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Hildryn currently doesn't have a passive...why are you not stopping this?


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36 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

dont touch Balefire, it serves no purpose, it is there like melee exalteds, as some form of flavor thing never to be used since there are better normal weapons.

I'm currently using the Augment and it can keep Hildy in her Copter mode pretty much indefinitely as long as you have 1 enemy to hit around.

Didn't think it would work in a PS build, but it does.

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33 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And yes lol, there is a  focus school dedicated to shields,

Can you name the focus school you believe is dedicated to shields like the ones for health and energy?

50 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I play her with Haven on 24/7 and always have a proactive pillage going and... nearly exclusively as melee, as I do with pretty much all frames these days.

Finally, the truth. You don't use her kit. Any frame can melee forever. It's a crutch tactic. That's why they keep trying to slowly nerf melee. 

49 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Versus high level grineer I gain far more shields than I spend.

Obviously you can gain more shields than you spend because you are not using her abilities.

51 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

So you dont think it would be OP with a 4.5k or higher shield that can achieve a mitigation of 70% from the frame in addition to 25% from normal shield mitigation and 90% resistance to a damage type from adaptation

Armor on shields would definitely not be OP. It doesnt add power of any kind to Hildryn.

Close to half the frames on the game can reach higher armor than Hildryn. Plus they have additional damage mitigation or reduction which she does not have. 

70% damage reduction from armor is nothing much that's why adaptation exists for ALL FRAMES. Plus, Adaptation has to stack. It's not always 90%. Not to mention you would have to mod for armor to be around 700. That's like 2 mod slots which would take away from building for shields.

Wow 25% DR from shields. Lmao.

If armor protected her shields, at base when ranked , that would be around 62.5% damage reduction. Which is around 490 armor. Most frames can reach this easily or they have types of DR abilities.

She cannot gain enough health to make use of armor at higher levels. 

I mean I could always cheese it and go melee only. Regaining full health on every swing, just like every single frame in the game. 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

while also have the option to make use of aegis and possibly barrier? Yeah that wouldnt be OP at all.

Nope. Aegis has 3% chance on damage gain slight increase to shield recharge. That is nothing.

Barrier has been nerfed hard. 6% for full shields is great but it works only when shields are damaged AND has cooldown. It gradually becomes a hail mary tactic as enemy levels rise. Again, they take more shields than you can recover and play offense. You get stuck in a loop of casting pillage just to survive.

Point being the recent changes gave her less survivability if you actually use her kit. Pushes players to continue using the meta frames and/or melee only.  To quote you again , its the same way you said

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

I play... nearly exclusively as melee, as I do with pretty much all frames these days

Every single frame in the game can do this with 0 build variety and scale well into the 200-300 level enemies with no problems. No real need to use any frame's ability kit. 

Just melee is not a valid fix

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I dont touch Balefire, it serves no purpose, it is there like melee exalteds, as some form of flavor thing never to be used since there are better normal weapons.


1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

I'm currently using the Augment and it can keep Hildy in her Copter mode pretty much indefinitely as long as you have 1 enemy to hit around.

Exactly this. She can stay in copter mode with augment and Balefire. Serves a great purpose when you play a frame for ability.

On console, augment is buggy. It stops working and sometimes only works on headshots. you have to re-activate her 1st and 4th. But it's definitely a nice addition. I'm sure they will fix it for console 

Edited by (XB1)Phantom Clip
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20 hours ago, (XB1)Phantom Clip said:

Can you name the focus school you believe is dedicated to shields like the ones for health and energy?

Finally, the truth. You don't use her kit. Any frame can melee forever. It's a crutch tactic. That's why they keep trying to slowly nerf melee. 

Obviously you can gain more shields than you spend because you are not using her abilities.

Armor on shields would definitely not be OP. It doesnt add power of any kind to Hildryn.

Close to half the frames on the game can reach higher armor than Hildryn. Plus they have additional damage mitigation or reduction which she does not have. 

70% damage reduction from armor is nothing much that's why adaptation exists for ALL FRAMES. Plus, Adaptation has to stack. It's not always 90%. Not to mention you would have to mod for armor to be around 700. That's like 2 mod slots which would take away from building for shields.

Wow 25% DR from shields. Lmao.

If armor protected her shields, at base when ranked , that would be around 62.5% damage reduction. Which is around 490 armor. Most frames can reach this easily or they have types of DR abilities.

She cannot gain enough health to make use of armor at higher levels. 

I mean I could always cheese it and go melee only. Regaining full health on every swing, just like every single frame in the game. 

Nope. Aegis has 3% chance on damage gain slight increase to shield recharge. That is nothing.

Barrier has been nerfed hard. 6% for full shields is great but it works only when shields are damaged AND has cooldown. It gradually becomes a hail mary tactic as enemy levels rise. Again, they take more shields than you can recover and play offense. You get stuck in a loop of casting pillage just to survive.

Point being the recent changes gave her less survivability if you actually use her kit. Pushes players to continue using the meta frames and/or melee only.  To quote you again , its the same way you said

Every single frame in the game can do this with 0 build variety and scale well into the 200-300 level enemies with no problems. No real need to use any frame's ability kit. 

Just melee is not a valid fix

Vazarin covers both health and shields. Dash for heath, Blast for shields. With Hildryn you can just pop into operator when (if) shields hit zero, blast once, back into frame and then pillage. Which means you are back to full shields before her invulnerability ends. I dont use it myself because it is redundant and overkill for her.

Except you implied she had issues with melee. And uhm, they've buffed melee quite a bit over the latest changes, the only thing that has gotten nerfed is abnormal reach the old system had. What you said was something like "other frames can melee forever and reg health". And now all of a sudden its a crutch, even though Hildryn doesnt naturally reg shields from melee attacks except with one specific weapon.

I use her 2+3, that is a viable build for her. Others play her around 1+4.

Armor would be OP given how shields works, which is always a 15/sec +5%/sec regen, unless you shove in reg mods aswell. All it requires is you not taking damage for a sec, which isnt very hard to do. Close to half the frames now have extra mitigation? We have a handful of them with mitigation extra mitigation ontop of high armor. It would be 1 mod slot if you use Umbral Fiber, otherwise you'd sit at 67.74% DR with normal Steel Fiber. No freakin idea where you get 62.5% from on Hildryn since her base armor is 300. So either you have 50% flat with no mods, 70% with Umbralx2 or 67% with Steel Fiber.

Aegis has a 3% chance to trigger 30% shield reg and force it to start. It does not work like shield recharge mods. It is an effective 30% of your shields, so in reality 15 + 5% + 30% per second with no recharge mods equipped. So it would be silly OP if shields had armor. Yes barrier is a hail mary. However, pillage is already part of the loop since it is a debuff to the enemy and a possible CC if you mod for it.

Her survivability hasnt changed much, it has gotten slightly better due to the second shield gate, since she can no longer get one-shot through partially regenerated shields. Prior to shield gate, if you hit zero shields and didnt run off in higher content you'd get one shot the moment her 3sec invulnerability fell off. Now you can run off and get a second shield gate that protects you just long enough for pillage to expand and come back to fill you up.

But the "lazy" melee doesnt really apply to Hildryn though as you said yourself, since she doesnt fill your lazy melee criteria which is that all frames can heal themselves through melee. As I said before, her shields dont reg from melee hits, unless you bring one specific weapon. You still have to actually use her skills.

20 hours ago, (XB1)Phantom Clip said:

Exactly this. She can stay in copter mode with augment and Balefire. Serves a great purpose when you play a frame for ability.

On console, augment is buggy. It stops working and sometimes only works on headshots. you have to re-activate her 1st and 4th. But it's definitely a nice addition. I'm sure they will fix it for console 

So you can keep her coptering and managing shields yet you complain about her survivability? It is one of the most static gameplay approaches that should be bound to death if she had survival issues. It is also imo her most boring way to be played. But to each their own.


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