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Who Needs Art For Their Dream Warframe?


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I was just about to ask if he could also do my light frame. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/126282-lumina-light-based-warframe/


....lol, either way I think a light frame would be awesome.


IgnusDei that's two requests for a light frame


Also I have a lot of frames that I have the concept and power package for them but no Art and since you do such wonderful works, I would love for you to tackle that arena for me, all I can pay you with though is respect and admiration.

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Hey IgnusDei,


Just wondering if you'd be willing to do up a concept for my alchemy based Warframe.

Concept is here - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/129211-warframe-concept-flamel-the-alchemy-warframe-truly-unique-playstyle-long-read/


Already had 1 bit of art from another user, now just reaching out to a couple of other artists for some more concepts for the thread.

Love the stuff so far!




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Hello IgnusDei. Great job here man. Really loved your works.

I have a concept of warframe and id really be happy if you help me out if the idea comes to your liking.

So here is the deal: 

Spectre-beastmaster warframe. VENATOR 


1st power. START THE HUNT >>> on first activation projects an image of spectral beast (ghost beastial image with similar blade) running forward with high speed, seeking nearby enemies for few seconds. Dealing small amount of damage to the enemies it pass trough, and creating a ghostly path under its feet - that path increases runing speed for Venator.


2nd power. The WALKER >>> through merging with beast becomes ethereal and immune to damage  for a few seconds. Passing through enemy reduces his attack strength in %. Shooting and melee combat is turned off while active but not the other powers. Passing trough an ally tenno in this form  grants both of you small boost to energy shields.(the boost on Venator can stack up to 3x)


3rd power. DEATHWISH >>>>  swings his blade on the right/or left (whatever) arm with spin and deals damage in 360 degrees, and cause them to lose their enrgy and shields over next few seconds.(disruption attack)


4th power.ASTRAL FUSION >>> summons spectral beast for a short time, which can deal massive damage and pass through enemies applying additional similar effect from the Venator’s 2nd power.


*All the powers except 3rd cant be used simultaneously since you have only ONE beast under your command.

The beast and the hunter are tied together with an unseen bond, creating a force that need to be reckoned with.

The astral beast itself is an infested lifeform of pure energy that first was found by ancient orokin, dwelling on the outskirts of the Void. During ancient war sometimes they were used as hounds, seeking important targets.Through centuries they have become a murderous weapon in the hands of their masters.


So the core of warframe idea is a mix of ghost + warlock + dark hunter with a sword-hand. The looks of it should be similar to Nemesis form the Dark sector but made more like MAG’s handcuffs aka blade attached to hand’s wrist in infested style. Maybe just make one of his arms look like Guyver's but with bigger blade.


White colors of armor preferable =) with dark orange energy.


P.S. Really appreciate to hear any thoughts about my ideas.


Edited by Messor36
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@IgnusDei, can I re-up my request for my frame concept?




It's more like a fighting monk that has glowing orbs on his right arm resembling prayer beads.


for more details, here is my older post:

Oh, sorry for the double post, but could you take a look also on my concept frame?




It's basically a Warrior Monk theme that channels Void Energy to materialize artifacts of the Orokin Age.


His head should be a flat face with minimal features, with only several energy spots around the eye area.


It should be reminiscent of a kitsune mask:



The back of the head and neck should look organic and flowing. He has no armor except those that are mentioned below.


Although he's a monk, he doesn't have to be bald, but his torso should look like a folded robe. His right hand and arm must have several energy illuminated miniature orbs embedded on it in an order reminiscent of a monk's rosary. His left arm must incorporate on it a warrior's braces with a circular design, as his left hand features sharp edged fingers.


His neck looks like it sports a jewel called Magatama (looks like a half of a yin-yang). His torso robe flows into what seems like a male kimono downwards and is held down by an ornamental belt. He has no shoulder armor and the robes just flow into his arm designs. This kimono covers his hips and the top part of his upper legs but is movable like a cloth. The upper legs should sport something like wooden bars neatly arranged on top his legs while the knees and shin are protected by greaves. The left foot should mirror what the leftt hand looks like but the right foot should resemble an Excalibur's foor only that it has intricate markings or designs.


I hope I visualized it enough for you. Thanks!!!


EDIT: I just saw you Oni Concept (AWESOME), and thought that you might confuse it with my frame. My frame actually is a loyal practitioner of Orokin tradition and would be the antithesis of Oni, marked by the presence of the rosary.



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  • 2 weeks later...

+10000 your drawings are kickass, brining ppls ideas to life, i envy your skill. i was gonna attempt a sketch, but i think you would put my work to shame haha

If you could help me out with this warframe concept: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/139664-velo-a-warframe-speed-demon/

Velo a super speed based warframe, I was thinking something sleek and aerodynamic, sportscar -ish meets tenno.


And probably one angular glowing visor type eye, pseudo V shape, much like Cyclops from the xmen.


Many thanks if this peaks your interest

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Triton....a water base support type like trinity can heal and support other team members how ever as far as looks go think merman and grineer navy seal armed typically with a heavy quad spear gun(sort of hek-ish looking gun)


Corona .... loki's time manipulateing loli little sister(sorta the gothic loli look)


Duo ...master of disguise and misdirection( sort of  a faceless magician sort of look)

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Think you could draw this up?

-Argolis: A warframe discovered in the oceanic depths during Grineer mining operations. The Argolis's appearance would be in similar style to the Grineer (Round and dirty metal with exposed mechanics) much like how the Valkyr is somewhat corpus themed and the Saryn is infested themed. It would be a male frame with good shields and moderate armor and health. it would be a mediocre frame much like the Excalibur. However the frame would have a low energy pool.

Droplet: #1 ability costing 25 energy. Argolis throws a sphere or water at a single target dealing initial damage and knocking back nearby foes. It the target isn't killed it clings to him doing a slow damage over time.
Flash flood: #2 ability costing 50 energy. Throws a cone of water along the ground knocking down and back the effected targets.
Geyser: #3 ability costing 75 energy. Argolis summons up a column of water blasting any one in the affected area up, this included Tenno an their enemies. It also does high impact damage and  is effected by ability duration mods.
Typhoon: #4 ability costing 100 energy. Argolis calls up a huge area of water over himself in a sphere (can be enlarged by power range mods) enemies in the affected area or that enter it are picked up and floated around in the sphere taking slow DOT. Typhoon will be able to be placed like snow globe staying there while the creator moves on. The sphere will be able to be fired through however may slow down both enemies and Tenno's projectiles. once placed (IF swimming is added) Players will be able to swim about in the Typhoon water sphere, allowing for utility and combat capability.

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  • 2 months later...

Very nice artwork, my friend. I'm sure you have many requests to get to, as you are very talented from what I can tell, but I just would like to phone in my own request for my warframe concept Garou. He's a wolf and viral based warframe. The thread itself can be found here:




But if I would be so lucky to see him come to life, that would be stellar, my good sir. Appearance wise, I'll let you have fun with that, but a few distinguishing features I would like is if his left or right shoulder and bicep was deskinned? so it looks like his muscle fibers are showing, with claw marks on the bicep, fur lining or a Tenno equivalent to fur on his neck and appropriate areas, a wolf-shaped mask, and possibly a trench coat in place of a tail or something along those lines. I'm sure you can whip up something great though, and I would like to thank you in advance for this great service you provide here on the forums. Have a wonderful day, sir.

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I actually have a request for you to do art for my Warframe concept. Because at this point, my art would make stick men look good, lol. I'd be happy with anything at this point, to be honest.


If you could do something, that would be freaking amazing. If my say is of any importance, keep him somewhat slender, bits of plate strapped to his arms and keep everything below his thigh in plate as well. Go nuts with everything else! Thanks for gracing the forums with your art!


Fight on, Tenno!

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Hello IgnusDei,

I bet by now, you are probably getting many requests to do various Warframe concepts and I am here to add another request to the jar.

I usually go by either Jonathan or my alias Auroreon and I am very interested in working with you on a commission. From your deviantart, Warframe art and forum presence I am confident that we can produce something to be proud of and, at the very least, fun. I am open to compensate you for your time and efforts if that is something you are looking for too. To me, this should be more of a working partnership in which we reiterate on a design rather than just throwing out something at you.

My Warframe concept is bit different from the usual, especially when it comes to the thematic reservoir and the depth of content. My design methodology for this concept revolves an internal element instead of an external one, like the wind/water/earth/shadows. From an aesthetic Point of view, this four armed Warframe channels the elements of a philosopher-king who is unyielding, wise and commands a dominating presence. I am strongly concerned with balance and the meta-game such that the abilities I have drafted should be of interest.  There are other details, but those can be disclosed later.

Please let me know if this interests you. At the very least I would enjoy a chance to chat with you. I would \ have attached a link to PDF of a concept I created for an artist for another game (DotA 2) so you may see the quality I aim to produce but the messaging system says you are unable to use it - so I posted here.I have sent a note to your deviatart account.


Skype: whatthejities
IGN: Auroreon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/0forzero

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I was hoping you could look into creating some art for my idea here:


The design, as can be seen from the stats listed in my thread, should be somewhat tanky/armor-ish, stout-looking frame with runic time-control designs on it, somewhat looking like Frost but not that "knight" kind of concept but more like a "old english baron" or "ancient battle mage" kind of design direction.

Edited by newnar
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So who here is serious about their imagined Warframe design? because brother, I can help you visualize.


Here's some art by yours truly:




This actually fits very well into my idea for a Shadow/Darkness warframe. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/166351-shadowdark-warframe-stealthcc-frame/


So who here is serious about their imagined Warframe design? because brother, I can help you visualize.


So, any requests?

Ohhh, yes. Lol while I am sure that you've been swamped with requests, here is another one.

A Berserker warframe.

A real Berserker warframe, not that pansy thing that DE played off as a berserker.


So here's my idea: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/181425-the-berserker-as-it-should-be/

I feel like he should be massive, bigger than Rhino, and have a sort of fleshy or muscular appearance, less armor, more meat kinda thing (if you can do something like make a powersuit look "meaty" that is lol).

I guess I think of his armor as sinewy and fibrous. Kinda like as if your skin were peeled back and you were looking at exposed muscle tissue.

If you want to do this one and want some help thinking up ideas just message me here in the forums, and I'll be a little more detailed with my thoughts on his look.

Cheers in advance mate, and keep up the good work!

Edited by Instinction
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Hello! I would like to propose an idea in which a specific frame would be aloud to alter his/her own body using an extremely stretchable element (Nitinol) that would allow the frame to morph it's own body parts deepending on the temperature of the map, resulting in the hands of the frame morphing into blades/axes  and then having them morph into cannons (that knock targets back) on specific tilesets, each tileset would have a different temperature that would allow the  Copycat frame to change specific body parts into different shapes.


1st ability: shapechange (Copy the form of another humanoid figurine (still retaining chosen colorset))


2nd ability: cannon/blade hand morph (depends on temp)


3rd abilility: Spikes (uses the surrounding materials to make spikes arise around the user in a circular radius (like ember's Fire Blast ability except it would would pin enemies to spikes dealing bleeding/internal damage)


4th ability: interal intrusion like ability (AoE, nearby enemies would have their internal organs morphed causing severe bleeding damage and nearly instant death (also creating stun do to shock/seziures of the enemy)).


please design such a frame for myself, as I am going to propose this idea to the community and will give you credit for art.

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