don't equip a precision sniper with a shotgun or support gunner with bolt action right?  I'm not going to storm a building with a bolt action rifle @___@ but instead you'd bring an SMG or a shotgun yeah?  Try using something with higher ammo output for lephantis and use that parkour on stage 2 it'll save your &#!.  Low RoF guns are just not going to cut it when your enemies have invulnerability states. 

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Eh, the heads are damage-capped, so you don't need a massive ammo-dumping weapon.  You just need something that can hit the damage cap every time the head's weak spot is open.

Which he's obviously not doing with a latron/lex which is why I steered him into something that he can just spray with. 


To clarify, not everybody has max serration ect. and those weapons are high alpha but low DPS. 

Edited by Relkin
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This. I'm honestly somewhat bemused by the OP, but the best advice I can give here is that DPS doesn't matter on Lephantis currently due to the cap, just... Don't F*** up and die. That said, I really don't understand how the situation described occurred, so I'm uncertain what to suggest past that.


The damage cap however is an abomination, it took Lephantis from my favorite boss to one of my most hated. I despise the very idea of removing player interactivity, but this is a particularly foul method of it.

The DPS cap is there to prevent people from being cheap. Especially Rhino and Nova players who like to kill enemies as fast as possible with their cheapness. hehehe. >=) same with weapons like Acrid. They should do this with every boss in the game to make rhino and nova abusers mad. lol. No, I don't hate Rhino and nova but they are admittedly overly abused by players.

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The DPS cap is there to prevent people from being cheap. Especially Rhino and Nova players who like to kill enemies as fast as possible with their cheapness. hehehe. >=) same with weapons like Acrid. They should do this with every boss in the game to make rhino and nova abusers mad. lol. No, I don't hate Rhino and nova but they are admittedly overly abused by players.


Er... I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but using abilities really doesn't mean abuse. If anything the ability to actually interact with the boss adds an additional dimension to the fight, as opposed to simply waiting for him to die as it is now. To be clear though, this 'boss' completely negates any and all offensive tactics because of the damage cap. Probably the simplest example of this is that the damage cap can be met by an unpotatoed, unforma'd Braton. Consider also that there generally isn't a single player involved, rather there are several. And hitting a damage cap of 700 with four people can be done with completely unranked, unmodded Bratons. That isn't end game gear, it isn't even mid game gear.


Simply put, the current implementation of this fight is another waiting game that denies players the right to the benefits of any form of offensive loadout or action. The design shuts out well over half the options that Warframe offers, which are already if anything too minimal.

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I killed the Orokin Golem with two other people. Just put a Rhino and use Iron Skin.


He's not difficult. He's just annoying, thats the reason I dont play this boss mission too much.


I recommend the Lex pistol against it.

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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One one hand I want to point and laugh at the OP but on the other I agree with some of his complaint and what so many people are saying in this thread.


"Just take X frame(s) and X Weapon and everything in the game is easy.  If you don't do that you are doing it wrong."


Really?  In reality the game isn't that hard, and really all weapons and frames are pretty viable, especially with this boss.  Just because you don't take a Rhino and Trinity and 3xForma'd Soma to the fight and make it easy, doesn't mean you aren't doing it right, nor does it make it impossible.


The damage cap really does slow the whole thing down, but it doesn't take much coordination or effort with any combination of weapons and frames to kill it.  The 'top tier' weapons aren't even needed with the damage cap, just some coordinated fire and everyone having the ability to look out for damage and stay alive.  With poison sometimes S#&$ happens but look out for your teammates, pick them up and they are at full health again.

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Define (Good enough Weapons) and also I don't think bringing specific warframes should matter. Why does someone have to get something specific just to move forward in a game. It limits selection, just like the problem with armor-ignoring weapons right now. What's the point of having warframes if only a few are viable. Btw, I do have lots of player skill. In that battle I understood that movement was key. In normal games I always revive teammates as well but there's no down time to revive teammates in that battle.Apparently I'm "rigging" the game wrong though. I suppose if I just went with what worked instead of what I want to play I'd win more, but games are made for fun. 


I agree; all warframes should be viable to use. If you have instances where the only way to win, or surpass an obsticle is having "the right warframe," then the dev team is doing something wrong. Naturally, you're going to have warframes that are better suited to certain situations, but the warframe availability should be to give players a choice in what they >want< to use, not what they >have< to use.


While I have no experience with the new golem design, I do think they should at least look into improving some of the warframes so that they're more viable, instead of getting kicked to the curb in instances like this.

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