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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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No one asked for my opinion and I'm not sure if this will cause arguing or a nice discussion. To be honest, though everyone has had fun with the past events, sometimes, for me at least, they felt kind of boring. I loved the Corpus one and, though I never tried the survival one, it was when survival was introduced and since it is a really fun mode, I bet it was extremely fun to play first time. 

I'm gonna go through a small list of things I want for future events. :)


1: Solo Playability: 

This point I have been argued with over a while now. Everyone's main arguement is that the game is built for co-op play and we should be encouraged to play co-op. Then what is the point of having a solo play mode? The past few events would have taken forever on solo as you got more points for the event when playing online. My internet isn't very good and it's the same for a number of other players I know, also I get a lot of bugs and lag when joining people, sometimes it's not even my connection and it's the game being buggy. I'm not saying concentrate more on solo than co-op, I'm just saying give solo play at least some attention when designing these events.


2: Less of the same stuff

The game is made to farm and grind levels, that's for sure. What I don't want to see is the same levels/modes being done in the event. I liked the capture event because it actually changed the mode a bit, making it so there was more than one target and they could get away if you weren't quick enough. Formorian Ship was just Grineer galleon defense with a decreasable timer. If the mode was changed up a bit (E.g: mobile defense with a moving defense target) it would be a lot more fun.


3: More accessibility

I loved the corpus event that's for sure but one of my major issues with it was that you required two parts you could only get from alerts to do the event. It not only took too long but when I couldn't do it, I asked around for people who were hosting and the game wouldn't let me connect because either their party filled up too fast because of other people in my situation, or because of connection issues. The Formorian event did this right by making the parts gainable through normal missions. The items required should be like nav co-ordinates.


4: My last and final point

More rewarding feeling. The strun wraith for the survival event was a good reward, but for most of these events we were awarded mods that could be gained afterwards anyway by most of the players. If an event is going to award us, the reward should be limited to only the event.


These were my main points on the recent events. I spent a while thinking through all of these (especially the first one) and I just hope for good criticism if you think I'm wrong, I ask for this in every post I make, I want helpful criticism, not insults.


I would love to see this post get DE's attention. These issues with the events have been bothering me for a while now/

Edited by Dude7790
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Nothing wrong with what you've said. They're all valid points.


However, giving out Strun Wraith equivalents each time you have an event is going to backfire in the long run.

Well I'm not meaning giving out equivalents to the Strun Wraith, I'm just meaning rewards exclusive to the event itself. The strun wraith is only gainable through the event but the mods aren't though they should be done the same way. Mods being exclusive too.

Edited by Dude7790
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This is the only reason NOT to join Corpus and instead murderdeathkill all of them until they can't be killed anymore.


Why would you not want to have elevators? For some reason the grineer and corpus are too dumb to even use the elevators. You could lock a huge army in the lower level and they would never figure out how to use the elevator.

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I don't know of a time when not playing in an event was not rewarding in some way... There's supposed to be different rewards for each faction you choose to support... I guess we'll find out tomorrow!


DE, please! Please, do not make us wait until 6PM for the event to go live... I mean, waiting that long for the Vaults was dreadful.

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Why would you not want to have elevators? For some reason the grineer and corpus are too dumb to even use the elevators. You could lock a huge army in the lower level and they would never figure out how to use the elevator.

They slow me down. I would rather fight 500 Grineer Napalm [900]s than be slow.

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On what you said in your forth point. They let people get mods that you get from events after the event is over to let people have a chance to get the mod if they could be be in the event or could not get enough points.

I sympathize with those people of course, but I didn't finish the Formorian one and I didn't feel any accomplishment when I got the mods afterwards because I knew everyone was getting them. I didn't feel like I deserved them.

I lost all sense of accomplishment when I found the mods I got from the corpus event on a random nightmare mission. If people missed out on it, the rest of the players shouldn't lose their feeling of accomplishment and happiness over it.

I see your point though, and I do know what it feels like.

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My contribution is that if they are exclusive mods, they should be like the corrupted mods, where it is give and take.

yeah but the dragon keys will already do that, unless they make more give and take mods, I'd be up for that so long as they're exclusives.

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I like all the points you make. The rewards one I agreed with 100% and with the mods, have you seen the plat mods for $200 or what ever it is....its all obtained mods in nightmear....so they do need to rethink the rewards same with Defence rewards, they have been let Downs lately grinding for days for one mod. Sorry went a bit off topic at Tue end but great points DE should see this. Btw this is Nm1994 on twitter!

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Agree with the points, Especially with the Reward.


It's like, Where's the motivation to do an event if the reward will be obtainable anytime after it? Except for the small arm decor holos, That is.

yeah, I like the arm Decorations but I much prefer the foundership ones anyway :P Them with my clan one on the other side. I suppose it would feel more rewarding for the free to play players though :D

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4: My last and final point

More rewarding feeling. The strun wraith for the survival event was a good reward, but for most of these events we were awarded mods that could be gained afterwards anyway by most of the players. If an event is going to award us, the reward should be limited to only the event.


Disagree strongly. I have participated in every single event and I still feel very bad for ones that haven't been able to do them for whatever reason. We should not punish people for having life nor when they started, timed exclusives are OK, exclusives are not. Never has limiting experience from others been a good idea. Gaming industry is suffering from all of these exclusives and DLC business and we should try to sway away from the plague as well as we can, so when it comes to Warframe, say no to the exclusives and let everyone enjoy the game as it can be enjoyed.

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Disagree strongly. I have participated in every single event and I still feel very bad for ones that haven't been able to do them for whatever reason. We should not punish people for having life nor when they started, timed exclusives are OK, exclusives are not. Never has limiting experience from others been a good idea. Gaming industry is suffering from all of these exclusives and DLC business and we should try to sway away from the plague as well as we can, so when it comes to Warframe, say no to the exclusives and let everyone enjoy the game as it can be enjoyed.

There is a big difference between the DLC exclusives you're referring to and the ones I'm meaning. I'm meaning ones that are only available during the event it's from  or  maybe instead of making the rewards available at any point which is my original complaint, maybe they could be drops from later events instead of gainable any time. That way you can miss on the event but get it in a later one you won't miss out on. (Example: formorian event mods becoming rare drops from enemies in the next event) that way you have a second chance to do it while earning the reward from the next event and if you miss that reward then it can be dropped by enemies in the one after that giving you two chances to get a reward.

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I don't see how one weapon exclusive, Or anything else equates to a 'DLC'.


It's just life. Limited edition car? They only make so many. And thus it's called limited edition. It's not, Not fair. It's just how it is. Or any other thing besides a car, For that matter. It gives a special feeling for those who have it, And those who don't need to just deal with it. There's many things in life I don't have, Probably will never have. Solution: Come to terms. Deal with it. If everyone has something, It loses all it's value and feel, And is no longer exclusive. Thus, Why even make it a reward for the event. When you could get it any time later, And on your own timeline. So it just removes all motivation for events if the rewards are like that. Not the way to go, In my opinion.

Edited by SJunior
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