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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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well I was kind of thinking of that concept of moirai the puppeteer warframe and also the idea of a spider frame, with a focus on trapping enemies in elemental webs, running up  and hanging from walls, and being stealthed while on walls or ceilings, maybe even an ability to cocoon an enemy at low health and use them to spawn spider like minions which do slash damage and also can run up walls or just consume them outright for health/energy steal and finisher damage

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Nuclear fire / explosions / nuclear reactors / reactor meltdown / radiation hazard / nuclear apocalypse)

I tried to go for a kind of male counterpart of Nova. If Nova is a versatile surgical knife expertly wielding advanced tech, Vulcan is a wrecking ball of pure rage. He houses a nuclear furnace within him, and the more he fights, the more he charges up that furnace and uses it to launch attacks of cataclysmic proportions. Vulcan is the fire that will consume civilization itself. Thematically, Vulcan is not as 'advanced' or high-tech as Nova. He is just an unstable, violent prototype that must be handled with extreme caution.

INFLUENCES: (Grineer / Terminator T800 / Superman / DragonBall / Godzilla / WH40K)

Think of Vulcan as a frame with Grineer influences. Or if Godzilla took the form of a warframe. He is slower than your average frame, but tanky and immensely destructive. However, his power is not available whenever you want it. Read on to see what I mean by this.


Yes, I know that this is a combination of the two best roles in the game right now, but there are balances to this.

REACTOR: Vulcan's passive and special meter/resource  
(Read this part carefully)

Vulcan has a 'reaction' meter. This represents at what capacity Vulcan is currently operating on. The closer it is to 100%, the more powerful some of Vulcan's abilities will be. There will be tiers to this meter: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. The equation for this is (accuracy percentage x percentage of fire rate used x 2)% rise per second. If you stay still for a period of time, your meter will start to decay. Maybe with a reverse S-curve.

So this means that to increase the reaction meter at the fastest rate possible, you will need not only a high accuracy figure, but you'll also need to use as much of your full fire-rate as possible. If you randomly spray bullets all over the place and your accuracy is, say 10%, then your meter will increase at a rate of (0.1 x 1 x 2) = 0.2% per second, and you will need 500 seconds to reach 100%. On the other extreme, if you camp at a spot and just accurately snipe one or two enemies every now and then, just using 10% of your possible firerate, your rate of increase will be (1 x 0.1 x 2)% per second, and you will need 500 seconds again.

SO, YOU WILL NEED TO FIGHT AT FULL CAPACITY YOURSELF, AKA BY BEING BOTH SUPER ACCURATE AND USING AS MUCH POTENTIAL FIRERATE AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. IF YOU HAVE PERFECT ACCURACY AND NEVER STOP HITTING ENEMIES, YOU WILL REACH FULL 100% CAPACITY IN 50 SECONDS. The reaction meter does NOT depend on number of enemies killed, so you're not overpowered at lower levels and underpowered at higher levels. It just depends on how hard you're fighting. And you will HAVE to keep on fighting enemies, because otherwise the meter will start decaying. You are a nuclear furnace. You will need a continuous supply of good quality fuel.

Vulcan will thrive in places like ESO or high level survivals or against powerful bosses who can tank a lot of hits. He will underperform in easy missions because there won't be enough powerful enemies to let him operate at peak capacity.

I have ideas for his abilities, but I'll talk about them later in the future threads if this gets any traction.

Hope you guys like this idea!

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It would be interesting to see a Demon/Angel themed frame. The Selfish and the Selfless. It would be similar to equinox in the fact that it can swap forms, but instead of using energy, it would use health for its abilities. Additionally, the Demon side would be damage focused and can turn a battlefield into a bloodstained nightmare while reaping the life of his enemies. The Angel side will be support focused and will sacrifice her own life to keep her allies alive, while also buffing and shielding them and objectives from damage. All abilities will cost health, as the frame won't have any energy, but will instead have a bloodlust gage for the Demon side. the higher the bloodlust, the more damage you deal, the damage less you take, and the more life you steal. Finally, the lower the bloodlust gage is, the more the Angel can heal for and can give stronger buffs. The bloodlust gage increases with every enemy killed and will slowly decay over time, but will also decay quickly when using abilities as the Angel.

This unnatural frame was prototype for a new type of Warframe that was underdevolopment during the Old War but was never completed due to the Sentients' raid of the R&D Labs where development was being done. With the coming of the New War, this incomplete prototype would have been exposured to the Void and Sentient Energy for years, and as a result, began to move on its own as it gain sentience. Driven by primal instinct and its desire for carnage, it set out aimlessly. Unable to change forms, the Demon side would be in complete control and terrorize the system, leaving ruin in its wake.

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maybe a frame based on bouncy and enemy piercing projectiles. Think Drakgoon with enemy punch through, in all directions, as the ult, and maybe throwing knives as the exalted or basic ability, or even a meme ability that makes enemies bounce at very high speed to damage other enemies with impact damage and procs. 



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I vote for a samurai and his abilities I have already thought nothing like ash even more different his armor would be like wukong prime but you go cover, skill 1: thrust, consists in taking a sword out of his side and hitting the enemies, 2- storm of shadows: in an area begins to take out shadows that attack the enemies, 3- shadow speed, begins to run quickly while making attacks with his swords cutting in his way any enemy and finally 4- kusanagi: Draw a samurai sword that keeps it at 2 hands (exalted) while the sword is active as more enemies kill your armor grows to become the attached image. I forget his passive, his passive is that he can consume the shadows to gain more power.

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A new tank frame whose theme is "medieval french castle."  Like, the shoulders could look like castle turrets and most of the "armor" could have a stone brink texture.  Think: big, bulky, and surprisingly angular.  If you wanted to take it a step further it could be "the fortress besieged," with a faint smoke rising from the shoulders/back.  Just looking at it would scream: self sacrifice, honor, and valor.  Very knight like.  It would theme well with a sword and shield or hammer.


Good luck everyone!  I can't wait to see what we come up with!

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I've always loved the theme of shape-shifting, and the story missions that involve transference into the worm had me thinking of a full out shape-shifter. Letting us use our powers to mold the warframe into different forms.

The main frame would be sparsely armor, but have a increased energy regen, with our 4 letting us swap into two different forms (hold/click for either) that have different stat types.

I pictured a blade-wolf like form, that morphs us into a bestial shape like a kubrow/kavat but with the bio-robotic look of a frame that has multiple quick hitting weapons built into it and has better armor/hp/etc. and the other being something a bird/sentinel that has either energy or long-range weaponry. 

Our other abilities would vary with each form, the bestial one getting more melee focused ones, and the other getting support skills that deploy healing/energy pods.


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Ability ideas have already been thought about.
But I do not have the skills to design or create skins.

Please contact us if you are interested in new ability ideas.



And I don't speak English.Even now, I translated it with Google Translator and posted it.



가스타입 워프레임
체력 : 100
방어력 : 50
쉴드 : 200
에너지 : 150
이동속도 : 1.3

Gas Type Warframe
vitality : 100
Defense: 50
Shield: 200
Energy: 150
Movement Speed: 1.3

1 질식가스 : 목표 지점에 질식가스를 방출하는 투사체을 투척
                (동시발현 투척 불가능)

                 //개조 모드 : 아군 무기에 가스속성 을 부여 

                 위력 : 능력의 위력 및 동시 발현 수량 증가
                 범위 : 능력의 범위
                 지속 : 능력이 발현되는 시간
                 효율 : 사용시 소모되는 에너지량이 감소

1 smother gas: throw a projectile that emits smother gas to the target
                 (It expresses only one)                  
                 // Remodeling Mode: Gives gas attribute to allied weapons                 
Power: Increases the power of the ability and the amount of simultaneous expression                  
Ability Range: Range of Abilities                  
Duration: Activated Ability Time                
Efficiency: Reduced energy consumption


2 부패가스 : 인근 적들이 죽은 사체를 부패시켜 , 가스 구름 생성하고 가스에 노출된 적은 적은 피해및 이동속도 저하 
                  //개조모드 : 부패가스에 영향 받은 적들에 대한 치명타 확률이 증가

                 위력 : 가스 구름 피해 및 이동력 -% 상승
                 범위 : - (범위치 고정)
                 지속 : 가스 구름 활성화 최대시간과 70% 이하일시 효율에 영향
                 효율 : 도트타입 능력 /사용시마다 소모에너지량

2 Corrupt Gas: Nearby enemies rot dead bodies, creating a cloud of gas, and causing less damage and
                    slower movement to enemies exposed to the gas.
                   // Remodeling Mode: Increases critical strike chance for enemies affected by Corrupt Gas

                  Power: Gas Cloud Damage and Mobility-%
                  Ability Range:-(Range Fixed)
                  Duration: Maximum gas cloud activation time and less than 70% efficiency effect
                  Efficiency: Dot type ability / Energy consumption per use

3 착란가스[Mental destruction] : 주변에 가스를 방출하고, 이동시 일정시간 공기중에 남는 잔류된 가스에 적용되면 , 
                적들이 착란되어 서로 공격하거나 , 아무것도 없는 공간에 공격하며 돌아다닌다.

                 위력 : 상태이상 걸릴 확률 상승
                 범위 : 기본 몸주변 / 범위 확대
                 지속 : 일정시간동안 능력 활성화 // 지나온 가스의 잔류 체재시간
                 효율 : 사용 소모에너지량 감소

3 Destruction gas (Mental destruction): When it is applied to the gas remaining in the air for a certain time when it is released and 

moves around,Enemies are confused and attack each other, or roam around in an empty space.

                  Power: Increased chance to take over
                  Ability range: Basic body periphery / range expansion
                  Duration: Activates ability for a certain period of time // Residual residence time of past gas
                  Efficiency: Reduced energy consumption

4 마비가스(무거운 가스) : 워프레임을 중심으로 가스가 퍼지며, 일대 적들을 마비 시켜 행동불능
                 위력 : - (위력치 고정)
                 범위 : 확산 최대 범위
                 지속 : 능력 지속 시간
                 효율 : 사용 소모에너지량 감소(능력 사용 에너지소모가 많음)
                 ※ 기계류는 적용받지않음

4-1 paralyzed gas (heavy gas): gas spreads around the warframe, paralyzing the enemies to inaction
                  Power:-(Power not applied)                  
                  Ability range: Maximum spread range                  
                  Duration: Ability Duration                  
                  Efficiency: Reduction of energy consumption (high energy consumption)                  
                  ※ Machinery is not applicable

   착화가스(가벼운 가스) : 워프레임을 중심으로 가스가 퍼지며, 화염속성 무기로 공격시 착발되어 가스가 연소되어 폭발피해
                 위력 : 연소폭발 데미지 상승
                 범위 : 확산 최대 범위
                 지속 : 능력 지속 시간
                 효율 : 사용 소모에너지량 감소(능력 사용 에너지소모가 적음)
                 ※ 폭발시 기계타입에 큰피해 및 넉백
                    가스가 퍼지는 도중에 인근에 화염 개체가 있는경우 강제 캔슬 및 착발

4-2 Ignition gas (light gas): Gas spreads around the warframe, 
                                   and when it is attacked with a flame-type weapon, it is fired and the gas is burned to explode.

                  Power: Increased combustion explosion damage
                  Range: Diffusion Maximum Range
                  Duration: Ability Duration 
                  Efficiency: Reduction of energy consumption (less energy consumption)

                  ※ Major damage and knockback to mechanical type during explosion
                  Forced cancellation and commencement if there are flame objects nearby while gas is spreading




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I would like to suggest a parasitic warframe. His abilities are infect , where  his worm enters another player or enemy and bestows a buff.The worm feeds on corpses killed by an infected host. If an enemy is infected with the worm it becomes a thrall or if it resists stronger enemy. If a thrall kills an enemy its corpses will also be consumed. The stronger enemy can drop a armor buff. A worm can be recalled and feeds the organism inside the parasitic warframe. This organism can be released to fight as the warframe's 4th abilty. The organism can also take over the warframe at random times, if it is not allowed to come out frequently. 

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Snek themed warframe.

Here's some ideas of what it can do.

Damage: can create pools of venom, the more enemies are damaged in these pools the more the venom seeps into their wounds dealing even more damage, could set a damage threshold where enemies become paralysed after getting enough venom in their system.

Defence: skin that gets thicker and builds more armour as it takes damage, like chroma's vex armour.

Buff: shed skin for damage and speed buff - the thicker the skin the greater the buff.

Crowd control: temporarily turn enemies into stone like a gorgon/medusa. 

Passive: a less powerful version of mirage's eclipse - less detectable in the shadow, deal more damage/be a speedy boi standing in light.

Movement: slithery boi, moves kinda like wisp.

DE this would be a little easier to code since some of these concepts alrdy exist in game 😉

Imagine bullet jumping from shadow to shadow then coming out to freeze a group of enemies before dealing massive damage.

Lore?  Name: Nadis (taken from gorgon name generator) - used to be a great assassin, top of the shelf, but was always a little conniving b!tch. They killed people in a cruel fashion and wasn't loyal to one organisation. Pulled an Itachi on their whole clan maybe?? As a result when they turned into a frame they were turned into a humanoid snek characterising their past behaviour. 

Could also make a support snek based on Asclepius the greek god of healing who carries a rod with a snake entwined on it - symbol of modern medicine. Sneks represent life, death, immortality, etc in mythology so the possibilities are endless.


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The central theme would be the launch of Large amounts of gases through blows on the palms, arms that allow you to control enemy bastions. these gases will have corrosive effects passing the shields affecting the armor and once finished the armor will affect the health. abilities Passive: he is constantly releasing gases causing enemies approaching less than 1 meter to lose mobility, leaving a wake as he moves forward that takes a second to dissipate First: using its energy, it accumulates a quantity of gas in a spherical form that the longer the button is pressed, the more energy it will consume and the greater the effect it will have second: sustained ability with which it begins to release gases through the bumps which amplifies its passive ability third: seeing himself surrounded by enemies causes the protuberances of his arms to release huge amounts of smoke that covers an area being able to use it as a distraction and flee or jump into the fray Fourth: Leaving his corporeal form becomes a cluster of gas that allows him to enter the body of his victims to control them for a short period of time which can cause chaos in the enemy ranks (as long as the enemies are meat) or just sneak off
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It’s not “original”, per se, but I’d like to see a male counterpart to Khora that has a Kubrow companion. Though I’m at a loss as to how it could be unique.

I’d be game for more Umbra Frames,  Weapons, and Mods.

For something completely random pulled from my aft end? Uh... Screw it. How about a Centaur, Minotaur, or Cerberus Warframe? Heck, it could even be kinda like Chroma, where armor comes off to form a “turret” of sorts. Or a Mermaid Warframe that’s constantly teasing Hydroid. Maybe a Harpy or a Sphinx, or something else based on mythological beasts.

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We have a Warframe based on the Infested (Nidus), on Sentients (Revenent) the Orokin (All of the Prime Frames) and one affected by the Corpus (Valkyr). The Grineer have had little access to or influence on Warframe technology, something that is a small mercy in the chaos that is the Origin System.

Until now.

Vor's Ascaris didn't work on you, Tenno. But others weren't so lucky. Using crude transference technology that is often fatal to the user, the Grineer can harness the power of a tenno in the form of a noxious Warframe, its parts scattered around the toxic forests of Earth, its joints reforged in the hellishly fast winds of Saturn, before it is doused in the icy, black waters of Uranus. Meet...


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il y a une heure, (NSW)Ornithos a dit :

I thing what a warframe based on origami (the art of fold paper to obtain something) can be interresting.

With skills to invoque explosive 3D stars for example and/or a 2D horizontal sharp star.


To complete my idea:

Design: dressed with an origami outfit

life points: 250 (at level 30)

shield points: 200 (at level 30)

armor points: 200 (at level 30)

Speed: 1.20 (because origami is light)


abilitie: 20% of the received damage are converted in a boost of damage for the skills (max boost at +150% of damage)

Skill 1: all ammunition of primary weapon are temporaly remplaced by seeker-headed shuriken (in origami) that inflict only sharp damage.

Skill 2: create temporaly a dragon head  (in origami) in his (or her) back for inflict several types of damages

Skill 3: summon an exalted weapon (in origami)

Skill 4: summon a 2D horizontaly rotating star (still in origami) to inflict heavy sharp damage per second if ennemis get in the radius of the star.

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Name: Gammon (named after type of hand grenade used in WW2)

theme: explosives and explosions

design/aesthetic: like a literal tank, armored mecha aesthetic, has some cannons/guns built into his frame.

stats: high armor, high health, low shields, low sprint speed. He's a tank. 

ability 1: "sidewinder" - launches a salvo of homing missiles. Number of missiles scales with ability range, damage done scales with power strength (and ability 2)


ability 2: "trophy system" - casting stores a number of charges similar to Baruuk's daggers or Revenant's mesmer skin charges. each charge can intercept an incoming projectiles (missiles and whatnot, not hitscan weapons). Inspired by real-life trophy countermeasures used on tanks and whatnot. Each intercepted projectile adds to damage of sidewinder, and gets used on the next use of sidewinder (think Mesa's 1).


ability 3: "Full metal jacket" - some kind of buff, maybe providing blast and heat damage buffs while also giving explosive ammo to current equipped weapons? would be limited, like one or two magazines worth before returning to normal ammo, recasting restocks explosive ammo.

edit: new idea, casting sidewinder while FMJ is active increases damage but removes homing feature - synergy!


ability 4: "scuttle" - hold to charge, holding drains warframe health up to 90% of health pool bypassing shields, creates massive explosion on release, plus brief invulnerability. More health drained = more damage + greater radius of explosion. Can be quick damage burst or room-clearing nuke, but requires some sacrifice. alternative name "kamikaze" but not sure if that's problematic or not.


lore: not sure, I think Gammon could have been created as a heavy duty fire support Warframe for the old war but was never deployed before the war ended, IDK I'm not good with coming up with Lore!

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