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Lack of love for Our Lethal Larval Weaponry


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I've been away from the game for a while (due to technical issues) and finally got back into Warframe a few weeks ago after getting a new laptop. Now, I've been doing the usual catch-up to get my syndicates leveled and trying to get new, primed, versions of my favorite weapons. Recently I realized something, Infested weaponry gets little love. By this, I don't simply mean "no one uses it at all" I mean this in a different way. Tenno, Grineer, and Corpus weapons all have upgraded versions, being Primed, Wraith, Kuva, and Vandal, respectively. My point being the there doesn't exist a single upgraded version of Infested weaponry.. not even an Ancient/Evolution of weapons that seem to be Infested in their origin, such as the Hema, Phage, Hirudo, Pox, or the Caustacyst. I tried to keep this post short, as I don't usually hit up the forums, however I would be interested in hearing other folks opinions on such an idea, and maybe even give ideas on other weapons that could be upgraded or shown more love in some way. (please, no game breakers)


(Poster's note: I did not mention Mutalist weaponry due to them being recently corrupted versions of existing weaponry, IE:  Mutalist Cernos, Mutalist Quanta, or Paracyst. also, Plague Star is a different matter all together, due to Zaw system)

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Infested weapons are my favorite. Grineer weapon look like they will fall apart or give you tetanus if you hold it too hard, Corpus weapons are refined and futuristic, and Tenno weapons often look and act like how they would in the real world. Something about using and holding a literal living weapon feels awesome. But when they have bad stats compared to other weapons, it hurts my soul.

I simply assumed that when Nidus Prime comes out, they would be released with an oddball like Hema Prime, or Pox Prime

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