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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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Copter and directional melee is fun.

And who said they are "killing the game" ?

If you want to work on Parkour, ask DE give back the wall leap speed (previously when you leap off a wall, you flew extremely fast and if skilled you can bounce around like spider man) back first as a start.


"killing the traditional parkour" You know, running up the wall instead of shooting up with your melee. Or kicking off something rather than air.

And what would removing directional melee and copter do? NOTHING. Because doing that won't make people do what you want them to. the only thing that would is if your idea made them pointless. that is the only way to beat those two features, improve the one you want the one to shine so ignore D. Melee and coptering. Soon parkour shall outshine them all.


you cannot deny that it shall happen if it's fixed. if it don't get fixed, then people shall simply run if the other mobility options get removed.


And these two things in no way impact the work being done on parkour. These are not the answer to parkour. And merfing it won't have any effect on the work on the parkour.


Highly doubt nerfing them would light a fire under their @$$.

Suddenly nerfing copter and D. melee would be a mess for all of us. I meant that they should balance it all at once with one big update. Make parkour easier to use, more powerful, more advanced while possibly bringing down d.melee and copter in order to make place for traditional parkour.

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If sprint speeds weren't so slow, we wouldn't consider coptor anything but a funny move.  DE could have solved the whole coptor controvery by just upping the sprint speeds and getting rid of coptor.  Then no one would compare coptor to parkour.

That's what I've been saying all along!

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It's amusing to note that Goat Simulator has smoother parkour than Warframe. Momentum transfers smoothly when beginning a wall run and jumping off. You can wall run at any angle, and the game doesn't really distinguish between horizontal and vertical wall runs. Climbing up a ledge doesn't have a massive, disruptive animation. Goats are more agile than space ninjas, apparently.

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It's amusing to note that Goat Simulator has smoother parkour than Warframe. Momentum transfers smoothly when beginning a wall run and jumping off. You can wall run at any angle, and the game doesn't really distinguish between horizontal and vertical wall runs. Climbing up a ledge doesn't have a massive, disruptive animation. Goats are more agile than space ninjas, apparently.


Great, now every time I see a Nyx Prime profile I see a goat.

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Now that every power is bound to become l.o.s and the fact that now grineer have aimbot, we can close this thread because parkour is dead !! This game is now a cover shooter !!  HAHAHA

I know about the buff to enemy accuracy, especially on hitscan enemies, but can you confirm that they have aimbot?

Frankly I'm not surprised. This game has the dark heart of an MMO. It keeps you firmly on the bloody treadmill, every once in a while something nice comes up, but the core game is just bad.

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I know about the buff to enemy accuracy, especially on hitscan enemies, but can you confirm that they have aimbot?

Frankly I'm not surprised. This game has the dark heart of an MMO. It keeps you firmly on the bloody treadmill, every once in a while something nice comes up, but the core game is just bad.


Its the blody hitscan, since bullets dont have any travel time it creates instant hits.


I would prefer that almost every weapon in this game would have projectile mechanic instead of hitscan, since projectiles (bullets missiles, etc) have travel time, we could dodge bullets bit more easier. (bit, not much unless every weapon would have their own muzzle velocity, wich would be great.)

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After seeing this post for the first time, I tried to incorporate the existing parkour system into gameplay and I found that it's really more a pain than it is helpful. Walrunning is slow and coptering can take you farther, faster. The ability to shoot while sliding down walls is made nearly useless as you have to first climb the wall under fire before you're allowed to slide down. Wall Running and shooting at an enemy doesn't seem to make it any harder for them to hit you, either. I do hope that they change the parkour system to the point where it's a little more applicable in gameplay. Even DERebecca was having issues with the parkour in the most devestream (#41).

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DE has a tendency to make the game slow and clunky, and nerf what fluid and fast mechanics there are.  With downgrade 15, they broke a lot of weapons as far as momentum, speed, and timings, the result is that they all coptor like S#&$ now no matter how fast your Warframe or weapon is, even if you're modded for max speed.  You can have two weapons with the same exact attack speed listed in the arsenal or codex.  Yet, one seems to move faster than the other.  It makes no sense and it's boring.


The new corpus extraction map is a movement nightmare.  There are tons of tiny little ledges, protrusions, cracks, and crevasses to get stuck on.  Which all trigger a long boring uninteruptable sheathing animation that gets you killed.  The maps look beautiful, but the movement mechanics, the animations can't handle it.  The last infested map is a movement nightmare too.


DE doesn't think on our scale.  It was evident a few devstreams ago when Geoff showed a gray test map with a trench in the middle and there were distance markers on the walls and floors.  He was showing off some movements with Banshee and 10 was the farthest she jumped then just dropped like the gravity suddenly shot up or the boat anchor caught.  It was boring to watch.

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DE has a tendency to make the game slow and clunky, and nerf what fluid and fast mechanics there are.  With downgrade 15, they broke a lot of weapons as far as momentum, speed, and timings, the result is that they all coptor like S#&$ now no matter how fast your Warframe or weapon is, even if you're modded for max speed.  You can have two weapons with the same exact attack speed listed in the arsenal or codex.  Yet, one seems to move faster than the other.  It makes no sense and it's boring.


Coptoring in general needs to be removed and replaced with what the game stated it was supposed to be: Slide Attack


It needs to stay an attack that allows you to cut down enemies without breaking your momentum, not a tool with infinite uses that you can use to boost your speed up indefinitely.

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I didn't mind Coptering back in the day, and I didn't even use it! but when Update 13 came it should have been the time to lay the beast to rest. I am sure it was unintended for it to happen in the first place. But with Update 13 it became a feature.

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It's amusing to note that Goat Simulator has smoother parkour than Warframe. Momentum transfers smoothly when beginning a wall run and jumping off. You can wall run at any angle, and the game doesn't really distinguish between horizontal and vertical wall runs. Climbing up a ledge doesn't have a massive, disruptive animation. Goats are more agile than space ninjas, apparently.


I find it amusing you put Goat Simulator on par with Warframe.


If a game called Goat Simulator did not HAVE special Parkour moves, it would have been downgraded in name to Pig Simulator. If you can't climb things in a game named like that, whats left? "chewing grass?"

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I find it amusing you put Goat Simulator on par with Warframe.


If a game called Goat Simulator did not HAVE special Parkour moves, it would have been downgraded in name to Pig Simulator. If you can't climb things in a game named like that, whats left? "chewing grass?"

so based on what you're saying it's normal for a game called "space ninja" game to have poor parkour? Goat simulator needs it way more?

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I'd love to see some monkey-bar stuff in warframe. Climbing underneath the ceiling on something across a wide room avoiding detection etc.

One handed firing (can't move).


While controversial, aerial melee and coptering are quite large issues to making rooms parkour-focused. The distances has to be huuuuuge in some cases just because you could copter across or jump up with the spin from aerial melee.

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