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Kuva Siphon/Flood does not register cloud destruction [Fixed]


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1 hour ago, [DE]Saske said:

Hey Tenno! We have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix.

Finally! Any clue on what was the cause of the issue? Timing was rather bad with this issue overlapping with the double drops weekend

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2020/3/12 PM4点44分 , Hai-chan 说:

除了当前已知的错误(第四个Kuva云销毁了未注册的错误)之外,我还发现了另一个错误。刚开始执行Kuva Siphon间谍任务,并且在我的任务起点附近产生的Kuva Siphon机器默认情况下没有辫子。生成时没有声音,没有UI,也没有指示其位置的路标。此外,莲花和Grineer女王在产卵时都没有说话。它只是坐在那里什么都不做,好像它不存在一样。我继续执行任务(希望它会在某个时候起作用)并完成了A保险库。但是,在前往B保险库的途中,机器已激活。当莲花宣布它的存在时,我离它有400多米远。这是无 编织的Kuva Siphon机器被激活之前的  屏幕截图

编辑:激活后,它有辫子,显示UI,Grineer皇后像往常一样笨拙,但没有吸引任何云。我等了大约2分钟,但还是一无所获。我决定,如果我继续执行任务,可能会发生一些事情。我再次前往B保险库,当我到达激活Kuva Siphon机器的位置时,屏幕上出现了文本“按5以使用Transference”(我错失了拍摄另一个屏幕截图的机会)。好像游戏认为机器位于那里。我等了一会儿,但没有听到云声(可能是因为我离机器的实际位置太远了)。我回到机器上,仍然没有产生云。但是,我确实注意到了一些事情。所有Kuva装置都到达了机器被激活的位置(距离机器400m)。

I have met this bug, too. I met this bug in a gineer sabotage mission, the siphon didn't work and there is no any HUD. Unfortunately that machine didn't work even if I arrived the extratcion point. Hope DE can fix these two bugs up.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Saske said:

Hey Tenno! We have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix.

It's unfortunate that a LOT of kuva was missed out due to having to abort these missions over the weekend. ☹️ Thanks for the update

Edited by z3us32610
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On 2020-03-19 at 10:22 PM, [DE]Saske said:

Hey Tenno! We have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix.

Could you shed some light on why bug fixes hotfix cannot be deployed first so that players can continue to enjoy the game. Why must always wait until a main update? Leaving players to play with the broken game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve had same issue with it not registering destroyed clouds, one time it counted 2 then stopped all others stayed at 0 . Seems mission related not frame it’s happened to me using Loki , Nekros , Khora and Gara. Glad relics are tied to mission and not Kuva but still frustrating. I’ve also had the cloud get stuck a couple times and had to track it down. Anyway just thought I’d add my experience.

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Same problem for me.  I just took video and waiting for it to upload.  Every single Flood I run, since I started to run floods, I've done them the same way and never had a problem.  I'll pop the first three braids and run away and wait for my smeeta kavat to proc.  When it does, I run back and pop the forth.  In the mean time I'm finishing the mission objective.  But I'd say ever since the most recent update, Not a single flood has worked, essentially crippling my ability to get kuva.  I don't run Kuva Survival because they're too boring and its just not worth it in my opinion.  Every time I run a flood now, the first three braids get destroyed no problem, but that last one will forever just hover there, no matter how many times I destroy the cloud.  Hope someone looks into this, though I doubt it since everyone is working from home these days.  I'll post video when I get the chance. 

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I've been testing this today.. it IS a problem laying with either alerting or damaging the large guards! I did two floods today on a grineer map (earth to be exact) and had NO issues because they nvr got alerted much less harmed but now I'm on Pluto (corpus based map) and sure enough the guard gets alerted or damaged by the corpus and there goes the siphon working correctly. Btw I run Ivara for siphons so it isn't just related to a Warframe it's the guards themselves.

Edited by (PS4)PrincessDragonN1
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