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Stop Hobbling Solo Players.


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DE why can't a player bring more than 1 dragon key? Shouldn't it be OUR choice what effects we are willing to suffer for a higher chance to be able to enter the vault? We are already spending 4x the time and resources crafting derelict keys, which means 4x the farming for nav cords already. Then you cripple us with 1/4th of the chance to enter the vault? cmon.


Solo players already suffer 1/4th of the xp rate (cause people in a group only need to do 1/4th of the killing), dont get ANY affinity/drops from friendly kills. Do you really need to make it stupidly low chance to get into a vault? Just let us carry all 4 keys if we think we can handle it. 75% reduction in damage/shield/health and 50% speed. 


let us bring in all 4 keys DE.


EDIT: I've thought about it and just some amendments I want to make:

a) this should be for solo mode only. No 4 man team with 3 people with no keys+ 1 person carrying all 4.

b) the alternative would be put in multiple vaults into orokin derelicts. 1 for each key, but only first one gives a corrupted mod. it still encourages co-op, and gives people a reason to use keys instead of holding them through the whole thing and suffering the effects of it: part of it is it benefits every player on the team. not just the one person who gets to get rid of his key.

c) regardless of what DE chooses... there NEEDS to be better matchmaking, better network code to deal with connectivity issues, hosts leaving, sudden disconnects.. even more so seeing as now theres 2 keys. at stake now. MANUFACTURED keys. you already put in safeguards to prevent orokin void key losses by making them only consume at completion but theres still loads of other issues which force players like me to solo (at least sometimes)

Edited by xenapan
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Bringing all keys would kinda be overkill. Like ultimate nightmare mode. Besides, this game is a coop game at its very core. Find yourself a squad with diff keys and go for it. Make an exception and solo the rest of the game.


With that said, I do agree. I don't like the way it is as of now at all, nor do I like the idea of corrupted mods. Feels wrong to weaken your frame by carrying a key only to weapon your weapon with mod..

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I don't like the idea of solo players doing everything solo and gets everything solo


>in a coop game<

I don't like the idea of a game giving you the option to play solo and DE forcing you to play co-op.


If solo is made an option, make it viable to those that do solo.


Don't say,"Oh you can play solo, but we will make it impossible for you to get good things", that is a kick in the testies.

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I am solo player but need something to make coop in this game and this is a trying from DE to make coop. The idea to make coop is not bad but sometimes this not succes with this grind updates. I play only with clan mates or friends but actually the whole of my mate left this game and i hate the simple online playing and i won't go with others. I just not want risk to run through the map without looting so who come with me need to accept i am looter. Btw this thing can be changing by time so don't worry about it.

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sweet ever loving hell.  No one is forcing anything.


you can get it done solo just like you can with a team.


this is akin to some one complaining that because they choose to do a project by themselves, that they should get a better grade and more time to do it in Vs. the People in a Group.


You want to Do it solo, you take your chances, you wanna do it with a group.  you odds are better.

stop with this "DE is  hindering solo players."

I play solo, and I have not been hobbled or slowed down any way by this.


-End Of Line-

Edited by OniDarkClown
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I love playing with my clan mates/friends. I do it all the time and we have a great time.

But sometimes you dont always WANT to play with other people

sometimes real life gets in the way (ex: if you know you might get pulled away but you still want to play, hit solo so then you can pause whenever)


Sometimes you want to test your skill. It isnt forcing solo players to come together in groups but it does have benefits to doing so.


But here are some pros and cons to allowing a player to carry all the keys:


solo players will be able to well.. solo and have the same chances as groups.



It will be harder for solo players (but this is your choice to do it)


-For teams, people can simply have a "handicapped holder", the one dude who has all the keys and the other 3 will be unaffected, they can clear space for the holder

that would make it too easy. Everyone must suffer an aliment if they want the prize.

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sweet ever loving hell.  No one is forcing anything.


you can get it done solo just like you can with a team.


this is akin to some one complaining that because they choose to do a project by themselves, that they should get a better grade and more time to do it in Vs. the People in a Group.


You want to Do it solo, you take your chances, you wanna do it with a group.  you odds are better.

stop with this "DE is  hindering solo players."

I play solo, and I have not been hobbled or slowed down any way by this.


-End Of Line-

Yeah screw people that don't have friends.

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I for one will no be trying to get into any of these vault things till DE sorts things out. (Either by making it possible to auto group, or make it so solo play is a reasonable option. . . Even though solo play should always be a reasonable option, since some people literally cannot group due to internet issues.)


Also, those saying "It's a co-op game, it shouldn't be made to allow people to run solo!" You are aware the game was sold as a 1-4 player game.... Key word, One.

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If they really want us to group up and play together then they should really focus on improving the co-op/multiplayer first. Right now we are stuck w/ the half-@$$ed connection problems and strict NAT issues. This types of updates really hurts the Solo players most. +1 they should let players equip all 4 keys at their own risk..

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There comes a point in time where people have to crawl out from under their rock and socialize. I know, I know, it's terrifying. 

Some of us are solo not by choice. when i'm on my laptop, i'm stuck soloing cause I cant host (its dual core, 4gb ram, DISCRETE video card and I get like 8fps in some of the new content) , have S#&amp;&#036;ty connection (travelling), etc. when im at home I'll group all the time when im on my desktop. I'm hardly the only one

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For a co-op game it's pretty difficult to reliably find a group, and often there are connection problems. There seems to be little empathy for people with bad connections, and that constantly suffer in co-op play.


I hate to miss out on new content, but in all honesty I don't understand why anyone would want these new mods. The game is perfectly playable with the current mods so why would I replace a mod that works fine for a mod that would hurt me instead?

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I don't like the idea of solo players doing everything solo and gets everything solo


>in a coop game<

you dont need to like the idea.

it doesnt affect you. you can still run around with only 1 key equipped and only suffer 1 drawback. have 4x the firepower to kill enemies with, and spend 1/4th the derelict keys to get your corrupted mods.

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Let's not forget that Orokin Derelicts work on a KEY SYSTEM and you can't Random Group it. You have to invite people which means going through the Rigamarole of asking around in the Recruitment channel if you don't have a clan with peeps on, or know any friends.


Now, if they'd FIX the Key Lobby system before adding MORE Key-based Missions.... well..... maybe we wouldn't have so many problems, mmmm?

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There comes a point in time where people have to crawl out from under their rock and socialize. I know, I know, it's terrifying. 



You must not actually play in pugs then, cause it has nothing to do with socialization and everything to do with the kind of self-entitled userbase F2P brings.

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You must not actually play in pugs then, cause it has nothing to do with socialization and everything to do with the kind of self-entitled userbase F2P brings.

This.  There's no socialization here.


And I'm with:



I don't like the idea of a game giving you the option to play solo and DE forcing you to play co-op.



If you give an option, SUPPORT it.  If you're not, then remove it.

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I don't like the idea of a game giving you the option to play solo and DE forcing you to play co-op.




If solo is made an option, make it viable to those that do solo.




Don't say,"Oh you can play solo, but we will make it impossible for you to get good things", that is a kick in the testies.


DE isn't forcing anyone to play co-op, if they were you wouldn't be able to click solo. At the very fundamental definition you have an option, and then you have consequences for that option. At what level should solo stop being viable by the way? Because I think that the higher the enemy level gets it stands to reason you might need some backup.


It's not impossible to get good things, solo or not, and it can be similarly frustrating to get something specific even with a group. It's quicker though, and that makes sense considering there's four tenno war machines instead of one tearing through a ship.


P.S. What's with the formatting? Seems unnecessary and takes up a lot of space. Noticed this in your other posts too.

Edited by Andaeros
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I dont have a problem going co-op, even though I am solo at core. Problem is, for me, is that 75% of the people I play with or more have one of the following problems, or a combination of them:

Have a connection so poor it's like watching stop motion flickerpad WarFrame,

Have a language barrier between us,

Incompetant and doesn't know what they're doing,

Forgets to equip their key,

Quits out all the time.


Between playing solo and enjoying myself, or trying to play with people with a combination of the above problems, I'd pick solo. I occasionally bump into the occasionally problemless player, and attempt to make friends with them as a regular.

Before you ask, it's not my connection. Everyone I've played with on my host states mine is solid, on fiber optic, even as far out as USA West Coast.

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I dont have a problem going co-op, even though I am solo at core. Problem is, for me, is that 75% of the people I play with or more have one of the following problems, or a combination of them:

*list of bad things*


The simple answer is look for a clan to join so you have consistency and will then be able to play with other players you can rely on to be competent or at the very least willing to communicate with you. If you have a problem with joining a clan, then that's not something DE can solve and it's not a bad thing either but there's obviously consequences for not doing that.

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Personally, I just like to have the option of going solo. I don't mind if they have to make it a lot harder to go solo. I'm the type of person who, if the job is easy as four players, and difficult as hell solo, but remaining possible, I will opt for the solo option because I don't have to deal with the problems I outlined, two, I also love a challenge, and can't resist one, and three, means all I have to rely on is myself.

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Well it is plenty challenging playing solo currently I'd say; I don't think I can viably use Volt for instance(my starter frame) in solo missions beyond say level 50 or so and even then that's a maybe with corpus, forget about infested and probably not with grineer. The warframes themselves are not well-rounded at all, and I don't imagine they will be considering there appear to be certain "classes" they fit into, but one frame would be better to solo with than another in a situation.

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