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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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The Corpus captured Tenno and are currently torturing/experimenting on them.


If you side with the Corpus, you side with Sadistic-Evil.


Grineer are too stupid to know how to manipulate sleeping Tenno, and would just kill them.


If you side with the Grineer, you side with Destructive-Evil.

Lies they haven't changed the original clearly you need to side Corpus to keep those Tenno safe.

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We have to support the Grineer and save our fellow Tenno. Who gives a S#&$ if they gain more power! It will only be a false sense of security they gain as we can carry on slaughtering them once we saved our buddies. Heck, the Corpus may even cry for our help when they realise the error of their foolish ways.


EDIT: Also note that Lotus says 'Ancient' cryo pods......Prime stuff maybe??

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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I've been called traitor by people far more powerful than you. You think idiot even comes close to raising my blood pressure?


You're the one choosing to let someone else dictate the way you play for an event. Just like a good little Sheep.


As it stands right now without further information i wont be playing at all because that's just how i feel concerning the rules of this event. Take a stand and mean it. Might be a lively bunch of people but if it actively screws YOU what good is it?


Start taking responsibility for your own decisions.

Ha, you're hilarious.  Did you really think, or were you really naive enough to think that I would care whether or not I pissed you off? Anyways, obviously I did, or you would not have bothered to respond at all.


Play it, don't play it. Whatever.



Hopefully this video will enlighten you. They discuss why Clans would want to get in on this, and the rewards for doing so. To save you the effort, just skip to 2:50.


Without knowing the full details of the event, you don't know for sure what's going to happen. It could be a 'do whatever the F*** you want' kind of event; Anyways, do me a favor and stop quoting me.

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what will I do?


I will do it


but the question now is


do you do it?


or does it do you?


EDIT::1337 post

Edited by Guest
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We have to support the Grineer and save our fellow Tenno. Who gives a S#&$ if they gain more power! It will only be a false sense of security they gain as we can carry on slaughtering them once we saved our buddies. Heck, the Corpus may even cry for our help when they realise the error of their foolish ways.


EDIT: Also note that Lotus says 'Ancient' cryo pods......Prime stuff maybe??

if either of the two faction stops fighting each other so much, they have civilization-grade resources and manpower to pour in hunting us down.


That would ruin your day.

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Fixed the message to make more sense:




Megan's Post








If you look at the times you can spot Megan post it at "6:12" While Hypevosa posted it at 7:19. All he did was fix a error in the wording. Either way he fixed AFTER she posted it if you look at the original forum thread

Edited by Gravefire
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Actually most people misread the post. Just look at the OP and it says what I said. If we fight for the Grineer, those Corpus are going to do whatever they want to the Tenno.

Now does this make sense? It could

Does it make this an interesting moral choice? No. So I think it's a typo, but I will not believe anything which has not been stated otherwise. Basically Grineer fanboys are mad that they're clearly in the wrong.

I'm not a Grineer fanboy, and the sentence was a typo, clearly as it didn't make sense.

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I think people are missing the point.


Fight with Grineer = Grineer Dominance throughout the Sol System and Dead Tenno pods

Fight with Corpus = Corpus Dominance throughout the Sol System and a possible trade for the pods.


Honestly, I would be sticking with the Corpus, as Lotus's letter does hint that she does not want you fighting for Alad V, but fighting for him would be more beneficial.

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We have to support the Grineer and save our fellow Tenno. Who gives a S#&$ if they gain more power! It will only be a false sense of security they gain as we can carry on slaughtering them once we saved our buddies. Heck, the Corpus may even cry for our help when they realise the error of their foolish ways.


EDIT: Also note that Lotus says 'Ancient' cryo pods......Prime stuff maybe??

What part of "If we fight for the Grineer, our fellow Tenno fall to the mercy of Alad V" don't you understand? Read the message.



I'm not a Grineer fanboy, and the sentence was a typo, clearly as it didn't make sense.

We don't know if it was a typo or not, no one official has stated that.

And it makes plenty of sense. Alad V knows where the Tenno are, it's inevitable he will capture them. If the Tenno crush the corpus, the Grineer will be too powerful. If Alad V sees the Tenno are against him, he will kill the corpus to make a statement/out of vengeance. He clearly would spare them in exchange for the Tenno fighting the Grineer with him, he needs all the help he can get. It all makes sense. Go corpus or go home.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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if either of the two faction stops fighting each other so much, they have civilization-grade resources and manpower to pour in hunting us down.


That would ruin your day.

This. I don't want our Dojos on the wrong end of a Grineer Galleon's cannons. Those things are HUGE.

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