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The New "seekers" Make Me Want To Quit This Game.


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Its all good dude. I'm only in here becuase the first several posts were about how bad it was and the only viable way to fix it was removal of the mechanic entirely. This or any further topics on seekers should focus on how to make them "better" and less annoying.

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Lost in the sea of reply posts, but someone mentioned having the electrolls being remade into a face-hugger (it was FreakyChakra). That just sounds so much more fun that having a rolled up ball of aluminum zapping you. It would also allow reasonable implementation of using your melee attack at the proper timing (or just spam it) to remove it yourself if your team is just exuding incompetence that day.

Disables and such are great to force players into being cautious to some degree, but some method of escape has to be implemented that isn't solely reliant on teammates.

Edited by Cakes
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Its all good dude. I'm only in here becuase the first several posts were about how bad it was and the only viable way to fix it was removal of the mechanic entirely. This or any further topics on seekers should focus on how to make them "better" and less annoying.

Yea, and I think what I mean is just that people want it removed because they don't realize the potential for this sort of an enemy, so they say 'screw this, get rid of it' which I have also been guilty of. I do agree that it adds a unique dynamic that the Grineer missions certainly lack, and that's definitely what the devs were aiming for. I think I will start a new thread that has all of the rage filtered out and removed as much as possible. This is just a S#&$-storm of &!$$ed off people and people &!$$ed off at &!$$ed off people etc.

Edited by FreakyChakra
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I think they changed them, at least when you are on solo. Now when they attach on you, their timer goes 3, 2 ,1 and then they blow off, for a portion of damage. I don't know if they are like this in multiplayer too, tho. Much more fair, and on-pair with greneers little shield parasites. In a way that if you are low level you're going to get your &#! beat for getting caught by one, but only if you have no time to roll out of it or if you don't realize you have one on you in time.

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I think they changed them, at least when you are on solo. Now when they attach on you, their timer goes 3, 2 ,1 and then they blow off, for a portion of damage. I don't know if they are like this in multiplayer too, tho. Much more fair, and on-pair with greneers little shield parasites. In a way that if you are low level you're going to get your &#! beat for getting caught by one, but only if you have no time to roll out of it or if you don't realize you have one on you in time.

Okay first off, there has always been two kinds of balls that Seekers throw. The Latcher, which appears in solo and multiplayer, latches on to players and explode after some time. And the Nervos, the taser ball that everyone is hating over, which only appears in multiplayer. No one's complaining over the Latchers, those are cool. It's the Nervos that's the problem.

Secondly, the "little shield parasites" are the leeches, from the Corpus Leech Ospreys, and not the Grineer's.

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Okay first off, there has always been two kinds of balls that Seekers throw. The Latcher, which appears in solo and multiplayer, latches on to players and explode after some time. And the Nervos, the taser ball that everyone is hating over, which only appears in multiplayer. No one's complaining over the Latchers, those are cool. It's the Nervos that's the problem.

Secondly, the "little shield parasites" are the leeches, from the Corpus Leech Ospreys, and not the Grineer's.

I've been around long enough to know which enemies are in which faction, and it doesn't take a philologist to understand it was a mistake in writing, rather than knowing.

Edited by Noctua
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Ok so these new little Grineer balls that latch onto you and stun you...terrible idea.

First it was the chain stunning.

Then it was the fact that they made single player impossible.

Now, even in multiplayer, I am stunned every 5 seconds with some crap electric animation as my teamates do nothing for 5 minutes trying to find the little ball that is attatched to me somewhere.

These things are the worst thing to ever happen to this game and are INCREDIBLY fustrating.

I don't think I can even play Grineer levels until they are nerfed or removed.

Ok 1st off there are so many ways around these things. Run up a wall and hang there and take them out get on top of a box or pipe and shoot them. You crying over nothing. Yes they suck, yes I have died because of them but they are not that hard to get around........ Learn to use your enviroment to your advantage. It's as simple as that.

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Since this post is very long and I just wanted to comment on this myself. I'm not going to read any replies to it from other players because I just feel put down by more experienced players.

I don't like the stun ball grenades. I never see them until they are stuck to me and I have to rely on teammates to help. Only sometimes they are too far ahead, or behind me to help. some just cant reach me because of lockdown. Sometimes they don't bother.

I would love to team up with friends, but the ones who first tried this game already left after they encountered this little bugger. so I have to join random battles to get thru the game. Tho sometimes that's fun in itself to see varying play styles.

And before someone says be pro or get better? That doesn't help. I'm not pro and probably never will be. I just want to play the game in a way that im not a hindrance to the other players. I can't solo, because mob swarms are insane sometimes. I walk into rooms with 20 grinder sometimes that just overpower me.

Jumping on a box? That just invites every mob to go ooo target practice.

I just want these stun balls to have either a shorter time locking me in place, a way to remove them that doesn't require team help, or just removed.

Much better than being unable to do anything except watch my character die a pitiful death.

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I think they changed them, at least when you are on solo. Now when they attach on you, their timer goes 3, 2 ,1 and then they blow off, for a portion of damage. I don't know if they are like this in multiplayer too, tho. Much more fair, and on-pair with greneers little shield parasites. In a way that if you are low level you're going to get your &#! beat for getting caught by one, but only if you have no time to roll out of it or if you don't realize you have one on you in time.

The ones that stun you don't exist in single player.

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Ok 1st off there are so many ways around these things. Run up a wall and hang there and take them out get on top of a box or pipe and shoot them. You crying over nothing. Yes they suck, yes I have died because of them but they are not that hard to get around........ Learn to use your enviroment to your advantage. It's as simple as that.

And are any of those fun? Why the hell are you defending something that obviously SUBTRACTS from the enjoyment of the game?

People like you are the reason why companies are able to get away with bad practises. Both in and outside the video gaming industry.

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And are any of those fun? Why the hell are you defending something that obviously SUBTRACTS from the enjoyment of the game?

People like you are the reason why companies are able to get away with bad practises. Both in and outside the video gaming industry.

What isnt fun about applying a tactic to beat a certain enemy?

If the game was nothing but move forward and shoot THAT would be boring.

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So I played an actual game for the first time in about 3 weeks.

As most people said this doesn't make the game fun. This is the kind of thing that just overall frustrates me.

Yes I understand it's a beta and it's testing this kind of thing out on us but you have to wonder who's bright idea was it to make this "thing" instead of just making more 2 man doors more frequent.

Sure it stops rushers you see in multiplayer but it also destroys people who are left behind, like the guys who check lockers while farming.

"It doesn't deploy during singleplayer." I want to test if they deploy when you're by yourself waiting for randoms to join your game.

So I told my other friends about seekers. Seems like we're going to wait it out before playing again.

I rather fail to my own stupidity then fail because I got stuck on the other side of a door when a lockdown happen and one of these seekers latch on me while I got slammed.

I love fast pace combat but this is a speedbump from HELL!

Anyway look forward to future updates and possible extreme nerfing of these terrible ideas bothersome seekers.


Oh and to the post above mine. We're freaking space ninjas! We look less epic standing on boxes being like, "Oh no! A mouse! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"

Edited by BBYiffo
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I don't mind the stun effects on the rollers or the sticky seekers. What I abhor is there not being a time limit on the shock seekers, and their extremely small hitbox preventing allies from simply hitting me with a few melee attacks to destroy it.

-Limit the shock from seekers to at most a 5-second countdown.

-Limit the use of shock seekers to a few enemies per level, so players don't encounter 2+ seeker launchers giving an entire team 'the shocker' and &!$$ing people off to no end.

-Allow players to button mash to 'struggle' their way free, like hitting jump/melee/run to try and flip or roll it off.

-Add a new mod type which gives a chance to resist seeker attachment. Add enough of that mod to hit 100% and they never stick.

-Make it more obvious who launches seekers via color, FX, sound, so teams can target those bastards and take them down ASAP.

The current implementation of the rollers isn't horrible, just annoying. I've gotten used to side stepping, jumping, and rolling away, then shooting them. It would be nice if my jumping AOE melee attack disabled or destroyed them. If that feature can knock toxics on their asses, it should destroy rollers.

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-Limit the shock from seekers to at most a 5-second countdown.

-Limit the use of shock seekers to a few enemies per level, so players don't encounter 2+ seeker launchers giving an entire team 'the shocker' and &!$$ing people off to no end.

-Allow players to button mash to 'struggle' their way free, like hitting jump/melee/run to try and flip or roll it off.

-Add a new mod type which gives a chance to resist seeker attachment. Add enough of that mod to hit 100% and they never stick.

-Make it more obvious who launches seekers via color, FX, sound, so teams can target those bastards and take them down ASAP.

You forget one more brilliant suggestion:Make those tesla latchers and latchers 1 HP overall,so a single jump attack can finish em off.Better.

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What isnt fun about applying a tactic to beat a certain enemy?

If the game was nothing but move forward and shoot THAT would be boring.

The problem is that most of the time you won't even see them coming and sometimes even if you do it's impossible to avoid them(e.g. you're in a small storage room or you get teleported by a commander). There is only 1 effective way to counter seekers: staying together. Needless to say, this is almost impossible with PUGs.

You forget one more brilliant suggestion:Make those tesla latchers and latchers 1 HP overall,so a single jump attack can finish em off.Better.


Edited by Sceles
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Just encountered these today, and I have to say, it's not the concept that's bad, it's simply that there's too many of the things in a given level and it's almost impossible to see them coming so you can shoot them before they get to you.

Making them move slower and/or reducing the number that spawn would be a good change.

Edited by Codeacious
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Ok so these new little Grineer balls that latch onto you and stun you...terrible idea.

First it was the chain stunning.

Then it was the fact that they made single player impossible.

Now, even in multiplayer, I am stunned every 5 seconds with some crap electric animation as my teamates do nothing for 5 minutes trying to find the little ball that is attatched to me somewhere.

These things are the worst thing to ever happen to this game and are INCREDIBLY fustrating.

I don't think I can even play Grineer levels until they are nerfed or removed.

Imho you are exagerating this. They are put in the game to slow down the pace. To make you have to work as a team and not have those two people on your team that just run off in the distance and get stunned and then gunned down by 15 grineer that were there cause they were in a hurry or thought themselves to be unkillable. Imho I like this and it adds a little moment of stress to save a friend in a tight spot or getting my own &#! saved. You get to exhale a sigh of relief when you were near death.

1) I think they should be in the game

2) they should be reworked so the balls are a bit easier to spot on a character.

3) Learn to play as a team

4) They dont exist in solo play and you are perfectly fine playing solo with only added challenge and a more strategic aproach (I have soloed Pluto missions).


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Not sure what so game breaking here or what the big fuss is about these new type of enemies.

I don't mind them, I actually welcome these new additions which encourages people to stay in the group and not play rambo/rush through the map.

However I do agree that they need to be a bit easier to spot the character so you or your team mates can quickly dispose of it.

Also... What's up with people recently?

"Please remove shield griners, please remove yellow moas, please remove grinders, please remove the laser doors!" and so on...

Heck from the sound of it I think DE should just make a special map for you guys. Shaped like a "I" with a few enemies (that can of "one shotted" and has no form of CC) so you can sprint through the map in matter of a minute or at worst two.

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Also... What's up with people recently?

"Please remove shield griners, please remove yellow moas, please remove grinders, please remove the laser doors!" and so on...

Heck from the sound of it I think DE should just make a special map for you guys. Shaped like a "I" with a few enemies (that can of "one shotted" and has no form of CC) so you can sprint through the map in matter of a minute or at worst two.

+1 here indeed.

People want things to be so easy that they eventually will start being angry that the game is over so fast and that there is no challenge.

The same mentality about the farming aspect when it comes to frame BP´s, but that´s another topic alltogether.

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"Please remove shield griners, please remove yellow moas, please remove grinders, please remove the laser doors!" and so on...

Heck from the sound of it I think DE should just make a special map for you guys. Shaped like a "I" with a few enemies (that can of "one shotted" and has no form of CC) so you can sprint through the map in matter of a minute or at worst two.

I don't think people all want it to just be "easier." As the devs said yesterday during the q&a session, there's a difference between difficult and frustrating. My example of the difference between the two would be thus:

-Difficult: a latcher ball that would stick to you, take away half your shield while disabling you, and deactivate for 2-3 seconds -- more then enough time for you or a teammate to get rid of it. If you miss that 2-3 second timing window, you're punished by having all your shield taken away and leaving you vulnerable.

-Frustrating: a latcher ball that would stick to you, take away 1/10 of your shield while disabling you, and keeps taking away 1/10 of your shield every set amount of time, leaving your character with no control.

The difference is that one takes away control of your character and one doesn't. Don't take away control of our characters, and especially not for a prolong period of time. That's lazy mechanics and frustrating. WoW figured out the unfunness of a character losing total control YEARS ago, and implimented measures against that/to ameliorate that; Warframe doesn't need to resort to that as well.

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It's true, Gestalt!

I intentionally brought this up in our livestream yesterday, I asked the team:

"Let's talk Grineer Seekers! This enemy type has split the player base, but I think the bigger issue is between creating challenges without frustration. How do you do that when designing enemies?"

Our answer starts at: 34:28

Thanks for the continued feedback!

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It's true, Gestalt!

I intentionally brought this up in our livestream yesterday, I asked the team:

"Let's talk Grineer Seekers! This enemy type has split the player base, but I think the bigger issue is between creating challenges without frustration. How do you do that when designing enemies?"

Our answer starts at: 34:28

Thanks for the continued feedback!

Indeed but I will quote Scott on this. Mr Grineer himself, if you cause the community to split in agreement then the whole idea is a success and I am 100% behind Scott on this. Besides these enemies are NOT frustrating or irritating at all. Not if you ask me and if you compare them to other enemies in other games. That´s my opinion anyway. To each their own. +1 to Scott.

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