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Pvp Yes Or No?


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This should probably be in another section other than conclave feedback.


But, to your question. I don't mind there being pvp as long as it is not needed to acquire something in the game. If there is gear that is gotten only from pvp, I am strongly against it. I came here to play a co-op game and work with others to get the items I want, not to fight them and get those items.

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This should probably be in another section other than conclave feedback.


But, to your question. I don't mind there being pvp as long as it is not needed to acquire something in the game. If there is gear that is gotten only from pvp, I am strongly against it. I came here to play a co-op game and work with others to get the items I want, not to fight them and get those items.

srry wasnt sure were to put it... but ya its really good to get feedback

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Yes. A nice escape from the monotonous AI, a trip back to DE's roots.


I don't mind there being pvp as long as it is not needed to acquire something in the game. If there is gear that is gotten only from pvp


Why do you think that would happen?

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There's no problem with a mode that doesn't effect gameplay, is never needed to obtain anything, and generally fits into the atmosphere of warframe. That said, it shouldn't have come before all the work needed on PVE. PVE needs puzzles and other obstacles. There's a lot of potential that can be taken from the dojo obstacle course and mastery rank tests. Now PVP needs loads of balancing and fixes and will inevitably impede development of PVE.    

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blows my mind how the "anti-pvp brigade" love nothing more than to spend every @(*()$ waking minute trolling the conclave forums all day/night

"pvp: yes or no?" .... wtf srsly? how dense are you? IT'S ALREADY IN THE GAME

you're bullS#&$ question is like me going into general chat and saying: "should this game really have ninjas in space and melee combat? maybe we shouldn't be using guns or how about turn the game into a My Little Pony simulator"


it is honestly pathetic that the conclave forums is filled with this drivel, kinda wish the mods would at least temp ban ppl for this

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blows my mind how the "anti-pvp brigade" love nothing more than to spend every @(*()$ waking minute trolling the conclave forums all day/night

"pvp: yes or no?" .... wtf srsly? how dense are you? IT'S ALREADY IN THE GAME

you're bullS#&$ question is like me going into general chat and saying: "should this game really have ninjas in space and melee combat? maybe we shouldn't be using guns or how about turn the game into a My Little Pony simulator"


it is honestly pathetic that the conclave forums is filled with this drivel, kinda wish the mods would at least temp ban ppl for this

Why? It's always possible that DE could remove Conclave, or PvP. Highly unlikely, but possible. Besides, where else is he going to ask a question to get a general idea of how many people actually want PvP?

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We want PVP not a counter-strike, what Counclave is.


pure pvp in warframe its fail


need a hybrid, PVElements with pvp, and only what.


Ideal variants is the missions or alerts with competition for unique reward within 3 or 4 teams start from random points.

lose teams down on they kneez,winner team get cool rewards!

Edited by JDante
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blows my mind how the "anti-pvp brigade" love nothing more than to spend every @(*()$ waking minute trolling the conclave forums all day/night

"pvp: yes or no?" .... wtf srsly? how dense are you? IT'S ALREADY IN THE GAME

you're bullS#&$ question is like me going into general chat and saying: "should this game really have ninjas in space and melee combat? maybe we shouldn't be using guns or how about turn the game into a My Little Pony simulator"


it is honestly pathetic that the conclave forums is filled with this drivel, kinda wish the mods would at least temp ban ppl for this

i just wanted feedback from people about what they think about pvp not a crybaby. also this game was built on PVE so this sentence "you're bullS#&$ question is like me going into general chat and saying: "should this game really have ninjas in space and melee combat?"" is not valid...  have a nice day and i respect everyone's opinion wether good or bad :D

Edited by Yakasuki
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I enjoy it.


Sure there are many things that can be improved upon in warframes PvP. but to be fair conclave was their FIRST go round with PvP.


My personal thoughts are you can NOT judge the Balance of PvP by only PVP'ing in the starting areas. I personally feel that there are too many players complaining about PvP without having the right Gear, Skill, knowledge, Etc Etc. but thats just my 2 cents.


example, my FIRST time going into conclave PvP, 2-3 hours later. 5.6 - 1 ratio and many fights where both players teamed up to fight me 2v1 . now........ if this was a BlackOps game i randomly joined for my first time.( which I have done )  I know I'd have MAYBE 30 kills and died about 100+ times.  so that ( to me at least ) tells me where the gear, skill, knowledge of the players i randomly faced that day was at.


once agian just my own opinion. I'm sure that will upset someone.

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in its current state, no, anything beyond 500 is a ridiculous joke as it's whoever gets the first shot and hits wins, if I wanted that I would go to a friends place, load up CoD and play One in the Chamber (I don't own CoD, it's not my kind of game, it's just a modern FPS with nothings special in it) and not to mention any weapon with stun-lock capabilities is just insta-win unless you have a sniper and not get in their range for them to shoot at you and since the only snipers still available are Lanka which has travel time and needs a clan to research and Vulkar which is just plain terrible, you're out of luck


if it were to be fixed up a bit, sure why not

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This should probably be in another section other than conclave feedback.


But, to your question. I don't mind there being pvp as long as it is not needed to acquire something in the game. If there is gear that is gotten only from pvp, I am strongly against it. I came here to play a co-op game and work with others to get the items I want, not to fight them and get those items.

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Always yes,

What good is a game if I never have the option of backuping the smack talk with my fellow party member? I do agree gear obtaining should only be PvE based. PvP should just be an optional for fun extra feature thing. No real benefit.

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It doesn't effect PvE in the slightest. Who cares.

This topic was made to troll.

actually it isnt... i just want peoples opinion about it... if i was trolling i would have put more thought into it

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Yes, but in a fair way.


No Super Formated OP Weapons! Not because  some can have them and some can't, but because there's no time to react to very high DPS. That's why MMO's have some kind of pvp damage reduction mechanic.


No super mega uber duper OP stuff ..... just basic equipment (guns and swords). The parry system must work perfectly.

And no death animation, instant transportation out of the arena when "killed", remember the combatants are not enemies, they are training.

Edited by nekrojiji
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Not really a fan of it myself. Tried it and instantly got yelled at for being different and not using -insert incredibly OP weapons here-


Was even called a hacker for using my Kogake to kill someone.


I know it's not going to always be like that, but well.. First impressions are always the most important. I won't be trying it again any time soon.

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Duel is bad, conclaves are worse. Certainly no.

You can't make and balance pvp in a game so heavily based on PVE.

Always yes,

What good is a game if I never have the option of backuping the smack talk with my fellow party member? I do agree gear obtaining should only be PvE based. PvP should just be an optional for fun extra feature thing. No real benefit.

Why.....would you smack talk with party members? 80% of the times i can't see anyone talking in a random mission and the other 20% is quite normal. There is no "competition" in the game(only the silly conclave). What can you even say?! "Ahaha, i killed 10 more npc-s than you!" or what?...

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Duel is bad, conclaves are worse. Certainly no.

You can't make and balance pvp in a game so heavily based on PVE.


Is &#!-pulling this community's favorite pastime?


You realize that they can set up separate numbers for PvP only? (ex. doesn't affect PvE)


You also realize that other online games have also done this? (Such as Everquest 2, Guild Wars 1/2, DCUO, Marvel Heroes, to name a few)


Last, but not least, you do realize that DE has already done this a few times?

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