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Volt Is Like De's Neglected Child.


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Everything about him is a lackluster. I noticed this is like the ultimate example of a neglected warframe. 


Lets start off with his Aura.




So a V polarity huh?


I would imagine it would use energy siphon...cus you know.




He's the poster boy.


Shock: Well...what can i say about it. Weak damage doesn't work at higher levels. It's cheap though!


Speed: I could start off by saying you nerfed the speed, and it distorts your vision making it harder to land bullets in the heat of battle. 


Electric shield: This is the only skill worth using, even though it was nerfed too. Before all bullets used to deal armor ignore damage, but they removed it GG. Volt is a one trick pony and only has one skill worth using. 


Overload: Well might as well jump into a pile of toxics. Suicide skill, lay there perfectly still as a shooting target.


What i suggest is give this skill to Volt, at least he would be useful then.




Should drop a Neurode every time volt dies.

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Well, stick a rifle amp on him, load up your Synapse and murder everything.


Yes, I only have 2 Volt skills loaded (speed to get to the target, shield to, well, murder everything) but I do fine with them. Most  frames have at least 1 worthless skill.


Except Rhino I suppose.

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I for one have no problems landing bullets with speed active, I already play at full FoV so it doesn't bother me lol.


I can't. Especially when surrounded by a lot of mobs at once and someone has the bright idea to use speed in the heat of battle ._. 

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Sorry, wrong. I have used Volt extensivly, and use him as a speedrunner. He is tough, very tough. Shields and armour are on par of Frosts, so he doesn't go down easily


Shock does very well now, stick focus on him and its quite good.


Electric shield, great cover, and provides an awesome amount of extra damage, but difficult to use in conjunction to use with weapons that have flight time (as you'll be used to the flight time so accuracy will be off).

Speed, his best ability. Provides a great escape, and isn't SUPPOSED to be for you to shoot stuff with. Its supposed to make you move faster to avoid enemies, or hack your way through them with melee.


Overload, powerful in a Corpus, Grineer and Void ship. Added with focus and stretch its great, continuity, not so much.

I hate seeing people put Volt down before even bloody trying him, or using many DIFFERENT loadouts on him. He is made to be a fast, responsive frame, dealing lots of attacks from different directions in a short space of time. So, adding speed and stamina mods on him (reflection along with), he is hard to kill, and will deal lots of damage in short times. Couple this with weapons like the Dera, Braton (any gun that shoots fast basicly), and along with a Dagger weapon, and he is one of the fastest killing machines there is.

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You know, Frost is in pretty much the same condition. His 1st and 2nd skills are relatively useless. Freeze does really low damage, and the attack width of Ice Path is so thin you might as well not bother.


About energy siphon, I agree with the fact that Volt should have a - polarity there, but really because he's supposed to be 'a potent alternative to gunplay'. By your logic, Nova would have a D polarity.


At least they sorta buffed his electric shield with the snapse...

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I've done all that i have him maxed out and had him for about a long time now. His power just doesn't prove viable higher levels. I sorta think he got nerfed, from what he was before. His speed ability was WAY more useful, and his shield was better. He got nerfed instead of buffed with his last tweaks.

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I've done all that i have him maxed out and had him for about a long time now. His power just doesn't prove viable higher levels. I sorta think he got nerfed, from what he was before. His speed ability was WAY more useful, and his shield was better. He got nerfed instead of buffed with his last tweaks.

You know that ALL frames offensive abilities arn't viable at higher levels.

His speed and shield have not been nerfed at all. They are the same as they were before.

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try the zorencopter with volt's speed against infested... slice and dice your way through the level.. everything that's not dead is not attacking you...

Shock, with fully modded focus, is pretty hardcore against corpus, especially when you hit one of them shield-supplying thingies, the chain is pretty useful.. everything that isn't dead, hasn't got any shield left.. spray with supra/soma/gorgon and there's only heaps of smoking leftovers.. even on higher levels

Overload, again with focus, is really devastating too.. and you can create your own shield to protect you from incoming fire... flow and streamline allow you to do this frequently

But the thing with Volt is that it's a situational frame, use for specific purposes (like, not defense). Perfect for speedruns (if you so desire), not so much a support frame (like frost) or general purpose damage dealer (like rhino).

The good thing is that you can leave out speed and stamina mods, leaving you with space for shield and shield regen on top of your focus/flow/streamline combo. Stretch I'm not so sure about, would rather opt for equilibrium.

Agree much on the aura though.

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Oh, does it?

Why's it so dangerous to use, then?

For anything outside of the Overloads range that isn't being stunned, as you arn't invincible. It doesn't have a huge range, so its best used in smaller corridors. Thats why a combination of stretch and focus is great for overload.

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this is SOOOO true! The reason DE don't get feedback on Volt is because of his uselessness, he replaced Mag in the useless tier as he's useless beyond Venus, and his energy pool doesn't contribute to him being a caster frame (he is folks, don't let the 'alternative to gunplay' fool you, he is the opposite of that and he's mainly a gunplay frame)

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