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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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A frame design that has a stronger connection to both greek mythology, and the void. A special spear can do good for this design. Also there is a frame only relying on health, and one only relying on shield, there are also others with much more armor than the rest. What about making a frame with much more energy than others, but also relying on it to stay alive, also to give the frame that extra connection to the void that I'm talking about.

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What has Ballas been thinking of since he was leashed by his new master?
Revenge, Atonement, conquest. No His thoughts are of the End. 
He needed something to keep the sentients at bay. 
In secret with nothing but his mind at his disposal, he designed his final tool.
Will it bring about the end of his suffering, or bring light to a new world.
All that he knows is that its place will be in the New War yet to come.

Name: Nemesis
Theme: Retribution
One end is another beginning

  • All Abilities case from Health, not energy.
  • Like Her Elder Brother Inaros she has no shields just Lots of health and Armor
  • Energy Orbs stack health to add 100% of base to current status

Variable depending on Focus school active at the time

Ability One
Void Pulse - Same as Operator ability in Shotgun like burst.

Ability Two
Resurrection - Heal or Revive ally with pulse of void energy from a distance

Ability Three
Balance - Magnetic proc that strips all enemies in range of shields
    Tap Emit AOE that strips all Sentients of Status immunity in range. 
    Hold to Emit Pulse that clears all status effects on allies. 

Ability Four
Reset - Give Allies 77% damage resistance to health (not armor or shields) for 77 Seconds
        Places all enemies in range until Effect similar to [Bleeding Dragon key] granting them -77% health for 77 second duration
        7% chance to summon Corrupted as allies during time period

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I think having a werewolf warframe named Lykos would be fun if it is able to transform and gain a another new set of powers and passive abilities. Also is able to make ur team mates into slightly tanky characters and deal a lot more damage like a berserker.

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Original Post Here: 


I've had a dream Warframe idea since launch that has never been realized.

Frames like Rhino and Hildryn come close, but they don't reach the level of weight and bulk I'm thinking of.

This idea was also shared on the Warframe subreddit.

Frame Name - Galamere, The Righteous Titan

"Destined for the thick of war, Galamere was created for the singular purpose of rallying his allies and overwhelming firepower. When the system needs aid, the Tenno arrive to uphold the balance. When the Tenno are in need, Galamere arrives to even the odds."


Image result for Space marine gif


Summary and Thoughts:

The things that are missing from heavier frames are weight. All frames can bullet jump and sprint like ninjas. When Atlas' or Rhino's feet hit the ground, it makes the same sound as Volt and Harrow.

I understand a lot of the game is built around these core movement mechanics. However, I would love this frame to sound like someone running in power armour. Like he weighs nearly a ton.

  • A sprint that takes a couple of seconds to get to full momentum, only to become an unstoppable beef bus.
  • No bullet jump flipping, but maybe a burst of a jetpack or some sort of thruster. Or just a beefy HOOP with meaty thighs of justice.
  • No wall latching, instead he slams a spike or fist into the wall.

My idea is something like a Space Marine or the Doom Slayer.


Image result for Space marine gif



Passive - Advanced Munitions: Galamere increases the maximum ammo of himself and nearby allies.

First - Daunting Shot: "Suppress the wicked."

  • Take one second to aim, then fire a large piercing projectile from any ranged weapon.
  • Enemies struck by the shot are marked by Galamere's Justice.
  • Can be charged for more damage or tapped for quick Justice application.

Second - Righteous Banner: "Rally to me!"

  • Galamere plants a banner in the ground lasting X in Y radius.
  • Allies within the barrier gain increased armour and minor health regeneration.
  • Enemies marked by Justice entering the area are staggered.

Third - Armour of Glory: "Thy attacks are as weak as thy convictions."

  • This toggle ability drains energy per second.
  • Every time Galamere is damaged, he gets an increasing percentage armour buff.
  • When the armour eventually reaches its limit, it explodes with force, knocking enemies down and dealing damage based on the stored damage.
  • Enemies marked by Justice that strike Galamere are knocked down.
  • The process of buffing and storing damage restarts if the ability remains toggled.
  • Galamere is vulnerable during the early stages of the armour buff, but the damage will eventually turn to a trickle until it explodes outward.


Image result for Space marine gif


Fourth - No idea!

I've thought about this ability so many times, but I cannot find anything that isn't the same-old.

An exalted minigun or beefy melee weapon? It feels like a cop out.

A powerful buff? Not engaging enough.

A huge bomb that he launches from his weapon?

I don't know. Any ideas or thoughts would be welcome.

I was hoping DE would come up with something neat when they adopt the idea. 😉

Because that'll happen.


Notes From Commenters

Thanks to Madrock777,

"I worry about the application of Justice, it can only be spread by a linear shot from you."

I absolutely agree. Your idea about Justice being applied to enemies within Banner range or perhaps enemies that damage Galamere while his armour toggle is on could help a lot.

"What could make a great 4th. Your abitles have a lot of synergy with your Justice. Maybe have an abitly called Final Verdict, No Mercy, Final Crusade. Pull out an Exalted 2h Warhammer, or 2h Sword."

Something about an exalted 2h-weapon or a heavy gun would be amazing, but I feel like it isn't the most creative solution. 

It would need to have some other system or effect tied to it to make it stand out instead of, "I summon uber weapon for time."

But... if it feels fun to use, why not?!

Thanks to Blyat1902,

"Bruh just thinking of this made me bust a nut in the name of he holy crusade."

High praise, thank you!

It is time the Tenno went on a righteous crusade of their own!

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A frame in the style of the Armored Core series of mecha games. Simultaneous access to a modular array of weapons (possibly the ability to freely equip any assortment of 3 primaries/secondaries, with its only melee a Gara-1-esque ability; or, as an extension of the Archwing modularity system), tanky at baseline with the ability to trade that survivability for mobility or offense as the situation requires.

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Abacus the Calculated Warframe

Passive: the more players around him the more shield and armor he gains. Clones add to this percentage. See intermediate ability  for clones.


Basics: (subtract and add) when cast a fraction of damage to health is added to weapon damage for him and maybe all allies.
Intermediate: (multiply and divide) when casted, Abacus  destroys a enemy  but makes two copies  of that enemy to fight along side of him, the more power strength the stronger the clones

Algorithm: abacus sends out a radial ring that scans enemies. when the ring comes back to him. All enemies armor or shields are weakened by half.

 Advanced: abacus calls forth a sphere that he can throw like a dodge ball at enemies. If the algorithm ability is cast before advanced is cast. The sphere will target and ricochet off the enemies scanned and damage them with the damage type they are weakest too.

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How about a Omnikinesis frame? Search it up if you dont know what it is. A frame that can manipulate everything that ever existed past or present(Or future) organic or created at will down to a Molecular level without physical contact by using its Life Force. 

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A walking (not really talking) self contained nuclear reactor. Has some sort of heat gage which has to be controlled through his abilities, and has benefits for players who are skilled enough to keep him operating at ideal tempuratures. When killed he explodes in a massive nuclear explosion, because who doesn't love to go out with a bang? Themed around a nuclear reactor which could have elemental properties like rad, heat, and/or gas. 

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I don't really have a name or gender picked out for my theme but more or less here it is.

The Theme
Well how about the idea of a snake 🐍 frame, with possible ties to amazonian/native jungle vibes with their looks similar to Quetzalcoatl / Kukulkan (Mayan / Mezoamerican God of the Wind) inspiration.

The Personality
Seeing the inspiration from the looks, it would be safe to say that they would be stoic and caring. My idea for them would be a support / defense oriented frame, protecting those with possible abilities.

The Kit Ideas
Considering the origin of my idea, he might be oriented closely to storm-like abilities with wind as the main element but more team-based, than Zephyr is. Shields of strong wind or possibly with an electric defensive measure for when attacked maybe? Simple enough I can say that his abilities with a small idea in mind could look like:

1. Wind gust (More cylindrical than a banshee blast)
2. AoE shield protection for allies and self (with some kinda added buff)
3. A storm call that powers return damage taken (maybe?) with buff to 2 when cast together
4. (Can't think of a good 4 at the moment, may edit when epiphany hits)

A new sword and board, possible spiked club / shield combo for punct / impact blend


New bow maybe?

Thank you for anyone who reads this! 🐍

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Not that I want to submit this one, but it’s just a general idea for the community to use. We have Valkyr, a “Corpus” warframe, Revenant, a “Sentient” warframe, and Nidus, am “Infested” warframe. What if we had a Grineer warframe? A “Clemframe” if you will...

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)muivontae said:

How about a Omnikinesis frame? Search it up if you dont know what is. A frame that can mentally /manipulate everything that ever existed past or present organic or created at will down to a Molecular level without physical contact by using its Life Force. 

Now that Im thinking about it thats PRETTY freakin Op lol

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6 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!


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Cephalon warframe

Acquisition from a solo boss rush gamemode? (where you never get additional revives)

Ability 1: Summons a semi transparent geometrical shape which constantly rotates and fires pointy projectiles from it's edges. (insert turret memes HERE) (6 seconds)

Ability 2: Shape shift into a selected enemy, other enemies doesn't aggro you in this state until you damage them.

Ability 3: Lift enemies within 3 meters into the air for a scan, stripping 90% of their armor and shields, performing a codex scan. (cool down to prevent spam??)

Ability 4: I can't think of one rn.


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52 минуты назад, Cixue сказал:

Spider Queen Warframe: Arachna

A warframe with eight legs, the result of a mad experiment using an infested spider queen and a Tenno criminal's frame. When the Tenno did their best to maintain their sanity it resulted in a merge of consciousness with the Queen, the perfect mix between instinct and thought,patience and savagery, the deadliest hunter. 

Passive: Eight legs are better than two; This frame can walk on walls and ceilings as if though they're obeying gravity, unable to double jump but can hold the spacebar to jump three times the normal jumping height.

Ability 1: Shoot binding webs that can cover surfaces and enemies, surfaces will become sticky making enemies unable to move if touched, if webs are shot at enemies the enemies will become encased in webs for a certain duration. Holding down this ability will allow a line of webbing to extend from Arachna to the surface, creating a grappling line, if the web hangs from a ceiling it can be swung across.

Ability 2: Archna releases webbing wherever she walks for a certain duration, jumping from one surface or another will extend the webbing, creating walls. Three different types of webbing can be cycled when this ability is used, Steel Thread (durable and perfect for blocking away enemies, unfortunately it looses the ability to make enmies stick to it), Poisonous Thread (This thread is very fragile, dissolving upon touch into a poisonous gas), Sticky Thread (can hold enemies in place for a certain duration once an enemy touches it, can only hold a certain amount of enemies before losing its effect).

Ability 3: Arachna releases a buff to friendly units, increasing armor with steel threads and coating weapons in spider venom. If there are spiders from her fourth ability then they will receive these buffs as well, extending the range of this buff.

Ability 4: Arachna calls upon her children, spawning spiderlings from all the webs that she has placed, which will then seek out nearby enemies causing poison damage and paralysis. If there are enemies caught in her webs, these enemies will be eaten, spawning larger and tougher spiders.


My gosh] that's totally our concept!  


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