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A suggestion for kuva liches to make it (hopefully) more bearable


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Hello and good(Insert time of day here) I am new to the whole kuva lich thing (even though i've had my lich since 'the old blood' update came out on PC) and these lines 3 lines serve as a warning for: Potential ranting, swearing, general ignorance about liches and possibly my own arrogance as well as my (relatively) poor spelling, so if any of the aforementioned things upsets you then you are free to leave or make a comment or whatever suits your fancy. (during this (potential) rant i will make suggestions as to how to either fix or improve certain aspects, features or issues. there may be light censoring due to the auto matic censor of swear words)



As someone new to the kuva lich system, i've found it to be extremely frustrating, and utterly insane concerning the amount of RNG that has been put into this mess of a "feature" if you can even call it that, firstly we have the lich itself (mine was basically forced down my throat), it's... kinda hard for me to write down my feelings on the lich system, but i'll do my best.

First we have the problems, as i see them:

  1. The lich itself: is a rip-off nemesis from 'shadow of mordor™' but without any real incentive to get rid of it, other than a few cosmetics and 1-4 powerfull weapons wich is RNG based in and of themselves.
  2. The murmur grind: is unbelieveably tedious, boring and and downright tortureous, the amount of progress on the lich UI contra the amount of murmurs is absolute B*LLSH*T the amount of thralls that you need to ""MERCY"" on is quite simply insane, and not in the good way.
  3. The thralls: are very easy to miss because they look almost excatly like a cephalon simaris target, the only difference being that thralls have a unique mini-map icon, they are not even that hard to kill (if you have viral/radiation on your weapon).
  4. The requiems: The amount of RNG in this part is so absurd that it makes me question why i even try to get rid of my lich...(hopelessness increased to 99)
  5. The requiems part 2: once you have your (more or less) one-time use requiem mods, you have to GUESS the f*cking combination and if you get it wrong 3-ish times then say goodbye to the requiem mods you've been grinding for 2 weeks.
  6. Hunting your lich: I've got no idea what to put here, other than what i've heard from others who've done multiple liches: First you piss off your lich, then you wait around for it to show it's ugly face, then you shoot it real hard, and then you either kill it or convert it so it can be sold into slavery.

Now, here is how i would either improve the above mentions or fix them:

  1. The lich itself: Make it more engaging by making it a bigger threat to the solar system, and as it grows in power so will its complacency, making it lower it's level, and vice-versa, until there will be a kind of "final showdown" on the last node it has left, making it a more memorable fight and excperience.
  2. The murmur grind: Reduce it by 80-90% if not completely remove it.
  3. The thralls: Either make them give more progress (and i mean about a 500% increase) towards knowing the requiems that the lich is vulnerable to, and if you ""mercy"" enough thralls then you will get the CORRECT requiem sequence saving you a TON of unnessecary grind.
  4. The requiems: Lower the amount of RNG by making it so that there is a GARANTEED requiem mod for each relic while also giving all the requiem mods an equal chance of dropping from all requiem relics.
  5. The requiems part 2: Make them akin to regular mods in the way that they have INFINITE uses, while duplicates can be traded or converted into endo or even riven slivers(if you have around 20-30 of each then you could convert those duplicates into enough riven slivers for 4 rivens or something)
  6. Hunting your lich: This one is eliminated by number 1.


Thanks for reading my wall of sh*t, please leave a comment with your thought on the matter.

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This is my kuva weapon grind so far, and my wonderful RNG blessings, and how I'm feeling about the system currently.

I agree with most of the problems listed here except for #5. The charge on the requiem mod is only consumed at the final defeat of your lich.  The suggestion for making the battle more memorable sounds a more interesting than the current system. Fix #2 would take care of the sequence grind and make #3 unnecessary. Most of the posts and discussions on this system are from months ago. The only improvement, as far as I can tell, is that we now see what the weapon is before we create the lich. Unfortunately, you are faced with several hours or more of grinding just to try again when you get a S#&$ roll.

Also, let's not forget about the fact that for mastery rank alone, there are 16 weapons to collect, 80 formas to invest, and each weapon will need to be leveled 6 times. Only 3360 levels! Then if you want one of these to be useful, you can grind liches until you finally get a good roll. The only fortunate part, is that you can then replace the bonus stat on your existing weapon.

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Currently the lich system is fine-ish.

Takes 1-1.5 planets to do a lich, 10-15 runs.

Larva is plenty visible.

Rng of weapon is controlled.

Requiems do not and have never been either single use or consumed on failed attempt.

I could go on but obviously being new, you've not yet learned how to be efficient. Eventually everyone gets there.

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