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Is It Just Me Or Are Ancient Infested Annoying?


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EDIT: Some of you more jumpy and conclusive people seem to have mistake this thread as a complaining thread. It's NOT. I have made this mainly because of the funny Do you Even Lift reference it reminded me of. I love this game as it is, just thought I'd see what you guys thought of the ancients. I am NOT SUGGESTING ANY CHANGES TO WARFRAME.


I don't know about you guys, but have the ancient infested gotten far more annoying lately? I don't know if it's just me, but I've been playing quite a bit of survival and defense, and the Ancient Disruptors in particular seem to be exceptionally annoying... I do sometimes get knocked over by ancients, it happens, of course but yeah...

It's always the Ancient Disruptors that manage to get behind me, just somehow, only them, and as soon as they knock you over, you might as well kiss goodbye to all that power.



*shooting Dera at group of infested*
*kills a few chargers, murders a toxic, kills a few leapers*
*turns around*
Ancient: Ash, do you even lift bro? *whacks you in face* That's a nice power store you've got there.



I don't know if it's just me, but has anyone else started finding the ancients really annoying?

Edited by Stakhanov
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Their AI has been tweaked in U10 I think... they seem much quicker and agressive and that's how I like it, before they were just slow and too easy to handle, you just need to cope with their new speed,  they got me a lot at the beggining but nowadays they never touch me.

Edited by Disrupted
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Their new models are really bad. They wig out big time when they ragdoll, their tentacle has the absolute worst hitboxes of any enemy in the game besides maybe the Runners' explosion, and their weak point isn't obvious at all (how would you know to shoot the right thigh without being told?).

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Infested Ancients are broken and have been broken since their first appearance in the game. Proof? Set one on fire while they're running at you. They'll run even faster and will reverse moon-walk towards you while flailing in pain of being burned alive. It's even worse if you set a Toxic Ancient on fire.

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I think the issue is that Ancients are almost absolutely silent. Other than a rather faint groan they make when they see you, they give you no indication that four have just spawned right behind you (extra annoying in the Derelicts where they apparently breed like rabbits).


It'd be nice if they made a distinct yell or scream when they enter charge mode, so you at least have a chance to react before they ninja punch you from the back and take your energy. A sneak attack from any other infested unit is fair, but Toxics and Disruptors are way too detrimental to be allowed to sneak up on you without any warning whatsoever.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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