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A Few Things I Think Everyone Is Generally A Little Irritated With.


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One, the new health, energy, shield, and ammo drop pad system. Seriously, I literally have not seen a single player use these since they came out other than out of curiosity on how the worked when they first did. I think this system could work "ok" for health, energy, and shield, but these are TERRIBLE for when you need ammo. When I need ammo I want a full clip instantly, not have to stand on a pad for 30 seconds waiting for my ammo to refill (or health, energy, shields for that matter.)


Next thing for me would be the mutagen samples on Orokin Derelicts only. Really now.... That's just making them purposefully harder to get and making us, the players, have to spend resources on making the keys. Albeit, not many resources, but all the same, I wouldn't have to spend ANY resources if I could still get them on Jupiter or Eris. Fieldron and Detonite are dropping like candy right now, whereas my coffers are left dry of Mutagen samples, making the new Infested research weaponry more difficult to get. And on that note....


THIS RIGHT HERE, ARE YOU LISTENING DE? Not being able to downsize clans to a smaller tier IS RIDICULOUS. I run a clan of 28 people, yet we are a "Storm" tier clan. I USED to have 70+ active players in my clan, but somewhere in between Update 8 and Update 9 the gamed practically DIED. I lost more than half my active members but couldn't tell which ones to get rid of, as the "last online" utility wasn't yet available. So when the "tiers" hit I still had 70+ some odd members and was forced into a Storm clan with more than half of my members offline. So when the "last online" utility came, I got rid of said inactive members, down to 28. Lo and behold, it doesn't make a lick of difference and the few, loyal, active players I have in my clan are left paying the difference.


EDIT: Thought of something else already.

RESOURCE TABLE, ARE YOU KIDDING ME. We've got uncommons dropping like commons, commons dropping like rares, and everything and anything in between! This is insane and makes crafting/dojo building difficult to say the least! Commons being common, uncommons being uncommon, and rares being rare would be nice! I don't need 57k+ Alloy Plate and 300+ Control Modules! I would like a little more than 400 or so Plastid however considering NEARLY EVERY DECORATION IN THE DOJO COST 1k+ of it!

(I realize this largely based off the player and what planets/missions they most often play, BUT there is definitely a trend [need I even mention Nano Spores] and I'm not complaining about the things I have too much of, what does that hurt, I'm busting my chops over what is seriously out of wack, and things I hear people having troubles with the most, i.e. plastids, mutagen samples, etc. Things that should not be as so rare or hard to get as they are.)


EDIT: Laser doors.

WHY. WHYYYYYYYY, why do I have to deal with these stupid things?!? It was bearable when you had that ability to time a slide just right to get through them, BUT NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT. Any you know what? Let's go ahead and throw knockdowns/recovery time into this category. I'm a bloody space ninja, in a bloody powersuit, I think I should be able to ninja flip up pretty quickly, not take 5 seconds to slowly meander up off the floor while I'm being shot at. POINT BEING, stop trying to slow down a fast-paced game with stupid mechanics such as these.


These are just a few of the things that are a little more than irksome to me and I'm sure I'll add more to this later.

If anyone else has anything they wanna add to this "general irritating features" list you're more than welcome to.


Edited by Instinction
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The new pod things doesn't irritate me really, I kinda like them. I see little use for the shield one, but I built myself some of the rest to give them a try. They could be great to hold a position for people without mutator. I don't know, gotta give it further tries. 


As for the mutagen sample, the Orokin Derelicts is the closest the Infested will have to a home turf, so it makes sense that their faction resources drops there and only there. The other planet (Eris and Jupiter I think) were just overrun with Infested, and since it's 'recent', it can't quite be called home turf. I see it more as territory occupation, and since the invasion is 'recent' enough, you still find the other faction's resources. Definitely think the mutagen sample drops need to be abundant to compensate for their limited availability. 


No comment on downsizing clans.

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The community doesn't have a reliable way to datamine the drop tables anymore, so we can't know for certain about the drops. 


Some people thinks DE is using the encryption to hide stuff about the drop rates. I don't believe that, but the idea is out there. 

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One thing I know is that they didnt mean to make the derelicts a grind. They did it so that you would have a reason to go back. Is it kinda messed up? Yeah but they put quite the effort into it and didnt want you to just run Lephantis and be over it  (which me and you know that once you got Nekros you had NO reason to return to the Derelicts)


The Orokin Void should have different drops that are actually useful LIKE OROKIN CELLS. you know, the void is a rare place, make it drop rare and orokin related material.


also that is kinda of the problem with clans, you invite people but soon the drop of curve gets steeper and you are stuck making up for those inactive people. And there is no current system to make your clan smaller. (then you'd be a shadow clan I think).


I rarely used/am going to use those silly health/ammo packs so I cant comment on those.

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The new pod things doesn't irritate me really, I kinda like them. I see little use for the shield one, but I built myself some of the rest to give them a try. They could be great to hold a position for people without mutator. I don't know, gotta give it further tries. 


As for the mutagen sample, the Orokin Derelicts is the closest the Infested will have to a home turf, so it makes sense that their faction resources drops there and only there. The other planet (Eris and Jupiter I think) were just overrun with Infested, and since it's 'recent', it can't quite be called home turf. I see it more as territory occupation, and since the invasion is 'recent' enough, you still find the other faction's resources. Definitely think the mutagen sample drops need to be abundant to compensate for their limited availability. 


No comment on downsizing clans.

On the subject of the pods, the problem I have is they're static and have a "reload" time, making it difficult for them to be viable in a game that is very fast-paced.

The mutagen samples I have a problem with because they were TAKEN AWAY from the players. I completely agree that this could be easily remedied by the drop rate and size being increased, but it hasn't. They have simply been made scarcer RIGHT as new Infested weaponry was released no less.

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Er...if you have lots of alloy plate and control modules but need plastids, maybe you should do fewer void runs and more runs where plastids drop?

This isn't the point. The drop tables are off, or so it seems anyways. I farm for plastids all the time, but because the drop rate is so low, and the cost for things that use plastids so high, I simply never have enough.

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THIS RIGHT HERE, ARE YOU LISTENING DE? Not being able to downsize clans to a smaller tier IS RIDICULOUS. I run a clan of 28 people, yet we are a "Storm" tier clan. I USED to have 70+ active players in my clan, but somewhere in between Update 8 and Update 9 the gamed practically DIED. I lost more than half my active members but couldn't tell which ones to get rid of, as the "last online" utility wasn't yet available. So when the "tiers" hit I still had 70+ some odd members and was forced into a Storm clan with more than half of my members offline. So when the "last online" utility came, I got rid of said inactive members, down to 28. Lo and behold, it doesn't make a lick of difference and the few, loyal, active players I have in my clan are left paying the difference.

Because this is exploitable, plain and simple. Destroy some rooms - kick everyone - become shadow clan - build whole dojo to the roof at much cheaper cost - invite everyone back. Voila.

Edited by Khranitel
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One thing I know is that they didnt mean to make the derelicts a grind. They did it so that you would have a reason to go back. Is it kinda messed up? Yeah but they put quite the effort into it and didnt want you to just run Lephantis and be over it  (which me and you know that once you got Nekros you had NO reason to return to the Derelicts)


The Orokin Void should have different drops that are actually useful LIKE OROKIN CELLS. you know, the void is a rare place, make it drop rare and orokin related material.


also that is kinda of the problem with clans, you invite people but soon the drop of curve gets steeper and you are stuck making up for those inactive people. And there is no current system to make your clan smaller. (then you'd be a shadow clan I think).


I rarely used/am going to use those silly health/ammo packs so I cant comment on those.

I agree with the idea of making the Orokin Derelicts something to come back to, because yeah, you're right, once I got Nekros I never went back there. The vaults was a good idea for getting to get people to come back, but as you said making them a grind for mutagen samples is a huge negative. Also, I agree with the adding of things orokin, maybe bp's to "lost orokin tech" or something along those lines could be implemented too, but as it stands, it's no bueno.


As for the ammo packs/pods, that's my point exactly, nobody uses them!

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Because this is exploitable, plain and simple. Destroy some rooms - kick everyone - become shadow clan - build whole dojo to the roof - invite everyone back. Voila.

Ya but it's making it harder for the people who really do need the downsize. There has to be some sort of middle ground, like a one time downgrade so after you downgrade you can never do it again, something along those lines.

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Ya but it's making it harder for the people who really do need the downsize. There has to be some sort of middle ground, like a one time downgrade so after you downgrade you can never do it again, something along those lines.

or they could make it so that you can't either make it larger or smaller again for a week after downgrading it a step.

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or they could make it so that you can't either make it larger or smaller again for a week after downgrading it a step.

Yeah, something, anything really would be fine as long as I could downgrade. I'm not trying to abuse the system so any negative aspect like that really wouldn't affect me and mine.

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I dunno what you're talking about for resources

I'm talking about loads of players having HUGELY abundant amount of certain resources that should be uncommon or rare, for example alloy plate is a resource that lots of players in general have a LOT of and it is supposed to be an uncommon resource, OR never having enough of a resource, such as plastids, also an uncommon resource, due to it being nearly as scarce as a rare resource such as Control Modules and also things in general having a high cost of said resource.


Mainly, the cost of certain resources needs to be balanced with the drop rate of that resource on whatever planets it drops from.

Edited by Instinction
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for your laser door dilemma do a slide slash attack through the beams.  i've tested it across all my frames, and never have a problem getting through even witha galatine equipped. 


Your other points are fairly valid, but this is more of a rant.   Help them by giving constructive feedback on what would help to remedy problems.  Just a suggestion if you want to see it help out.

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One, the new health, energy, shield, and ammo drop pad system. Seriously, I literally have not seen a single player use these since they came out other than out of curiosity on how the worked when they first did. I think this system could work "ok" for health, energy, and shield, but these are TERRIBLE for when you need ammo. When I need ammo I want a full clip instantly, not have to stand on a pad for 30 seconds waiting for my ammo to refill (or health, energy, shields for that matter.)

I actually kind of like the new gear. You can't use it the same way you could use the old ammo boxes where you just use it when you run out of ammo, you use it if you can tell that you're going to run out of ammo.


I agree with the rest though.

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