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1 minute ago, Thural said:

it seems like these guys are doing the opposite.

Neither of us are using our Operators to actually kill things on the regular if that helps any, it's clear that at our current power level it's more of an auxiliary mode. Hope that clears some of this up, even just a bit?

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1 minute ago, Harzipan said:

Neither of us are using our Operators to actually kill things on the regular if that helps any, it's clear that at our current power level it's more of an auxiliary mode. Hope that clears some of this up, even just a bit?

It's always an auxiliary mode, better amps and focus schools don't change that.  If you're trying to do anything other than clear resistances with operator, you're doing it wrong.

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1 hour ago, Harzipan said:

Thank you for the offer, really! But we pretty much exclusively play Warframe as a co-op game with just us at this point outside of relic grinding and Onslaught stuff. But feel free to add me if you like, I'm Harzipan in-game. ^^

Sure, no worries ! I really love to help others, will add u when I'm onl. Whatever you guys doing, I will put my efforts in to help you guy achieve it

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19 minutes ago, XideBeast said:

Sure, no worries ! I really love to help others, will add u when I'm onl. Whatever you guys doing, I will put my efforts in to help you guy achieve it

I'm the same way! Helping newer folks is one of my favorite things to do in WF, maybe we could hang out in the regular Earth Defense mission sometime and chill with some fresher framers. ^^

Edited by Harzipan
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11 hours ago, Thural said:

which quest requires you to kill an Eidolon?  Because that's the only thing in the entire game that you would need a better amp/operator for.

Fighting Umbra with no focus nodes and a level one Amp took me the better part of an four hour session.

Fighting Umbra with a 1/1/1 Amp went by over twice as fast.

Plus a better Operator for the sake of enjoying using the Operator / having it is a worthy cause.


Pustrels have completely taken over the Eidolon Plains. It’s a nightmare, honestly. Anyone with half a brain is just going to pub Empyrean so they can get the resources to construct their Railjack, and Railjack crafting requirements are getting reduced. There’s no reason to have Pustrels this high in the drop rates.

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13 hours ago, Harzipan said:

It's more the very high level Vomvalysts that had been giving us both trouble, as to fully kill them you need to use Operator mode. I know they're not essential, but it was a smack in the face to both of us as to how important Operators are likely to become rather soon and I have a decently powered Operator at this point, so.. yeah. I'm at least a little worried that the current focus grind and the related stuff is bit too steep of a grind at the moment and it could be improved in some ways to.. modernize it, I suppose?

Level 30-35+ Vomvalysts are an incredible pain in the backside.

I know what you and OP mean here with your amps:
You need a good amp to level up in the quills.
How do you level up in the quills? You need a good amp.

Something's very off, there.

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14 hours ago, Yxivi said:

Eidolons and railjack were never meant for beginners. I understand that you are a returning player but as you said, you've been out of the game for a while and you're just starting to catch up with the changes. Still tho, eidolon and railjack are the closest thing we can get to endgame, so you can expect this to require some "grind" for you as a returning player.

Now, regarding your problem with resources in amp construction, I suppose you are mining to get the ores?
During daytime in the Plains, there's a robot thingy that spawns there called "Tusk Thumper". They drop a lot of Plains resources (from ores to fish parts) and it is faster to get resources this way. Getting a higher tier bounty from Konzu will spawn tougher versions "Tusk Thumper Bull" and "Tusk Thumper Doma", these bad bois can drop rare resources. 
You can learn more about Tusk Thumpers here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Tusk_Thumper


I understand that I'm not quite at the level of power needed to be the most efficient for the current end game, but I'm not super far off. I've actually been totally ok with the grind up until the point where I wanted to get stronger to be able to more effectively hunt eidolons and move up to the harder ones. This is when the resource nightmare came into play. 

I really appreciate your tip about using thumpers as an alternate method to gathering resources, I hadn't considered actively hunting them and had never thought to look up what sort of things they dropped. Until now there were a "oh that's in my way" sort of thing.

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2 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

Level 30-35+ Vomvalysts are an incredible pain in the backside.

I know what you and OP mean here with your amps:
You need a good amp to level up in the quills.
How do you level up in the quills? You need a good amp.

Something's very off, there.

This is exactly my issue, even if all this stuff is optional it's still a big part of the game, your operator is a big story point as well as another tool in your combat arsenal, so why wouldn't I want to make them stronger?

But when I spend many many hours trying to get what is one of three "common" resources, logic would dictate I should get coprite in roughly 1/3rd of the red nodes I mine. This is frustratingly inaccurate. Pustrals have, what feels like, a 90% or better drop rate, which is really just a slap in the face for anyone who doesn't have deep stores of the other common resources from having been played planes for many months or years before railjack was even a thing.

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4 hours ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

Fighting Umbra with no focus nodes and a level one Amp took me the better part of an four hour session.

Fighting Umbra with a 1/1/1 Amp went by over twice as fast.

Plus a better Operator for the sake of enjoying using the Operator / having it is a worthy cause.


Pustrels have completely taken over the Eidolon Plains. It’s a nightmare, honestly. Anyone with half a brain is just going to pub Empyrean so they can get the resources to construct their Railjack, and Railjack crafting requirements are getting reduced. There’s no reason to have Pustrels this high in the drop rates.

This was almost my exact experience, it took me roughly 4 hours to take out umbra. It was possible, yes, but it wasn't fun. Die, do a little bit of damage, repeat was not the best experience when the entire game has an almost entirely different play style up until this point.

I would have been bothered far less if there was some sort of warning, or gate, that prevented you from accepting the mission straight out of the previous one. Something like "requires x focus nodes and at least a 1/1/1 amp" but the story just goes from one mission to the next with an exponentially increasing difficulty floor. This is tuned to the fact that there were many months if not years between each of these consecutive story missions that anyone who had been playing during those breaks would have been gaining power on their operator either actively or passively by doing the content available. I didn't know there was such a huge disparity of time between missions as I was just coming back so I was just doing the story in order as it came along. 

Obviously I know better now, but here I am attempting to rectify the problem by shoring up my weak points but am instead greeted by an overwhelming flood of a resource taking the place of the stuff I need to even catch up. It's almost like the game is going "hey don't forget about this new content! go play that!" well game, I'd love to, but may I please finish the old content first so I am better prepared?

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1 minute ago, Calamir said:

This is exactly my issue, even if all this stuff is optional it's still a big part of the game, your operator is a big story point as well as another tool in your combat arsenal, so why wouldn't I want to make them stronger?

But when I spend many many hours trying to get what is one of three "common" resources, logic would dictate I should get coprite in roughly 1/3rd of the red nodes I mine. This is frustratingly inaccurate. Pustrals have, what feels like, a 90% or better drop rate, which is really just a slap in the face for anyone who doesn't have deep stores of the other common resources from having been played planes for many months or years before railjack was even a thing.

I was bottlenecked by the amp thing for almost two years... because if you go to the plains at night with public, you'd better know what you're doing, else you're a leech/weak link that ruins other people's games; you can't do it solo until you know how.. and knowing how is something you learn by doing it or watching youtube, then being carried to where you have the good amps. (also, having Volt helps a ton, which I don't own/like/play, so it never came up.) There's a flaw in the design if the only way to proceed is to just so Happen to main the right frame, get carried by better/more familiar players, or just strategy-guide it.

It would be best of there was some sort of learner mission for Quills, where you can get some degree of assistance or instruction, that pays off in Shards. Or perhaps another way to get shards (like using Synthetic Shards from S.O.) or converting/exchanging cores, even at a high cost. Killing Eidolons to be able to kill eidolons is silly.

As for the railjack resources, you get TONS of those (copernics/pustrels) through even the very first railjack mission. Mission completion can give you 1k pustrels for example. That problem does solve itself, but you can't know that until you've done it. As for building the railjack, you're far better off joining a squad for learners (if they exist) and completing the first mission a few times.. in order to afford your own railjack. (Since yours doesn't need to be built in order to join someone else's for a mission.) While this is similar to the Eidolon Shards (Do the thing to be able to do the thing in the first place,) being able to mine your way out of it is at least better than the Quills problem.. even if it's slow and tedious, there's a way out.

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The operator system is still work in progress and the operator should be used as an ace under the sleeve and nothing more since we need to complete the new war arc for make them strong enough to even consider to fight something, and even then, at the point where I guess you guys are, you know that a lot of weapons can easily erase almost everything from the game and you should have this weapons (weapons, not rivens).

The sentients were to meant to be the strongest faction just below us so you should expect them to fight back, obviously, the vombalysts are insane at high level but DE said they will nerf them and if not, expect them to be less tanky with the next update that includes changes to the health, armor and shields of every enemy in the game.

As for the resources you're right, but sadly this seems to be in the to-do list of DE for the moment so just keep killing thumpers or use the solar cutter from fortuna.

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18 hours ago, Calamir said:

The first few quests when you get your operator make a big point of using your operator to bypass the sentients resistances. The first one where you run into them was fine, but when you get to the quest with the shape shifting ones the difficulty spikes greatly and it becomes apparent you were meant to have a better amp by this point. This is also before you get umbra.

I do have umbra now and the mods and sword, that's all well and good but considering the last part of railjack and the amount of sentients it definitely seems less then ideal that I cannot use my operator at all to assist when the story made it a point to teach you that that was how to most effectively deal with sentients. I'm aware that Eidolons aren't "necessary" content but it all looks as though its forming a trend for where the story is going.

Again, I have absolutely no issues grinding to get stronger, I expect that, i'm hella behind. But, it's the fact that the drop rates are so low on common necessary materials it's a test of even the most patient person. I can't grind to get stronger if the item I'm grinding just will not drop for me.

I usually bring weapons that deal enough damage or have enough effects that I don't need to use operator to reset them. Running Oberon against them for radiation damage, using a weapon with heat, one with cold or blast, and another with magnetic and high damage usually has enough effective damage so they die before they can adapt to all 7 or so damage types I'm putting on them. I only use operator when entirely necessary if nothing else will damage a thing by design, but the amp system makes me miss the old operator beam that had a ton more damage but also had a much longer wait time. Maybe some combo of that so focus had more impact on actual beam damage and the effects more than needing to upgrade the amp itself. The focus tree you can upgrade by just playing without focusing on one thing in particular. I miss my old Unairu beam that would turn enemies into stone and deal a lot of damage to them. 

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