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new umbra warframes?


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I think it would be cool to make more umbra warframes. Its because the story was so cool and what Umbra does is amazing too. The story brought a lot of information about the what warframes are and why they were made so I think the DE should release more umbra stories along with new warframes. what do you people think? do you think this is a cool idea? 

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I can only think of three warframes that can possible function like Umbra warframe, but not necessarily take the name Umbra. AI during operator mode is Nidus, because it's an infested Warframe, Protea, because of her ability to manipulate time and maybe Revenant, because of all the void and sentient stuff.

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I think they could introduce more Umbra warframes...but based on dialog of The Sacrifice, I think that Excalibur Umbra was a prototype, and one that could not be controlled well, so there are likely not many other Umbra Warframes. Moreover, in the case of Umbra, its source seemed to be either a unique individual or a unique strain. The game universe is not supposed to have a bunch of Tenno running around with copies of the frame.

I feel if they do introduce more. They should be something special that you encounter while you are fighting off Sentients. Maybe like a Railjack special random event or something.

They could make it that you even have to defeat it and convince it to join you. Maybe even make the game connected to the operator alignment system, so somekind of standing based mini-game.

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I think they should make umbra warframes of warframes that we know that exsist but we can't play them.  

I mean like Revenant before his accident with sentient energy was some warframe with diffrent abilities and that can be Revenant umbra. 

We have xaku, who is build with scraps of 3 diffrent unknow warframes. Those 3 warframes could be 3 umbras, and queast to each of them gona be how they get lost and forgoten.

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On 2020-09-23 at 9:26 AM, Lukarith said:

I think they could introduce more Umbra warframes...but based on dialog of The Sacrifice, I think that Excalibur Umbra was a prototype, and one that could not be controlled well, so there are likely not many other Umbra Warframes.

I feel if they do introduce more. They should be something special that you encounter while you are fighting off Sentients. Maybe like a Railjack special random event or something.

They could make it that you even have to defeat it and convince it to join you. Maybe even make the game connected to the operator alignment system, so somekind of standing based mini-game.

From the Sacrifice quest I got the intention that Excalibur Umbra being sentient and uncontrollable wasn't a defect, but a feature. Ballas made that Dax into a Warframe specifically so he could control him into murdering his son (and possibly the rest of his family too?) and then spend the rest of his nigh-immortal life with the memory of the act and the knowledge that he was helpless to stop Ballas' punishment for interfering with his plans. Whether or not he was useful as a Warframe after that point wasn't important, what was important was that he suffered.

So yeah, I don't know if we would expect other Umbras to be similar victims of Ballas' wrath or perhaps were otherwise made into Warframes with a "single burning memory" keeping them somewhat self-aware for other reasons. Maybe Trinity Umbra desperately wanted to save or protect someone and was willing to go under the Helminth and risk losing herself for the strength to do that, for example.

Encountering other Umbras during Railjack or otherwise in places or events tied to the Sentients or the Old War seems like a good/interesting idea, though. Not sure about making them alignment-locked, per se, but I can see them being easier or harder to placate by how many steps away from their alignment you are (e.g. how many times you need to deplete their HP and attempt Transference on them before you defeat/claim them).

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